🧵To say let we just need to accept vulnerable deaths when we haven't bothered to invest in ventilation and filtration is just barbaric, we probably can't get to zero deaths but we can reduce deaths without inconvenience
2/ Though its not surprising, some of us have spent years campaigning to remove asbestos from schools, we know where it is, we just can't get policy makers to release the funding to remove it, instead we get "monitor it, we'll act once it breaks up"
3/ I have friends whove lost loved ones from aggressive cancers from asbestos in their schools
Mate Hank Roberts had to fight to reveal cover ups where ppl knew asbestos was breaking up but they just couldn't be bothered to admit to it and cough up the cash
4/ We know the DWP benefits sanctions have been applied unfairly eg sanctioned for missing an appointment due to a heart attack, left unable to buy food
Ppl have starved to death while those now pretending to champion the vulnerable looked the other way
5/ RW papers dismissed the UN special report as "playing politics"
Disability mobility allowances were removed meaning ppl lost jobs as they could no longer get to work, reduced to trapped in their homes with inadequate support
6/ "Freedom" champions didn't care about these ppl who have essentially been locked down for years
They're a forgotten inconvenience, freedom fighters never gave a toss
7/ No of these ppl cares about over 50k children disappearing from school registers in 2018
@ChildrensComm was the leader of one of the trusts with the highest off rolling rates and now she's campaigning with UsForThem cos "children need to be in school"
8/ The hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds, look how vulnerable and disadvantaged students lost out to austerity and academisation, some of the loudest freedom voices now backed Goves reforms to the hilt
10/ Opaquely funded think tanks set up a disinformation network working across borders, to deny and minimise. Skeptics bang on about "Nudge" but the disinformation network has those behind Cambridge Analytica advising them
12/ It was never about freedom, Japan and South Korea have had more freedom and less death and suffering, we could have enacted a clean air act and be in a stronger position by now
Its about values, its about fostering individualism over social collectivism,
13/ They are giving you a false choice between your own freedom and the lives of vulnerable people, because this is the mentality they need to foster so they can further advance interests like 2 tier healthcare and dismantling the welfare
This is yet more gaslighting, spent 2 hours in a room with no bloody windows, if the current ventilation was adequate we wouldn't have so many infected kids!
🧵Skeptic MPs team up with members from disinformation groups Collateral Global, HART and the Great Barrington Declaration to pen a letter demanding an end to child vaccination
Put out via Toby Young Daily Skeptic by Will Jones, who doesnt mention hes a HART member
2/ I warned about this APPG right from the start, its funded by the opaquely funded Collateral Global who also act as secretariat, its a continuation of the Great Barrington Declaration linked to Koch institutions
2/ Scrapping testing has been pushed by GBD advocates for over a year, gov has been considering ending free LFTs for some time with "operation ramp down" and scaling back test and trace, if Omicron hadn't arrived they'd probably already have announced this.
3/ Are they embracing "The pandemic stops when we stop testing" flawed stance?
Is it the idea that this kind of health spending damages wealth?
It does suggest they are seeing Omicron as the last variant they'll have to react to
Don't worry, apparently Long Covid is imaginary, forget those brain scans and micro clots, its just in your head..
From gaslighting long covid, to "transmission not an issue in schools its all that mixing at school gates and sleepovers", he does have a track record
Also using the language of antivaxxers around child vax in this attack on @IndependentSage for calling for 12-15 vax
There is a small group of paediatricians who have produced most the evidence to block measures in schools
They dismiss hospitalisations, deaths, total minimisers, they've provided the shield for Ministers to hide behind
Schools are so safe the Government expects so many staff to get sick that we will have to have 60-90 kids being taught in a hall due to staff shortages
This is literally the plan, keep going until your the last person standing, what do CEV staff do?
Heard several times yesterday that "the majority of teachers are young"
What about those that aren't?
What about young staff with diabetes, organ transplants, immunicompromised, cancer etc?
What about those with at risk family members?
2/ To be honest I don't think it matters what the data says, they've embraced a fatalistic ideology, a let's get this over and done with, shit happens attitude,
3/ We've reached the gaslighting section of the covid merry go round, it wouldn't be a school holiday without the usual papers trying to drum up false outrage at schools