I seldom jump on the "Luddites vs. Tech" bandwagon because I wish to remain focused on alleviating #hysteria. This is why I only railed for things e.g. #heuristics: it slashed the fearmongering.
...human conflict dating back to when Paul wrote (dictated?) Romans 8:18-21.
Look, I get it: you want to save lives on the battlefield.
But that's from *your* perspective.
From an enemy's perspective, you want to improve your #KillRatio so you can conquer them...
Military leaders on ALL sides suffer an ages-old problem.
They once preferred bows & arrows over guns; then they preferred horse-drawn artillery over tanks; and now they prefer manned aircraft over drones.
"Cyber" to them is a soldier with a laser pointer guiding a JDAM...
Military folks (myself included) always say "I don't want to die needlessly"--
--but the truth is old fogies "love the sting of battle."
That's why military leaders lose wars and, with it, their countries: because they don't yet embrace the "next" type of warfare.
We know the Pentagon has been in a funk since 1950. At some point we're going to lose not just a war but the military with it. Our nuclear reactors will litter the seven seas and our F-35 fighter jets will be permanently bricked by a patented John Deere tractor #DRM kill switch.
In the end, military leaders will bitch how "we hit them with everything using battle-proven tactics & strategy -- while our dweeb enemies sat in their pajamas breastfeeding at their desks playing Call of Duty against our valiant troops who died gloriously blah blah blah..."
Yet the loss of America's military won't come from the maw of cyber #hysteria.
It'll come from military Luddites who miss the good ol' days when they knew the ballsy thrill of an old-fashioned weapon system. That's a problem as old as the Bible itself: warontherocks.com/2022/01/winged…
So! Why did I write this 🧵 if I don't care to jump on the "Luddites vs. Tech" bandwagon?
It's because we have a serious #groupthink problem that will get our troops killed. Cybersecurity #idiocracy paves the alternate path to hell for our military:
Okay kiddies, get your jammies on! I'm going to tell you why the FAA wouldn't let you play a Sony Walkman on an aircraft for so many years ... then suddenly they were okay with it from soon after takeoff until just before landing. First, though: *I* need an introduction
I'm a retired 3H0x1 who documented classified air operations in Iraq in 2003 for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. A "Deployable Enlisted Historian" is a freaky USAF job because I can stop a general in his tracks during a deadly crisis to demand a briefing, e.g.:
But what's important to our little bedtime story is that I started as a 3H0x1 for the 932d Airlift Wing, a special USAF unit that flew aeromedical missions. The C-9 "Nightingale" aircraft was a 500 MPH #ambulance and we had a fleet of them!
"As far as I know, this is the first cybersecurity incident that has led to a measurable economic impact on the American population," said Jonathan Reiber, ... chief strategy officer for cyber policy under the Obama administration's @SECDEF" cnn.com/2021/05/28/tec…
Johnathan Reiber's memory loss is even *more* spectacular when you realize he claims to have worked for Obama's SECDEF, who implemented a truly aggressive U.S. military reorganization directed by the previous DEPSECDEF because of CYBER ATTACKS:
2/7 ...someone other than the person who signed that letter dropped me a voicemail saying someone in their dept. requested a "re-review" of my dashcam footage.
They withdrew #attribution pending further consideration.
The next day, a third adjuster left a voicemail saying...
3/7 Okay, so I needed to call in again. A fourth adjuster told me they formally held me 0% liable. Dashcam FTW!
They placed #attribution for the car crash entirely on their client, not me.
So! What does this anecdote have to do with #cybersecurity? Well, I'll tell you...
Both Clinton in 1998 and Obama in 2009 hyped up cyber attacks similar to what we saw with #ColonialPipeline. "[Criminals] extort money by threats to unleash computer viruses…"
Clinton & Obama used their hype to issue flawed executive orders—
—just like Biden.
And now #ColonialPipeline has openly admitted THEY pinched our nation's feeding tube. No cyber terrorist did it!
They shut down the flow of oil as a #precaution when a cyber-mugger told their Billing dept. to "gimme all your bitcoins":
2/8 Cybersecurity #hysteria has done amazing things over the last three decades.
And I do mean "amazing"!
It led us the knee-jerk idea for a "precautionary disconnect," which is when we shut down our operations to prevent a computer attack from shutting down our operations.
3/8 Of course we now know it was #ColonialPipeline who shut down their own operations, not the cyber terrorists--
--because they don't trust their own cyber security team.
And why should they?
I've railed for two decades on the *true* purpose a CISO serves to a company: