2/7 ...someone other than the person who signed that letter dropped me a voicemail saying someone in their dept. requested a "re-review" of my dashcam footage.
They withdrew #attribution pending further consideration.
The next day, a third adjuster left a voicemail saying...
3/7 Okay, so I needed to call in again. A fourth adjuster told me they formally held me 0% liable. Dashcam FTW!
They placed #attribution for the car crash entirely on their client, not me.
So! What does this anecdote have to do with #cybersecurity? Well, I'll tell you...
4/7 My own story begins like @Crowdstrike's outlandish #attribution where [I'll summarize for dramatic effect] withering ultra-precise #Russian artillery shells destroyed 80% of #Ukraine's 122mm howitzers, all thanks to a malware-laden phone app.
5/7 My story deviates from @Crowdstrike's because the insurance firm went out of its way to retract its original #attribution -- and went on to formally declare a much different attribution.
"As far as I know, this is the first cybersecurity incident that has led to a measurable economic impact on the American population," said Jonathan Reiber, ... chief strategy officer for cyber policy under the Obama administration's @SECDEF" cnn.com/2021/05/28/tec…
Johnathan Reiber's memory loss is even *more* spectacular when you realize he claims to have worked for Obama's SECDEF, who implemented a truly aggressive U.S. military reorganization directed by the previous DEPSECDEF because of CYBER ATTACKS:
Both Clinton in 1998 and Obama in 2009 hyped up cyber attacks similar to what we saw with #ColonialPipeline. "[Criminals] extort money by threats to unleash computer viruses…"
Clinton & Obama used their hype to issue flawed executive orders—
—just like Biden.
And now #ColonialPipeline has openly admitted THEY pinched our nation's feeding tube. No cyber terrorist did it!
They shut down the flow of oil as a #precaution when a cyber-mugger told their Billing dept. to "gimme all your bitcoins":
2/8 Cybersecurity #hysteria has done amazing things over the last three decades.
And I do mean "amazing"!
It led us the knee-jerk idea for a "precautionary disconnect," which is when we shut down our operations to prevent a computer attack from shutting down our operations.
3/8 Of course we now know it was #ColonialPipeline who shut down their own operations, not the cyber terrorists--
--because they don't trust their own cyber security team.
And why should they?
I've railed for two decades on the *true* purpose a CISO serves to a company:
Let's talk about how the 2,000pp "House 2.0 antivirus experiment" was in fact an intelligence report (aka "INTSUM") on the global #antivirus industry.
It began in 1999 after I'd revealed the existence of "EIS," later renamed "ADVEIS." It was an #antivirus rootkit...
ADVEIS stood for "Antivirus-Dependent Vulnerabilities in Email Infrastructure Security." I developed it in the late 1990s while working at A.G. Edwards & Sons building the U.S. brokerage industry's first SOC.
I gave a public lecture on ADVEIS, then dusted my hands of it.
But ADVEIS had rankled the #antivirus industry.
This led IBM bigwig David Chess to call my office.
I admit it: Chess is the one man I never beat in a philosophical match.
"So, Rob: you got root access from every AV company's products. What are you going to do *next*?"
1/7 News of COVID19 vaccines' side effects are so wild that rumors are spreading of how many #SickDays you'll burn to get both (repeat: "both") shots.
So let's compare it to the history of #computer antivirus vaccine use...
2/7 Historically, users gleefully installed #computer vaccines when they were released (typically a few days) after a deadly global virus outbreak "that cost millions of computers' lives and billions of dollars in damages."
But then users came to a rumored realization...
3/7 They said "you'll pay a severe penalty for #antivirus vaccines."
Users rumored it made their computers sluggish; that it constantly wasted their time to install vaccine updates every {month | week | day}; that it interfered with important company processes; blah blah blah