1st thing that goes into me every morning is 1 litre of water.
You Don’t get stranded in the toilet trying to force yourself to poo. No! It clears your bowels easily & completely,improving gut health.
1st thing that goes into some people is PREEQ …
… that has its own benefits too o. Wonderful benefits. But this morning, I am talking about benefits of drinking water first thing, on an empty tummy.
Other benefits:
-flushes toxins out of your system.
-gives clearer,healthier skin.
-prevent headaches
-boosts up energy levels
-speeds up your metabolism and improves digestion thereby aiding weight loss
-improves the quality and appearance of your hair
-improves your immunity
This post is about benefits of drinking water, but some of you are more interested in the benefits of collecting preeq first thing in the morning.
Ok, I ll post it later.
RT this & turn on post notifications so you don’t miss when I post that one. Selah
What’s the first thing that goes into you in the morning?
Preeq. If you are in a relationship, that’s what’s likely.
Morning is the best time to have sex and it has lots of benefits.
More benefits than drinking water first thing in the morning?👇
Well, they both have their benefits.
Early morning sex
-boosts energy levels
-relieves stress
-makes you less cranky and more productive during the day
-improves bond with your partner
-It boosts your immune system
triggering your body’s natural defenses
Having an orgasm releases the happy hormone and keeps you smiley and bustling all morning.
You see those bosses & co-workers who walk around so cranky and angry, if only they had an orgasm that morning, maybe they won’t have such a nasty attitude at work😩
Switched to menstrual cups 2 menstrual cycles ago and I can’t keep thinking how I have tormented myself and the planet, using disposable sanitary pads all these years
-Menstrual Cups hold more blood
- no vaginal irritation or itching
- more comfortable than pads Choi…. Imagine being on your period and you can still open your legs waaa and collect fresh breeze down there
- no bad odour like the Smell that comes from blood on disposable pads
- you can appreciate the quantity and quality of your menstrual blood
- less cramping (I ll have to research why this happens sha. But it’s amazing)
- less risk of having toxic shock syndrome like tampons
Teach your girls to grow up without a sense of entitlement and some more sense of independence.
Some girls are a burden to their friends and to their partners and they keep wondering why people easily walk away from their lives.
Why not? It is simple! You are easily dispensable!
Asides the beautiful face, kitchen skills and companionship or all those other traits that are easy to find in the woman folk
what else do you bring to the table? What makes you different? WHAT IS YOUR X FACTOR?
Sit back and evaluate your relationships!! Are your always on the receiving side? Have you ever thought, if this person cuts me off, what will he/she be losing?
cuddling also has the same effect. But having an orgasm, tops the chart!
(Single people should avoid this post😛)
Sex strengthens your immunity. When your immune system is strong, it fights off cold & other diseases
Sex decreases stress levels. Lower stress level = better immunity.
love hormone, oxytocin, causes increase in Immunoglobulin A (IgA) that boosts immunity
studies have shown that people who had sex once or twice in a week have 30% per cent higher levels of protein, Immunoglobulin A (IgA), that fights illness - compared to those who didn't have sex.
However, kissing and cuddle can also boost your IgA levels.
We women spend too much time talking about our expectations from our partner without making any efforts to even treat our men right.
Men have expectations too. Men ought to be treated well too. Relationship is not about taking, taking and taking some more.
Woman, what are you giving?
You expect love, affection and respect.
No problems.
Are you giving same or just sitting pretty with manicure fingers waiting for romance to fall on you?
"How a man should treat his woman" "Treat your woman like a queen" ... please we need to see more articles on "how a woman should treat his man" "treat your man like a king"
8 Foods that lesson bothersome symptoms of menstruation.
Green leafy vegetables
Ginger tea
Turmeric tea
Water rich Fruits
Sweet fruits
Chicken pepper soup
Fish pepper soup
Kindly RT, a woman on your TL might need this 🙏
Water rehydrates the body. It also prevents dehydration headaches and Bloating. You can also prevent these symptoms by eating Water rich fruits.
These includes cucumber, watermelon, pineapples,oranges,peaches, coconut
During periods, the body craves sweet things. Do not quench that craving by eating sweet junk foods made with refined.Sweet fruits are a great substitute for sugar cravings.