
#BCPoli #BCEd #BCPresser #Podcast

Going to pull out some important details and thoughts in a thread.🧵
This is even sooner than I estimated a couple months ago. I said the variant would demolish us in January and they would pull restrictions in March. Nope. I didn't foresee they would do BOTH in January.
They are opening gyms. And mandating masks, but not when you are exercising. So what is the point? You wear the mask to and fro?
This ALL relates back to the fact that #CovidIsAirborne. There has been a bizarre army of @VCHhealthcare tweeters that are putting out droplet nonsense. Telling off aerosol experts they are interviewing covid droplets? How are you going to defend this in 10 years?
New interview with Stephen Quinn equates BC policies to flat-earthers. Yup. They are on a global shame list by
with regards to aerosol protocols.
@jljcolorado If you look from the outside at any piece, they could argue for it. But BC has taken the shittiest policies from EACH area and blended them. Restricted testing. Boosters. Masking.
BC: We just cut the data, we cut all the orders, and we say let's go. I don't think we've seen the hospital peak. And we have kids dying in Canada. Again.
I believe that every person deserves dignity and respect. How dare they consider these deaths allowable? These babies of our generations. Unprotected! Under 5 can't get vaccinated.
Remember the denominator of the hospitalizations. There are MANY MORE vaccinated people than unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are a bucket that a teaspoon comes from. The vaccinated are a pool that a teaspoon comes from. They look the same but are not.
Public health "can't answer" questions about public health. They mention "strategies"... what strategies? They just gave up.
The useless order they did this week to look busy was look here's a structure to ask school districts to ask teachers if they are vaccinated or not.

IF they want to.

So most won't do it. It was something to look busy. Why weren't we ALREADY collecting that BASIC data?
These pressers are to make themselves look busy.
Oooh there's an order!
Oooh they are doing something!
There is a reason they have a PR person FOR Henry on payroll.
I am literally working to undo the spin. That's what we do here on the podcast.
Has Henry met a child? Does she know a child? I'm not convinced she has seen a child. /sarcasm
1. Henry said that masks are not part of "our culture" at the beginning of this. Who is "our"? I believe in community care and not infecting people when I speak moistly.
2. Children regularly wear masks in other areas. REGULARLY.

Canadian elitism. BC entitlement.
Also... children are in school to LEARN. Pretty sure children learn? Do we think children are INCAPABLE of learning? Can they LEARN how to wear a mask?

Is that wild?
Is that crazy?
I said Bonnie Trump in 2020. Boom. Called it. /insert laughter and crying
I remember in previous waves when they wouldn't disclose info about comorbidities because it was "privacy info". Now they are shouting them cause it's only "those people."

There are a LOT of comorbidities friends. Anxiety. Diabetes. Previous covid.
Comorbidities can be mild. Even with comorbidities they can be healthy and capable of living for many years.

But even if they are not...........are you kidding me? Their life is worth less? I'm going to fight you. That is EUGENICS.

Only healthy people that have many years?
They don't think disabled quality of life is as good as theirs. They need to socialize more. Even at the cost of the person's LIFE.
People are making all sorts of decisions about who is worth living. I'm seeing it everywhere. And when I call it eugenics they are like what? The Nazi stuff? YEAH! YEAH! EXACTLY!
Those responsible for equity of public health are saying killing certain people is okay for the economy.


We already did this time and time again in Canada. We have put disabled people in poverty. Taken their ability to marry or have families. We have forcefully sterilized them. It is PAINFULLY IRONIC that those most at risk are those most harmed by public health policies now.
What was their goal?
1) Protect healthcare
2) Protect the vulnerable

So...... uhhhhh.....

Someone I know was called in to care for their covid+ family member in #LTC in #BCPoli. People NEED to know how bad things are and that we are out of people. People will be getting calls like this and we all need to prepare.
I have also been told that similar staffing resources have been depleted in schools. That large portions are close to functional closures. They cannot sustain what is happening. #BCPoli #BCEd
To continue this as the hospitals and schools are going down? This is true cruelty.
Remember that LTC residents did not get extraordinary measures in previous waves. They are left to die.

Ontario is running out of dexameth, which helps you breathe. Hopefully we won't in BC. Who knows? They rolled the dice and we watch.
We knew all of these things. All of it was screamed at the top of our lungs. And here we are. The worst place we've been at. Because we have capacity at the hospitals. But what have I been talking about since the day we started this podcast and what would happen?

Losing staff.
Dix - you can hire all you want, but if you cannot keep them, you are shit outta luck. You have treated them so poorly why would they stay.
get up there and tell those workers why they should stay. You give yourself accolades. Get up there and tell them why they should stay. What retention means. Tell them how you value them. Especially while they are neck deep in it. Tell them how you showed it to them.
The places that needed the most protection didn't get it. No mandatory n95s. Hospitals. Schools. LTCs.

This is their acceptable. This IS their plan. Let's stop pretending it is not. They brought on system collapse.
What kind of leaders get up there and read scripts? Reading canned phrases and rhymes. Where are the leaders with integrity that gets up there and talks to the people struggling, that need community. Where is that voice? I don't see that.
Why would this be a different pokemon?

She says she hopes we'll be able to manage future covid. ;)

The scope of the spread and the rapidness with which it happened.... 1% of our kids is still a lot of kids.

Especially in mere weeks. I don't care what number it is. None of it will be good enough because they didn't do everything they could to prevent it. The basic things.
That is astounding from a public health perspective. It is astounding that they continue to say that it is mild in LTC, and we are getting back to normal, and this will get better for them. They are left to die.

If Omicron is less severe, you're forgetting there are no staff.
They won't be cared for. With regard to my previous post, now all those that supported herd immunity can roll up their sleeves and go help in LTC. They will need help. Go empty bedpans. #BCPoli

You loved this plan. Go fucking earn it.
At least Henry was honest.

They haven't boosted everyone so fully vaccinated isn't changed to three doses.

So even though it is 3 doses... they are behind... so they won't change it.
The stupid medication. The early treatment. She said they have them! But Tam said it's going to those at risk. Henry was asked what's happening. She was like... *shrug*.
Here comes Dix... asked how close we are to collapse.

He said we have capacity. But as I said... is capacity the issue?

If you had looked at any of the research literature about burnout, it shows what it does to people's system. It also burns out their immune system. You set this up the worst way possible and ignored ALL the signs.
Henry said they've modified and adapted for LTC. Not measures or testing. They've modified reporting outbreaks. It used to be a single case. No longer, as long as they don't think multiple cases are linked. They modified to less data and information. Again. #BCPoli
I can deal with assholes all day long.
The lying though? It kills me.
Own your shit, you cowards. Own it.
That's why they read off scripts.
They can't answer for themselves.
They are true cowards.
They hide in an empty room with empty seats speaking to a camera. While people's family members are called in to LTC to stay with their covid+ family members. And nurses work triple shifts while told it's only "whelmed." That we can open gyms.
This treatment of the marginalized communities? This is the ugliest face we could wear and it is ours. This is BC's face. It ripped off the mask, and it is an ugly one. And a lot of people are having trouble facing it. This is BC entitlement.
I grew up in BC. I have seen it my whole life. To think we are better than this, that we get to have our "lifestyle" and don't have to give anything up. How that is BC entitlement. And I loved BC. I loved the people. But... this gov't, all four generations of my family at risk.
They do not care if they wipe my entire existence off this planet. My grandmother died. Three generations left. They don't care that the remaining three are at risk. My entire family gone. But that would be the cost. I am a statistic. My grandmother was a statistic.
This is 1984. Telling you they will go ahead with eugenics and smile and go along. That quote... first they came for...

People have fear about these comparisons to Germany, but the reason is defensiveness. Why? It happened? If the policies are similar we NEED to examine that.
This is #Canada showing you we are not ready for reconciliation. We still have our boots on their faces. They have taken the most at risk and they have thrown them out to die this time. Opioid crisis. Disabled. Indigenous.

Public health came up and said fuck you.
We took all the knowledge and THIS is what we did with it? Ah well, there's always Whistler! We NEED our lifestyle right! Smoking our BC bud!

At the expense of what? Our infrastructure collapsing? Dead children?

You are breaking things we can't repair.
A bunch of entitled kids with exceptionalism. Despite example after example of societal collapse and what happened, we will REPEAT the process. NOT US. IT WON'T BE US RIGHT? Because we have technology we won't collapse? HAH.
We are making all the poor choices where things cannot simply regenerate back from. It is breaking. It is broken.

It doesn't magically fix itself. If you kill or maim the people you step on to live your damn lifestyle, you don't get that lifestyle anymore.
It's coming for them too. That list of comorbidities is sure long. And I guarantee you many herd immunity fall on it. They can reap the reward. Go volunteer in LTC, like I said. Go be a caregiver in the school. Go sit with those 30 kids since schools are open. Privileged people.
We are at that point. It feels surreal. That precipice we are on. Holding on by a vine root Indiana Jones style. And the root is slipping.
Laesa's article about Evelyn, who has comorbidities, went through how these policies relate to eugenics and what it has been like for her and her daughter to experience this.

She had a great end quote about being a statistic.
Everyone deserves life. How are they deciding? I am not deciding this, and I REFUSE to consent to this. That we will sacrifice children such as Evelyn for our society. I don't want that society. I reject that society. I call upon a society to protect ALL it's children.
Because they have equal value. And that is not where we are. Because most people don't think very hard or deep. Most people when they have an inconvenient truth presented to them, or discomfort, they get defensive and they deflect. Or they try to cope in other ways.
Everyone has a different mental capacity. I (Crystal) had a hard upbringing and that resulted in me having a big emotional tolerance of dealing with hard things. A lot of people don't. This pandemic HAS been the hardest thing that have dealt with.
We have not bred resilience, we had bred entitlement. The fact is that you can still have that thought, but you have to recognize that you are saying that your WANT outweighs my LIFE. That is what you are saying. So fucking own it.
There is no accountability. People like Henry are helping it right along. We have policies that have eugenic outcomes. Currently. Presently. Eugenics and death, that's permanent. There is no... going back on that. The consequences are permanent.
The dead people are DEAD. This isn't a discussion they can have with you in 6 months after you get to their email. They are DEAD. This isn't a sit quiet and speaking nicely situation. This is a claw eyes out because I want to live situation.
People don't get to kill you and you don't fight back. Fuck that. No quiet and calm. This is my conceptualization of it.

Society usually runs as privileged tell marginalized what to do; they do it to survive. That's usual society.
Now... privileged people are saying you have to die. But not for their survival. For them to go to the gym. The vulnerable just want protection. Don't want to close gyms. Or schools. Just don't want to die....

We are told the option is: you die for me to be okay. Only option.
And vulnerable are like but... we just want everybody to be safe? And do all the things safely? But that isn't the goal of the privileged. They only care they survive. Now I have two options. Let them kill me, or kill them. Basic survival (metaphorically).
If you are literally telling me that you don't care... that my choice is to die without protection, because you are not willing to protect us all... or I can try to fight back and save myself or take you down too...

I choose the latter, seems more fun.
I'm going to take them down with me. I'm not going to just let them let me die. I'm not going to let them let my community die.

So I will make sure that the professionals and systems involved in this have accountability. Even if they are failing.

Imma die my way if I have to.
Had they simply acknowledged science and that #CovidIsAirborne, they could have upgraded everything last summer. If you had followed the science, we could have gyms, bars, malls. None of us wanted to take that. We wanted schools. There are other countries that are functioning.
Friends text us from other countries and ask, what is happening in Canada right now?

I don't know! It is embarassing. Western Canada just let it fly. It's not just us. Look at ON and QB. BC is just simply the WORST offender. All the failed pieces combined.
If it's my survival or your survival? Yes, privileged are uncomfortable, because the story has usually been the privileged survive. But I am writing my own story.

I stand up and say NO, how about you die instead? Sacrifice your child? Volunteer as tribute. Write it down.
What do you mean I'm cavalier? Why not YOUR child?

That's what you say every day to the vulnerable. Write your kids names down? We are just deciding right? It seems absurd doesn't it.

Seems absurd to me too that people say that about my kid. That the privileged do.
Over 100 cases at one school. Just self-reported data. Kids are barely being tested. This is how much it is hitting with all of those factors.

I'm so scared for them. I hope that there is not severe or long-term effects. I look to history and the fact we rolled the dice is sad.
It's like there was a pandemic and we lets all the kids get polio? But not all the kids. The ones not privileged enough to shelter. They have stood up there and said not everyone will have the same resources. Yeah. We knew social determinants of health. We knew that before.
Some of you are in a yacht with a crew and others were thrown a floaty. That is where we are at.

The point is to let everybody have a choice, have a chance. Not to take away a chance or choice from the vulnerable.
All we can do right now is what we've been doing... being truthful about it. And trying to undo the lies they say. That will never feel good enough. And it's all I can do. And record history. Not history. Truth. History changes depending on the author.


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