A THREAD on Emotional Containment.
I've just spotted ths post on @jebrittan2 FB page for Boarding School Survivors. I've realised most ppl may not recognise the CONTAINMENT happening in this moment. Mum Diana is helping her child cope with his anxiety by singing together.
2. CONTAINMENT is a physiological process. Whn another person helps you w/ yr worries, it has a biological impact. You feel safer. It isn't as scary. Your body doesn't slip so quickly into overwhelm. After overwhelm comes dissociation. It's too uncomfortable to 'stay' in yr body.
3. The concept of Containment was introduced by psychologists Bion & Winnicott. It is really valuable in understanding what children (people!) need when they are struggling. The responsiveness of another person helps make big feelings more 'tolerable'. c-f-g.co.uk/blog/10-the-co…
4. So in this description, singing together makes the mounting anxiety SHARED. The child isn't carrying those feelings alone.
In the photo, the cuddling will generate the hormone oxytocin (the Teddy Bear Hormone), which promotes a sense of safety & trust.
5. The applicatn to Boarding School Survivors is: Many children who headed off to school (a growng feeling of dread in thr tummy) will not hv had cuddles or singing to contain thr feelings. They were left to do that on thr own.
Maybe parents made it worse w/ their own anxiety.
6. Take those examples I gave yesterday from @axrenton's book Stiff Upper Lip. The child who had to have his "fingers levered one by one from the headrest in the car"? NO containment or comfort. Instead: Dread, conflict, betrayal. Likely: dissociation.
7. Boarding School Survivors hv lots of opportunity for their body to learn to dissociate. We discussd that today at @nickduffell training session on BSS. They'll come to do it automatically, unbidden, when faced w/ threat. We hv been watchng this lots at PM Questions recntly...
8. We talk about the concept of Containment in the #DaringVentures Programme offered by @TIGERS_UK. The Managing Director @paulinescott222 has ensured that all 100 of their staff understand this concept. Here's one of our slides, featuring the amygdala in the brain.
9. Here's what happens when the amygdala gets hijacked, and you can't contain your big feelings of threat, and no-one is there to help. You go into Fight or Flight Mode. If things get really bad, you go into Freeze Mode. You are on yr way to dissociation.
10. One of t most informative videos I know on Containment is by @TheBabyExpert . She explains it through t analogy of a box of cornflakes. I know that mum @13Jstar found this explanation of Containment to be massively helpful to her as a parent.
11. The other video I love depicting Containment is by @CalmFamilyorg . Here's Alexandra Harris SHOWING us what an overflowing container of emotions looks like. Literally: Its a mess. 😃
12. So what are t implications for Boarding School Survivors, given I've been talking abt them quite a lot recently? Well, if you didn't get reassurance & help with big emotions as a child...you very probably ended up w a stress system that struggles w/ some emotions as an adult.
13. Were (are?) institutional spaces & staff teams good at containing emotions? @axrenton tells us that CS Lewis described school as "very like living permanently in a large railway station". Renton's book tells countless stories of violence, bullying & terror within those walls.
14. And what are the implications for the citizens of a country governed by a group of people who have amongst them a large number of Boarding School Survivors - who struggle emotionally, easily dissociate, carry around a high sense of threat within their central nervous system?
15/end. It takes #FierceCuriosity for us to ask these questions of ourselves & our society. It takes #UnimaginableCourage for Boarding School Survivors to begin to untangle a lifetime of emotional confusion. I admire both. And I hope these threads help.
Thank you all.
A surprising number of ppl hv said they've found my recent threads on emotions & Boarding School Survivors to be helpful. So I will just keep thm going, continuing to draw on @axrenton book.
How does knowng more abt this help us make sense of current Westminster chaos? A THREAD.
2. It was a friend who convinced me to keep talking abt this. She texted me this msg: “Yes, most people are baffled by what they see played out at Westminster.”
What we are watchng is a dangerous culture of unleashed emotional trauma. That means HARM is done to others: citizens.
3. Yes, I know there is entitlement going on. Masses of it. But what I think what gets missed is that t sense of entitlmnt is grounded in relational trauma. If most of us don't know much abt elite boardng school culture, how can we see t origins of trauma? @axrenton helps us SEE.
Does understanding attachment trauma help to make sense of the governmental chaos & cruelty we are/have been witnessing? I've been reading @axrenton 2017 book 'Stiff Upper Lip' & I thought I'd share some of his insights. THREAD. theguardian.com/books/2017/apr…
2. The boarding school system has been such a part of British culture that it has been challengng & uncomfortable to see it as damaging, abusive, traumatisng. That difficulty exists for those raised in it (they survived it) & for those outside it (they often can't conceive it).
3. But there are more & more voices speaking on this theme. I want to help ensure t wider public is aware of their insights. They intersect w/ t knowledge of trauma, ACEs & childhood distress that is becoming widely understood. These links are rarely picked up in the media, tho.
A THREAD on t emotional impact of Early Boarding Schools. They've been such an institutn w/in British culture that its been hard to contmplate t emotional damage they might leave. But what if that's possible - and t damage ripples to others? How do we TALK abt it? Some videos...
2. Here's @nickduffell incredibly powerful & uncomfortable 1994 documentary 'The Making of Them', which followed young boys heading off to boarding school. Look out for the repressed emotional distress.
3. Here's the incredibly powerful & uncomfortable 2019 animation from @tony2gammidge 'Norton Grim and Me'. He explores the feelings of being sent off to school age 7. I feature Tony's work in my book #TigersAndTeddies. tonygammidge.com/my-films
False Memory Syndrome.
What it is & what it isn’t.
A brief history.
Because this dying concept is suddenly all over the newspapers & social media again. THREAD.
2. After ths wkend’s news rounds, I thought a bit more history might help. The papers imply “false memories” are rather like amnesia. Wrong. Ths is a concept that emerged specificlly around child sexual abuse. How do I know? I co-authored a book on it in 2000 w/ @routledgebooks .
3. The term 'False Memory Syndrome' emerged in t early 1990s in USA, when several parents were accused by adult daughters of sexual abuse. The memories had often been recovered in therapy. Together, t parents argued these recovered/repressed memories were inaccurate, 'false'.
Its been a rough weekend for t news. How abt we hv a THREAD OF JOY?
This week @realdcameron & I intervwd @czzpr on children's LAUGHTER. @eliistender10 has just offerd a brilliant illustratn! So when we look closer, what details do we find in 60 secs of a @sesamestreet exchange?
2. From t start (.02), we know this is a deep conversatn because they are lookng right into one another's eyes. Think abt how good Jim Henson was as a puppeteer, to get that angle workng, both for us & the child. That's part of what makes Kermit 'real': his eye gaze, his timing.
3. Oooh! By .03, a self-esteem challnge has been posed! "Can you sing the alphabet?" Kermit waits VERY attentively, his intense eye gaze *containing* t big feelngs that come up for her. See? She looks away. Calming self-regulation. "Am I up to this? Can I? Um...Yes! Yes I could."
In today’s @ObserverUK :
“Professionals can sometimes underestimate children’s suppressed feelings. From ages 4-11, Ella’s behavioural problems had been interpreted as a conduct issue, not a sign that at home she & her mother were under duress.” #ACES
2. “The recommendatns address how patchy many professionals’ understanding of coercive control is.” #FierceCuriosity is needed to help our children, not defensive egos. This is why I proudly tell stories of professional journeys of insight, like @bainsfordht & @KeeganSmith_Law .
3. “Why didn’t the school, social workers & police join up the dots?” Well, one reason is that we often aren’t curious enough, or we don’t pay attention to children’s FEELINGS. We’re often too tired & overwhelmed ourselves to manage that. So - that’s a place to start. #Curiosity