It is fascinating that the same people who fabricated Filioque, the German Elite, were the ones who also fabricated Protestantism, created Greece, and initiated WW1 & 2.
German Elite continues to this day to position itself in Europe restlessly.
Globalization assumes an even culture.
Roman Empire globalization was Hellenic at first.
Then Christianity wiped out Hellenism, it became the even culture across the globalized Roman empire.
Which explains modern globalization.
Liberals (modern offshoots of Christian medieval theologians) had the imaginary fantasy that Liberalism was the Common globalized culture now.
Upon which they embarked on interconnecting global supply chains based on the religious belief that Liberalism was global culture, just like St. Paul says that the law of the Lord is imprinted in human heart.
They believed that Liberalism was imprinted in human heart.
Of course that is self evidently untrue.
Supply chains are breaking down globally precisely due to the fact that Cultures are NOT liberal.
Non liberal (read: non christian) cultures refuse to be converted to this new culture. (The word Culture comes from the word Cult).
Liberalism expanded globally to wipe out all cultures, in the same way that Christianity expanded first by taking over the Roman Empire and then expanded outside via Hellenism.
When Christianity expanded outside the Roman empire, Persia, India, it hit a wall.
Persians and Indians refused Hellenism.
Christians thought that Hellenism was globalized, as it was the basic culture of Roman empire. Now they discovered it was untrue.
By 6th century Justinian in New Rome understood that Hellenism itself was conquered by Christianity, so he set off to wipe out it's memory entirely, goal which was achieved by 9th century. Christianity was now the Globalized Roman Empire.
In the western part of the Roman empire, the lack of an emperor made german elite refuse total Hellenic and then Christian globalization as foreign culture, thus coming up with the imaginary fantasy of Filioque which was imposed on the Pope in the 11th century.
Filioque caused a period of deglobalisation until German elite as well had the second imaginary fantasy of Protestantism.
Protestantism was the starting point of reglobalization as, you know, all cultures are the same, each person can interpret the Scripture as he/she wishes, St. Paul's assertion that the law is imprinted in human heart.
So after 500 years of deglobalisation, Filioque to Protestantism, we had 500 years of re-globalization, Protestantism to Liberalism.
Liberalism died with Quantitative Easing to alleviate breakdown of supply chains.
In the same way that Persians, Indians and Chinese refused to be christianised (meaning hellenised), now, Chinese, Russians, indians, Iranians, Turks, refuse to be Liberalised, as foreign culture.
This marks now the end of 500 years of Liberal Globalization.
Elite in the Liberal world is confused as they truly still believe that Liberalism is imprinted in the human heart, easily to be embraced globally.
Non liberal elite outside the Liberal world has moved on.
We shall now have a quite a long period of deglobalisation as rejection of global liberalism.
Self evidently liberalism is not imprinted in human heart.
Nëse elita është nacionaliste, atëherë populli është nacionalist.
Nëse elita nuk është nacionaliste, atëherë populli nuk është nacionalist.
Nëse elita ndahet në një pjesë nacionaliste dhe një pjesë jo, atëherë ka konfuzion popullor, ka krizë identiteti, dhe fillon një luftë e ftohtë civile.
Shqiptarët janë tek kjo e fundit.
Në Shqipëri pjesa më e madhe e elitës është jo nacionaliste dhe kontrollon mediat. Si rrjedhim shqiptarët e Shqipërisë nuk janë nacionalistë.
Nuk ka as edhe një dokument apo ndonjë indikacion që të ketë ekzistuar ndonjë dokument apo ndonjë thashetheme që Skënderbeu të ketë bërë marrëveshje me Papën që kishat ortodokse në tokat shqiptare të bëhet Uniate.
Skënderbeu ka qenë i ritit të Konstandinopojës (tani quhet ortodoks).
Qe Skënderbeu të jetë bërë Uniate, duhej të ekzistonte një marrëveshje që territori të kthehej në kontroll të Romës.
Nuk ka marrëveshje.
Nuk ka asnjë indikacion që një marrëveshje të ketë ekzistuar.
For somebody who knows Theology, History, Finance and Supply Chains for the last 25 years, Ukraine can be easily explained, it's all about Putin's mind.
As engineers say, if you can't simplify it, you can't understand.
Simplification of a situation is very difficult, but it is doable.
Geopolitics is not Biology, geopolitics can be easily simplified to a bullet point sheet.
So, here's the bullet point for Ukraine by #krisonomics:
1) Kievan Rus 2) Military industry 3) Food security 4) Putin's mind.
Example, Andy Murray (not lunatic) feared permanent side effects of Russian Roulette (hyperbaric chamber) and discontinued it.
Djokovic (and some few others) are lunatics enough to risk their own lives to in sports.
The reason Djokovic wins is that after 3 hours of play, he is still full of energy, whereas the others who not lunatics, do not risk their lives, of course, as normal humans, get tired.
Urrejtja ndaj Ortodoksisë në territoret shqiptare është me bazë të gjerë.
Ortodoksia urrehet nga ateistët, agnostikët (shumica e popullsisë), katolikët, myslimanët dhe....vetë ortodoksët.
Kjo është shumë thjesht e shpjegueshme.
80 vjet shpëlarje truri ndaj shqiptarëve të ish-Jugosllavisë që vetëm Serbët janë ortodoksë, ka bërë që ata të urrejnë ortodoksinë.
Ndërsa për shqiptarët e Shqipërisë, ka pasur 30 vjet propagandë nga Kisha e Greqisë që vetëm grekët janë ortodoksë dhe ortodoksët shqiptarë janë Grekë, gjë që u ka mbushur mendjen shqiptarëve këtu, duke përfshirë dhe ortodoksët që refuzojnë të jenë grekë.