"Officials working in No 10 claim they have held back information from Sue Gray’s investigation into the partygate scandal due to a “culture of fear” surrounding the probe."
"Three sources told The Independent they have not divulged messages and pictures on their phones after a senior member of staff told them to remove anything that could fuel speculation in the wake of the first party revelations."
"Messages in a WhatsApp group were said to contain photographs of people drinking and dancing, as well as references to how hungover people were the next day."
"The messages are from the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral, when there were two parties, one to mark the departure of a No 10 photographer and another to mark the departure of James Slack, Downing Street’s director of communications. Mr Slack has since made a public apology."
"Dominic Cummings has submitted written evidence to the inquiry into lockdown breaches in Downing Street in 2020, telling Sue Gray he did not trust Boris Johnson not to leak his conversations with the inquiry chief."
"The former senior adviser also claimed that officials were deeply uncomfortable with handing over some evidence to the inquiry, believing that they could face retribution for damaging evidence."
"Cummings said that he had told Gray: “If we speak the PM will invent nonsense and spin it to the media and you and I will both have problems, let’s keep everything in writing, therefore he cannot invent things I’ve supposedly said to you, ..."
"...there is only a written record, this makes both our lives easier.”
"He added: “She agreed. So I have answered questions in writing and will answer further questions in writing if she wants."
"But I will not speak and therefore provide the PM with more chances to lie and confuse everybody.”
We have all witnessed this in media accounts of #LiarJohnson's comments and his lies and deception in #HouseofCommons !
"He said he believed more damaging stories would emerge this week, saying “many officials are desperate to shove the kunlangeta off the ice this week”."
VERY ACCURATE description of #LiarJohnson's modus operandi!
Everything said and done is wilfully deliberate and calculated!
"Dominic Raab, justice secretary and deputy prime minister, said on Sunday that it would be up to Boris Johnson to decide how much information was released."
It is in public interest that FULL facts are published - leaving #LiarJohnson no room for inventing nonsense and lies!
@Haggis_UK As always...#LiarJohnson muddies water with obfuscation and evasion...aimed to confuse/brainwash members of the public including MPs of ALL parties - political, if any clarification is needed!
#OfficeGSBrown "this a moral issue" is root of the crisis at heart of UK Government!
@Haggis_UK With all due respect, does @CrispinBlunt seek to trivialise and deflect attention from the central rot at heart of UK Government under direction of #LiarJohnson?
@Haggis_UK@CrispinBlunt Investigations into breaches of covid regulations, resulting from #LiarJohnson's absence of moral leadership are complex insofar as they involve different regulations in place at time of each transgression; carrying different penalties.
"Boris Johnson suffered another major blow to his authority on Monday after a Treasury minister staged a dramatic public resignation over the government’s decision to write off £4.3bn in fraudulent Covid loans."
"Theodore Agnew, a Treasury and Cabinet Office minister, called the oversight of the scheme “nothing less than woeful” and accused officials of “schoolboy errors” on multiple fronts."
"Speaking in the House of Lords, he accused the government of “arrogance, indolence and ignorance” in its attitude to tackling fraud estimated to cost £29bn a year."
"There is no obvious way out for the prime minister. It was not a one-off, it was not an ambiguous situation, it definitely happened. That hasn’t stopped him trying all of those excuses, it has just meant each time one fell down marked another full news cycle of the scandal."
"Johnson’s personal ratings are in the toilet, his party now lags hugely behind in the polls, and just like phone hacking the scandal stretches beyond just government. The Sun faces questions having had its deputy editor, James Slack, as the central figure of one of the parties."
"The Met Police are comprehensively failing to look anything other than incompetent in their response: they have, somehow, prioritised a civil servants’ investigation over their own, handily ignored the presence of police in Number 10,"
"Britain’s welfare system is “unfit for purpose” and in urgent need of reform, experts warned on Sunday amid fears that millions more families will struggle to make ends meet amid the dual pressures of the pandemic and the spiralling cost-of-living crisis."
"The soaring price of food and rent, along with energy bills – which are expected to more than double in April when the price cap is lifted, bringing the number of households under “fuel stress” to at least 6 million –"
"is forcing families to choose between basic essentials such as food and heat, the experts said, while growing numbers are being forced into debt and relying on food banks."
"The longer this corrupt and hypocritical government limps on, the greater the risk it does long-term damage to public trust in the institutions of democracy."
"How can citizens trust a government to act in their interest while it wheels out ludicrous announcements that serve no purpose other than attempting to bolster a prime minister mired in crisis after crisis?"
"Nowhere is this true more than with Covid. During an ongoing national emergency, it is critical the public trusts the government to take decisions for the right reasons, based on evidence rather than its desire to capture the news cycle."
"A LEADING economist has called on the Scottish Government to stop publishing the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) figures, insisting they do not reflect the country’s financial position."
"He argues the GERS figures do not present Scotland’s real financial situation as some UK spending in reserved areas such as defence and foreign affairs is apportioned to the Scottish Government “as if” they spend it when they do not."
"He argues that the annual statistics are misinterpreted every year by opponents of independence who use them as a justification for remaining in the UK."