Préparatifs de sûreté publique pour la #FêteduCanada 2022: Le Service de police d’Ottawa collabore avec ses partenaires policiers et les organisateurs de la Fête du Canada à la mise en œuvre d’un plan de sûreté publique visant à permettre à tous les Canadiens et aux visiteurs... jouir librement et en sûreté des attraits de la capitale dans le cadre de cette célébration. On s’attend à ce que cette activité de Patrimoine canadien soit d’une plus grande envergure qu’à l’habitude, pour ce qui est de la taille des foules et de l’empreinte de l’événement.
Nous prévoyons également la tenue de plusieurs événements importants à travers la région d’Ottawa pour célébrer cette journée.
We are working with #CanadaDay organizers and our policing partners to implement a public safety plan that allows all Canadians and visitors to freely and safely enjoy the capital during this celebration. #ottawa#ottnews
The expectation is that this Heritage Canada event will be larger than usual both in terms of crowd size and the footprint of the event.
We are also expecting several large events throughout the Ottawa area to celebrate the day.
These factors, combined with an increased level of protests and demonstrations, are guiding our planning. There will be significant road closures and a major increase in police presence. We will be bringing multiple extra policing resources from several services.
Mardi, nous avons perdu notre collègue et ami, l’agent Vijayalayan Mathiyalaghan, lors d’une tragique collision hors travail à motocyclette. 1/4
Vijay n’avait que 28 ans. Il était un jeune homme gentil, amical et doux qui faisait honneur au Service et à la collectivité, qu’il servait avec fierté et dévouement. Il avait été embauché comme agent de police en novembre 2020 après avoir servi plusieurs années dans l’armée. 2/4
Il s’agit d’une période particulièrement éprouvante pour les proches de Vijay. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec sa famille, ses amis et ses collègues. 3/4
On Tuesday, we lost our colleague and friend Cst. Vijayalayan Mathiyalaghan in a tragic off-duty motorcycle collision. 1/4
Vijay was just 28-years-old. He was a kind, friendly and gentle young man who was a credit to the Service and to the community he served with pride and dedication. He was hired as a police officer in November 2020 after serving in the military for several years. 2/4
This is an exceptionally difficult time for those who knew Vijay. Our hearts go out to his family, friends and colleagues.
We want to thank all of the emergency responders who rendered assistance at the scene, on and off-duty, including paramedics and Ottawa Hospital staff. 3/4
With great sadness, we share that one of our members passed away last evening after a single-vehicle collision. The incident occurred off duty. (1/2)
Flags at all of our buildings are half-mast in honour of our friend and colleague. The collision is being investigated by the OPP. (2/2) #Ottnews@OPP_ER
C'est avec grande tristesse que nous faisons part du décès d'un de nos membres, hier soir à la suite d'une collision impliquant un seul véhicule. L'incident survint hors de ses heures de service. 1/2
The following is a message from the Interim Chief of Police, Steve Bell, that was issued to Councillor McKenney and the Police Services Board last night in response to concerns about a recent incident in Dundonald Park. (1/14)
"Councillor McKenney, Chair and Members of Board,
I am writing in response to questions related to a call for service at the children’s playground at Dundonald Park this morning. (2/14)
At about 9:50 a.m. today, the Ottawa Police received a call for service from a person concerned about a woman in the fenced-in playground with a sword. The caller described the “sword” as 75 inches long and was concerned about the presence of children. (3/14)