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Jan 31 63 tweets 13 min read
1 #ufotwitter - Jim Semivan (25-year veteran of the CIA & co-founder of @TTSAcademy) on @coasttocoastam with the @g_knapp.

At the time of his retirement in 2007, he was part of the CIA's Senior Intelligence Service.

JS has been listening to C2C for quite a long time.
2 Are you in the CIA for life?

JS: That's close to the truth. They invest so much money into your training and you gain so much experience. To just drop off and leave? The agency likes to have older vets around to help the new folks coming in.
3 When he went back to the CIA for a bit, he decided NOT to go back with the clandestine service but with the science and technology directorate, countering biological weapons.

He can't talk about the training he underwent with the CIA bc it's classified.
4 He was living in San Fran (Knob Hill), tending bar and working as a hotel detective, right after grad school. A buddy of his called and told him he thought the agency might be interested in him and after a while, he got in and began training. It's not easy. After 5 years, you
5 can be considered a journeyman.

He's been involved with UFOs for many years but one reason he remained quiet bc it affects your credibility when people find out. After John Alexander's book came out, he spoke to him and asked him about going to UFO conferences. JA said you
6 need thick skin and people aren't going to take you at face value. Went to an event recently in CA where Whitley Strieber was present and convinced JS to start talking about this subject more bc it's important to him.

Were UFOs spoken about at CIA, while he was there?
7 At CIA, everything is based on need-to-know. He was there 30+ years and no place in CIA had a sign that said "UFOs" or he knew for certain they were dealing with UFOs. He mentions Kit Green and the weird desk that dealt with UFOs and paranormal. (Kit told ne he spent a very
8 small amount of his time at the "weird desk"). He could never find the "UFO headquarters" but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. He and his wife had an experience (they're experiencers) in 1992 that was pretty traumatic. The day after it happened, he went into the CIA
9 at a branch within an office and a deep cover guy told him he was going to a UFO conference at the ARE in Virginia Beach. JS told this guy about the experience he and his wife had. This guy changed his world. This guy told him that he had a "classic experience" and wrote
10 down Vallee's books (Dimensions, Revelations, etc...) for him to read and that started everything for him. JS studied esoterica, transcendentalism, mystery schools, etc. He had a background but not quite in the paranormal. Once he started reading JV's books, "I was very taken
11 JS: "aback bc it fit with my experience." He would nose around and pick up little tidbits from people. Talk to so and so and maybe go to this ground. All informal.

Towards end of his career, he knew DoD had something going on and AAWSAP but didn't know who was involved.
12 Things filter out. In 2007, 2008 or 2009, he heard it was some guy "Lue." Was introduced to Lue by Hal Puthoff. Went down to see if he could help them with an issue they were having. It was all Top Secret. Met Lue and his deputy and some others. Totally unofficial.
13 Knapp takes it back to his experience with his wife.

JS: I don't like 2 discuss it bc my wife and are still being studied/looked at by another group. Classic abduction scenario to it but I call it an experience. It was while we were in our bedroom. Middle of the night, beings
14 show up. It became upsetting later on bc there were physical things that happened to my wife and I and it was upsetting. We have documentation for all of that. It was a short experience and the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. Not question in my mind it was real.
15 My wife is a psychologist so I know the difference between liminal states and hypnagogic states and vivid dreams and lucid dreams. This was nothing like that at all. "This was actually, opening your eyes and seeing in front of you and going, 'Holy cow! What is that?' and
16 progressing on from there. Later on, when meeting JA in 2014 or 2015, JA interviewed him and his wife and then a group of people (that Knapp knows. I'm guessing Kit Green and Nolan and other Invisibles) who came to his house and took his blood and everything else.
17 Still going on. (I assume he means meeting with the group)

Knapp asks if the phenomena is still going on.

JS says it IS but hasn't had too much lately. Last time was about four years ago, when he had a hooded figure messenger come to their bedroom and tell him his dear
18 friends had just passed away. The friend was Mark Mansfield (who was best man @ his wedding), public relations director @ CIA, who was very ill. This hooded figure looked @ him, he looked at it. It looked like a miniature version of a death eater. (I may have heard that wrong)
19 He wasn't the least bit afraid, which is strange. It didn't dawn on him to do anything except go back 2 bed. Told his wife the next morning & he called some people who told him 2 try 2 make contact w/it. He said he didn't want to2make contact w/something that looked like that.
20 Knapp: Do you think CIA had an ongoing interest? Blue Book closed its doors today 53 years ago in 1969. You said you thought that wasn't the end of the government's interest.

JS: Mentions 1947 and the Twining memo. This is something real and not fictitious. CIA formed in 1947
21 and they do not overlook ANYTHING. He would be STUNNED if the CIA and Air Force and maybe another gov't agency didn't take this extraordinarily seriously. They probably hid and it's probably been going since then. Where is it? Lots of speculation as to where it is. Says talk
22 to @JRam_11_11 about this and FOIA. Problem is, just like with Lue and AATIP, public affairs folks don't know about it. UFO office? No, we don't know about it. Rank and file won't know. It will be very well hidden. But once again, the CIA doesn't miss a beat.
23 US found out Russians were dealing with paranormal in 1920s and 1930s & continued. Once gov't finds that out, they have no other choice but to investigate it & find out as much as you can about it. You have to stay close to or better than ur opponent.

Back to UFOs,
24 people in very senior positions were seeing these things & witnessing paranormal activity . There's no doubt in my mind that this has been a long-term project and I just think it's extraordinarily hidden. I don't think you can get close to it. Thinks AATIP was a Navy version
25 of that. Thinks there is other stuff (programs) going on. There has to be. Why so close mouthed? Brings up Robertson Panel and why they tried to hide it back then. Calls it boneheaded and dumb and totally ridiculous and taken to the cleaners by Ruppelt and Keyhoe.
26 Knapp: What about secrecy now? Why? Any opposition in upper echelons in intel agencies that are opposed 2 revealing anything about what we know to the public bc they're worried about how we would react?

JS: I'm speculating here. I think you're finding a larger group of people
27 in the intel community are who willing to take this on. This is one reason why Lue left and why Hal and I got involved with @tomdelonge. We knew we had to take it public. We briefed very senior people in intelligence community and told them what they were going to do
28 and told them to tap them on the shoulder if they didn't want them to do it. But they seemed to be okay with it and said godspeed. JS says they wanted it to be out in the open but that doesn't mean that some elements were willing or able to say anything bc of what they might
29 already know. It truly is a nat security issue. If you found something, whether it's crashed vehicles, and you were able to glean info. that could give you an edge in disruptive tech, you'd want to know and know if your adversaries had it. So you'd want to keep that as closely
30 held as you possible can. I think that's okay, but nowadays, what I don't like: The military and government doesn't own this topic. It doesn't just fly over nuclear sites or doesn't just show up in military installations, it shows up everywhere to every day
31 average people & scares the living hell out of them. And it scares me. And I want to know what the hell it is. If the gov't can't tell me what it is, fine, let's take it private and try to figure out wha it is. Gov't doesn't have a monopoly on this. There are plenty of bright
32 minds out there who can try to figure this out. Whether that's through crowd sourcing or sharing of databases. Bigelow's organization (NIDS, BAASS) was fantastic. That should still be going on.
33 Knapp: Does anybody know the full picture? What if we're property?

JS: I don't think anybody knows the complete, true picture. I agree w/Kelleher than UFOs are a lot more than nuts and bolts. There's a psychic and biological element. That's when it becomes high strangeness
34 and scary. TTSA wanted 2 bring this other side (more than just nuts & bolts UAP) out. Hitchhiker, contagion, abductions (that changes them for the rest of their lives). Is it interdimensional, ultraterrestrial, is it something complete out of space-time as we know it and is
35 interfering with us for one reason or another. Carl Jung said it was part of the collective unconscious is responsible 4 UFOs. JS doesn't think that's the case. Sometimes, he has to walk away bc of how scary this gets. Do we really want to know? We decided we had to go for it.
36 bc UFOs exist & everything else associated w/them exists. We just don't know what they are or intentions or capabilities. Plus, recent development in quantum mechanics. Reality is a lot different than what we think it is. It's just energy patterns. Does materialism even exist?
37 We have spooky action at a distance (Einstein & entanglement) and the Universe isn't real until it's observer. Mind and consciousness plays a huge role in all of this. Lue told him this will fall in the nexus between quantum mechanics and consciousness. He's a very bright guy.
38 I think this is very, very strange and I don't think most people would react very well to it.

Knapp: We may never know.

JS: In some respects, I don't think I want to know. Vallee (in Passport to Magonia) said you can put all these scientists together and you're not going to
39 come up with anything. It's like taking an iPhone up to a cow and trying to explain the how the technology works. This is what may be going on now. Mentions how Strieber & Kripal think this phenomenon may be a natural part of our Universe & we're living in it but we don't
40 recognize it. Like insects and animals don't recognize the human universe. Like if dogs & cats were running through a library. They would have no idea what books or libraries are all about. There's a whole nother reality around us we don't have the ability to see or interact
42 and it seems to be peeking inside our consensus reality. I told someone one that the phenomenon comes close, it teases us, it cajoles us, it lies to us, but you can never take it home to meet the parents. It won't allow you to do that. There's no formal introduction.
43 Add on top: No ontology or, in other words, no structure or common lexicon. Someone said we have dots but no connections. I don't think we even have dots! We have some things that are stable in UAP sightings. There's a craft that looks like a craft that may or not be.
44 It appears, it disappears. It's subjective. You try to put your finger on it and it completely eludes you. It's highly problematic. With TTSA, we wanted. research side and to look through the noise at the signal and out all the databases together. Not sure that's gonna cut it.
45 Knapp: With the Tic Tac, Gimbal or orbs buzzing the ships in 2019, are any of those foreign tech?

JS: "Absolutely not!" UAPTF report was beautifully written for what it said and didn't say. The Other bin. He used to work on what the Chinese & Russians had in their arsenal.
46 He was privy to some of the same data Lue saw &, "There's absolutely no way on God's green Earth that these things are terrestrial or belong to a government. They are other-world or other-dimension or other-something. But they are definitely not ours, & they are not Chinese &
47 JS: "and they are not Russian. And EVERYBODY in the gov't knows that, I might add."

Mixed bag for how folks in the gov't are handling the changes (New UFOs office, etc) happening lately. Nobody wanted it or wanted to go near it. Mentions Gillibrand amendment and how to
48 meet the requirements, you need to get lots of experts (like Knapp, Vallee, Hastings) to help you put this effort together. It's going to be tough. How will they be to come up with an answer to everything related to the phenomenon? He feels sorry for the folks charged with
49 putting all this together. They better not miss anything bc the cat is out of the bag.

When Lue & Chris & Hal & Kit & Eric went out & did their briefings & I did a little bit on the side with some other agencies, some knew some things & others had no idea what was going on.
50 Some folks are going to have to get up to speed on all this. It's incredibly complex.

Knapp: You think Congress will stay on this? There's hostility at the Pentagon. Mentions replacing the head of the UAP TF with a person of a lower rank.
JS: I understand the military's point (AOIMSG), to a certain extent. But unless you are a senior person (senior exec service in DoD or senior intelligence person), you're not going to get anywhere when you bang on doors of other agencies.
52 Without big guns in charge, this will go nowhere.
Some members of Congress are incensed that they're just hearing about this now.
53 Knapp: DeLonge changed the world with the things that have happened the past few years.

JS: Once I read Sekret Machines, he wanted 2 know who DeLonge was talking to. Went to visit him. TD never told JS who his advisors were but JS guessed a few of them. Wikileaks outed them.
54 Joined TTSA. He tried to council Lue NOT to join TTSA bc he was still young and could go places with his current job.

Was worried when they were on that stage in Seattle in October of 2017. He was worried someone would come through the doors and cuff them. Some of it is not
55 classified and other parts attached to it ARE classified. Hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Tom convinced all of them to come on board.

Mentions CRADA and metamaterials and how that's still in effect. And then Covid hit. Senior Army folks came out to Encinitas and
56 were gung ho to look @ the materials. Then a 2nd team came out to double check & they came away impressed. Some of the materials have strange isotopes. Monsters of California, hopes it comes out in 2022. It's now To The Stars Inc. Wants 2 start the TTSA podcast again &
57 interview @Peter_Levenda.

Knapp: We have bodies & craft? Your opinion?

JS: Stammers and says he's not comfortable going there.

No timeline on when CRADA may be completed. Mention Mg/Bismuth piece. Some folks say it's slag but we have never seen another sample like that.
58 Steve Justice, the first time he saw the Gimbal, started sketching and said, "I want to build that."

JS On Lazar: I don't have any issues with Lazar. I'm one of the few people, besides you (Knapp), who believes what he's saying is accurate. It makes sense to me that they
59 would hire him. Look at Snowden. We hired him. No college degree but a very smart kid. IMO, he's a traitor. And they hired him. Calls Lazar a Zen Mind. When a project gets stuck, they bring in someone completely different, completely new, to give a new perspective.
60 Lazar doesn't show any signs of deception that I could see. Is it possible he's lying? Yes but I just don't see it and I think it makes sense to me. As far as lying about his education? Lots of people lie about that. Doesn't mean he's lying about the other stuff.
61 Caller asks about hitchhiker. Is it something that could attach itself to a corporation or a private contractor?

JS: If the contractor was involved in a UAP incident.
62 JS: I had poltergeist activity in my home for years. Very strange stuff. Doesn't have it any more but had it for a very long time.

Knapp: Tell us about @JRam_11_11.

JS: He's a really smart guy. Just met him a few months ago. Been an experiencer for a while. Very
63 spiritually oriented. Reputation: Top of the line, top-flight analyst. He ran programs and he's a senior analyst in the agency. He's really, really smart and a great guy. Question him about getting more information from the intelligence agencies.
64 JS: More people (friends of JS) on the inside are getting interested in this topic and wanting to be involved and they're petitioning others to get involved. So hang on. 2022 is going to be a hell of a year.


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More from @TheUfoJoe

Jan 31
1 This was re: Uri having real abilities. I've tweeted this b4 but not everybody makes the effort 2 check my older tweets (very easy 2 do) so here it is, again

From my Kit Green (unpublished interview)

JM: Did u ever work w/any remote viewers who u considered to be superstars?
2 Kit Green: "The answer to your question is, 'Yes. Double yes. And triple yes.' I have known three. Now, I’ve examined dozens and dozens in the early, early, early program. The CIA and, you know, the Army program that existed beginning in 1985 through 1994 or 1993 or whatever.
3 KG: "I’ve seen the data of about a hundred really good remote viewers. And of that hundred or so, three were superstars. I’m going to say this again so it comes out in capital letters and italicized: In the domain of what the data was that these remote viewers were looking at,
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Jan 30
1 #ufo Eric Davis: "...something that your listeners are probably going to be shocked at. Probably a minute fraction, like less than one, one thousandth (1/1000) or one one-hundred thousandth (1/100,000) of the people with the need to know access, need to know authorization, and
2 Davis: "security clearances to be involved with that type of work, are the only ones that know. The vast majority of the rest of government really doesn’t know. And that’s why one hand, like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing…virtually because of the
3 Davis: "stove-piping that goes on in compartmentalized programs. U just can’t knock on doors & say, 'Hey! Here’s who I am. I’ve got clearances but not the right ones. I don’t have a need to know but I wanna know, so can u tell me?' And ur going 2B lied to, bc that’s the rule.”
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Jan 30
1 Knapp: "There are those in the #UFO world who say, 'It's all a ruse, the Pentagon is just trying to juice its budget. They're calling them UFOs and #UAPs, but really they're just foreign drones, Chinese tech, Russian tech.' Those images that I released last year of the photos
2 Knapp: "off the East Coast and Oceana, those are just balloons. And the images that Jeremy and I released about the 2019, hundred or so objects, buzzing nine or more ships, over a period of several days, caught on video. Yeah, those are those just Chinese drones, too. and that
3 Knapp: "the Pentagon is lying, misleading members of Congress behind closed doors, just so it can juice its budget. Which I find ridiculous."

Lue: "(laughs) I mean, look, man...I hate to be offensive and I really do, but George, sometimes you just can't fix stupid.
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Jan 29
1 When I first stumbled into this subject (bc I wanted to impress a female, who later became my 1st wife) in 1997, everybody was predicting Disclosure via channeled material or Steve Bassett. I thought it would happen by 2000! I was naive. 22 years after that, it still hasn't.
2 Year after year after year, the same predictions would come & go. Disclosure is imminent! Nope.

Do I think we're on the path 2 some sort of government disclosure? Yes. But as Lue said, if you're expecting to see the alien bodies any time soon, you're going to be disappointed.
3 Lue said to check back in 5 years. Leslie Kean has also mentioned she thinks we're going to learn a lot over the next 5 years. So, while it's an exciting time, people need to stop expecting it next month or next year. It's gonna take a while. But as I always say, that doesn't
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Jan 29
1/3 Karla Turner, NJ - 1996

What type of beings are reported?

Plus, sex with your “dead husband,” teethy reptilians, Jesus shows up, 1956 and a MILAB-like military encounter, and virtual reality.

Bonus: @TedDanson makes an appearance. 🍻
2/3 Karla Turner, NJ - 1996

What type of beings are reported?

Plus, sex with your “dead husband,” teethy reptilians, Jesus shows up, 1956 and a MILAB-like military encounter, and virtual reality.

Bonus: @TedDanson makes an appearance. 🍻
3/3 Karla Turner, NJ - 1996

What type of beings are reported?

Plus, sex with your “dead husband,” teethy reptilians, Jesus shows up, 1956 and a MILAB-like military encounter, and virtual reality.

Bonus: @TedDanson makes an appearance. 🍻
Read 6 tweets
Jan 28
1 Not sure of date but here’s late actress Sheila MacRae on Montel, sharing a story about the time she & her husband, actor Gordon MacRae, saw a #UFO while on a flight. It features alleged comments from Jack Warner (head of WB) & Howard Hughes. Gordon allegedly also saw bodies…
2 I don't know what beings she's referring to with regard to Keyhoe but here's some more on her husband, WP AFB and bodies.

"According to [Sheila], back in the 1940s her former husband was an armed security guard who had stood guard over a wooden pallet at Wright-Patterson AFB.
3 "On the pallet was something that was completely covered by a canvas tarpaulin. Told not to let anyone near the pallet and not to look under the tarp himself, MacRae complied with the first part of the order but not the second. When his chance arrived, he peeled back
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