Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for *failing* to take the Nazis’ view of Jews (that we *are* a race).
While I understand the Nazi view of Judaism means the Holocaust was—in a demented way—“about race,” the reaction to Goldberg’s comments was excessive.
PS/ I think the primary effect of the Goldberg suspension will be to convince many Christians that Jews *are* a race—in other words to convert them to the Nazis’ (and neo-Nazis’) view of us. That’s tremendously destructive. It would’ve been much better had she not been suspended.
PS2/ Today Trumpists across America are telling on themselves by suggesting that—instead of the apology she gave, and the public conversation with the ADL she had—Goldberg should’ve been fired because Roseanne Barr was. It’s a low-key way of saying *you too* consider Jews a race.
PS3/ What I take from this episode is that we still—in 2022—don’t know how to speak of Jews, Judaism, or the Holocaust. We’re so bad at it that Whoopi Goldberg saying something semi-technically correct got her suspended from her job. The whole thing makes America look ridiculous.
PS4/ When I was a kid growing up in what at the time was rural Massachusetts, I faced anti-semitism from white kids who told me I wasn’t white and constantly confronted me with swastikas because they thought it was funny. Now Whoopi Goldberg calls us white and she gets suspended.
PS5/ I agree that the Holocaust was “about race” because the villains who perpetrated it *felt* that it was, and in a certain sense that means it *was*. But this was a moment for ABC to let Goldberg and the ADL educate all of us. Instead, it turned it into self-righteous theater.
PS6/ Every day, on 4chan and 8chan and other places where Trump supporters congregate, Jews are erroneously referred to as a race—partly as a way to make it easier to “other” us. ABC has *heartened* these anti-semites by seemingly taking the (wrong!) view that Jews *are* a race.
PS7/ I’m glad the ADL has spoken up in Goldberg’s defense. It should now go further and ask for her reinstatement. ABC made a mistake here—not a mistake of appearances but a mistake in fact—and should correct it. Goldberg isn’t an anti-semite and what she said isn’t anti-semitic.
PS8/ So if you are a Trump supporter and are today crowing about what you perceive to be a “double standard” as between Whoopi Goldberg and Roseanne Barr, understand that all you’re doing is revealing that you don’t know *anything* about Jews or Judaism. And it’s a very bad look.
PS9/ All of this goes double for Fox News and other far-right propaganda outlets that are doubling down on the false narrative that Jews are a race. You’re literally spreading Nazi propaganda just to score an exceedingly minor win over those you perceive to be “libs.”
It’s sick.
PS10/ So, to sum up:
1️⃣ *Jews are not a race*
2️⃣ *Stop saying or implying we are*
NOTE/ To those saying that Goldberg’s comment about the Holocaust being whites “fighting” each other is more problematic—I agree. But it’s still a complex issue, as Jews *did* fight against the Nazis in the ghettos and the forests and various militaries. We *must not* erase that.
NOTE2/ Yes—it’s very problematic to say the Holocaust was two groups of whites fighting each other. But the notion that Jews were universally passive during the Holocaust is *also* problematic. So here, too, Goldberg needed—like many of us—more education rather than a suspension.
(MORE) Here’s a good article on how complicated all this is. The fact that it’s complicated means it shouldn’t be spoken of casually or reductively—which is really the mistake Goldberg made. But it was a mistake best remedied via education, not suspension. nbcnews.com/think/opinion/…
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(🔐) MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: The National Security Implications of a Newly Discovered January 4 Trump International Hotel Meeting Are Well Beyond What the Washington Post Reported
1/ I'm not going to be able to summarize this article. There's too much in it. The simple fact is that the Washington Post did a great job reporting on this secret January 4, 2021 meeting as breaking news—but didn't fully see the import of its own reporting. That is not a slight.
2/ The curatorial journalism at PROOF has resulted in a detailed timeline of the insurrection—who was with whom at what time and where. So when the Post suddenly reports on a January 4, 2021 meeting and tells us what was discussed in it and who was there, a whole timeline shifts.
(FEED NOTE) PROOF will have a major report on the breaking news from the Washington Post—about a secret January 4, 2021 meeting at Trump International Hotel—tonight. Why? Because elements of PROOF reporting will change how we see this news *substantially*. sethabramson.substack.com
(PS) There are going to be some bombshells in here.
(🔐) BREAKING at PROOF: The Coming Collapse of Donald Trump’s January 6 Conspiracy, Part 5: Ginni Thomas
I hope you will subscribe ($5/mo.), read, and RETWEET this massive exposé on Ginni Thomas. It's the longest January 6 article ever published by PROOF. sethabramson.substack.com/p/new-the-comi…
1/ People have long wrongly assumed that I have a "murder board" to track the suspects in Trump scandals using push pins and string. While I don't and never have—I use my memory and research exclusively—if I *had* such a board for January 6, Ginni Thomas would be near the center.
2/ Most Americans—even politically savvy news-watchers—know little more about Ginni Thomas than that she is a) the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and b) a conspiracy theorist. Both of these things are true—yet don't even *begin* to encapsulate who Ginni Thomas is.
Many of us are saying the coup attempt isn’t over and the insurrection continues and things will get very dangerous again and here you go. The lack of accountability for Trump continues to endanger the entire nation and our democracy.
(PS) The single most corrupt politician in U.S. history is trying to foment *fear* among the very law enforcement officials who are trying to uphold the rule of law and hold him accountable for crimes. He’s targeted *precisely* the jurisdictions in which he’s under investigation.
(PS2) And boy I sure hope no one missed that in Texas last night what Trump was trying to gin up was a race war. By drawing the attention of his primarily white—and significantly white supremacist—audience to the race of those investigating him, he knew exactly what he was doing.
On the eve of a possible war, if you read just one national bestseller on the Russia-Ukraine crisis and how it intersects with democratic erosion here—caused by the same Republicans who colluded with the Kremlin and pro-Kremlin Ukrainians—make it this one. amazon.com/dp/1250272998?…
(PS) The GOP is now so entwined with the Russia-Ukraine crisis that it's impossible to understand why Tucker Carlson is taking Russia's side without reading about the almost impossibly complex, nefarious backstory behind all of this—which involves elections, energy and espionage.
(PS2) Back in winter 2019-20—when I pitched a book on Ukraine to Macmillan—the prevailing wisdom was that it was folly, as the "Trump-Ukraine scandal" was little more than a brouhaha over a single phone call. PROOF OF CORRUPTION is 600 pages because in fact that was *never* true.
I've never appeared on RT. Asked twice, refused twice. Per usual—like when he made up a Satanic, cannibalistic, pedophilic Democratic cabal and almost got folks in a pizza joint in DC killed—Jack Posobiec is doing what he was trained to do in military intelligence: lie to crowds.
(PS) As Posobiec knows—because he was in the U.S. intelligence community—RT America is an "autonomous nonprofit" that is *not* RT and is *not* run by the Kremlin. I said "I've never appeared on RT" and I haven't. Years ago, I spoke to Thom Hartmann when he had an RT America show.
(PS2) This is a good example of how Posobiec operates. He knows—better than anyone, actually—the difference between RT America and RT, and what it means when someone says "I've never been on RT." But his *readers* don't know the difference. Just so, his photo of himself on 1/6...