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Feb 2, 2022 64 tweets 30 min read Read on X
#SeditionHunters - the Jan 6 Capitol attack required a crowd. A new timeline of the people who brought that crowd shows: the building blocks for Jan 6 were laid early, before the election. But the attack itself - in some form - was green-lit late, on the night of Dec. 18. 1/
A year’s work showed us the pipeline of #SeditionVIPs who streamed from rallies to Capitol grounds. Collecting a year’s notes into one timeline (and adding a 1500-page FOIA) makes the path to Jan 6 more clear. Read thread for a walkthrough - it’s a lot. 2/…
We focused on about 50 VIPs associated with rallies and crowd-building propaganda - maybe a quarter of the public figures at the Capitol on Jan 6. This walkthrough sticks to 2020, but the timeline includes their origins & back-stories... 3/
Many of the Jan 6 #SeditionVIPs got their start in 2016 or after, five years when the US was swept by a tidal wave of disinfo: division and hate on social media, foreign meddling in elections, new pseudo-news outlets spreading propaganda. 4/
In 2020 they are working together. They amplify the same themes: the stolen election, danger from “Antifa”, the Insurrection Act. They build organizations to draw and move crowds, starting months before the election. And they’re all together at 2 precursor rallies in DC. 5/
Let’s walk through 2020: Not much happens early. In Jan-Mar the US was grappling with covid. There’s a purge of Inspectors General, including the IG for the Dep. of Defense, but his ouster might be mostly about reducing scrutiny of pandemic spending. 6/
The Jan 6 Committee is interested from April - when Parler sees a massive growth, by x10 to over 1M users. That’s unlikely to be organic; see thread below. 7/
The “dry run” invasion of the Michigan Capitol also happens in April - billed as an “American Patriot Rally”, it ended with armed militias, backed up by crowds, breaching the building while state legislators were present. Eerily similar to Jan 6 in DC. 8/…
In May, George Floyd is killed and BLM protests sweep the US. They are met by a wave of narrative about the danger of “Antifa”, a new topic for Trump. From May 30 until Jan 6, 2021, Trump will Tweet about Antifa 55 times. 9/
June 1: Federal law enforcement push back BLM protestors in DC for a Trump photo-op. Trump calls for state National Guard units, threatens to “deploy the US military” to cities. The result is heated debate about the role of the US. military, but it also creates a precedent. 10/
From July to early September, a burst of organizing activity: six organizations associated with Jan 6 are all founded in this narrow window. All their leaders were in DC on Jan 6, all but one on Capitol grounds. 11/
Brandon Straka (>500K on Twitter) kicks off events in July. His #WalkAway campaign hit it big in 2018, but his 2020 “Rescue America” rallies draw just a few hundred at first. In Aug. Keith Lee does better with “MAGA Drag the Interstate” drive-bys in TX, takes them nationwide. 12/
Straka and Lee seem very different: an openly gay ex-actor turned influencer, a burly ex-cop, ex-Afghanistan “security contractor” turned QAnoner - but their 2020 events are cross-promoted. On Jan 6, they will be together at the breached Capitol’s Columbus Doors. 13/
In early Sep, Ali Alexander borrows the “Stop the Steal” concept from Roger Stone, says he’s building the “digital infrastructure” needed to move crowds and challenge elections. #StopTheSteal is immediately promoted by neo-fascist Jack Posobiec to his 1M followers. 14/
In Aug-Sept. former Green Beret Robert Patrick Lewis founds 1st Amendment Praetorian; they start providing security for Straka’s WalkAway and Lee’s MAGA DTI events in October. Later 1AP will provide security for the “precursor” rallies in DC as well. 15/
In Sept-Oct. talk of violence ramps up. “Reporter”-turned-Proud Boy Joe Biggs gets a byline with a story about “Antifa”. In a presidential debate, Trump tells the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”, blames Antifa. Biggs & Tarrio are overjoyed. 16/
Oct 30 Jack Posobiec releases & promotes a slick, fear-mongering movie with fascist imagery: “The Rise of Antifa”. It’s got clips of Chairman Mao, Soviets, Arab-looking men firing rocket launchers. The message: America is under attack. You can watch. 17/…
On Oct. 31, actual violence from Trump supporters: a MAGA Drag the Interstate group in TX surrounds Biden’s campaign bus, bumps a staffer’s car, tries to force the bus off the road. Alarmed campaign staff cancel several events. 18/…
Then the election, too close to call on Nov. 3. Organizers swing briskly into action the next day, even while votes are still being counted. Amy Kremer starts a Stop the Steal Facebook group that gets over 350,000 members in 24 hours, then is shut down for violent comments. 19/
Ali Alexander Tweets out his “dream team” of influencers and politicians, claims all the pieces fell into the place miraculously in 23 hours. LA reporter Lamar White doesn’t believe him - thinks it was planned for months. 20/…
Scott Presler organizes a rally in Harrisburg PA within 24 hours - fast, though it’s tiny. Ex-actor Presler’s a utility player: he started with Gays for Trump, did some Hillary-Russia Tweeting, then led an anti-Muslim hate group, now he’s drafted for Stop the Steal. 21/
Gun-carrying men begin appearing at vote-counting offices, always in swing states: AZ, MI, PA. In Philadelphia Joshua Macias, founder of Vets for Trump, leaves his guns in his Hummer, gets state weapons charges (and a parking ticket). 22/…
The Christian dominionism folks in DC get involved with a “Jericho March” that asks for protests at State Capitols. Founder Rob Weaver says piously: “God told me to let the church roar”. When you see people on Jan 6 blow shofars, then attack police, that’s why. 23/
Nov. 7, the day the election’s called for Biden, planning starts for a DC rally just a week away. It’s meant to be big, a step up: Cindy Chafian wants 10,000 people. Everyone promotes it: InfoWars, influencers. By Nov 8 there’s a slick video using footage from recent rallies. 24/
Trump is one who DOESN’T promote the Nov 14 rally - makes no mention til Nov 13, when he humblebrags about “organic Rallies..springing up all over the Country.” He keeps busy firing Defense Secretary Mark Esper, installing Chris Miller and a pack of loyalists in the Pentagon. 25/
The Nov 14 rally is a success - thousands turn up, if not the “hundreds of thousands” Trump claims. Alex Jones marches in with Enrique Tarrio & his Proud Boys; different militias mingle (watch at link). There’s just enough violence for good publicity. 26/
Importantly, Christo-fascist Nick Fuentes of America First gives a highly successful impromptu speech that lifts him into the inner circle. For the rest of the pre-January 6 period, he’s traveling with Alex Jones and Ali Alexander. He’s extreme, but he can pull a crowd. 27/
The day after the rally, full-scale planning begins for the next one, on Dec. 12. The Jericho March posts a flier immediately, though Cindy Chafian needs more days to negotiate the permit. Jones, Alexander and Fuentes flex their crowd-creating power at the Georgia Capitol. 28/
Within a week, Amy Kremer has speed-organized a multi-city bus tour that ends in DC on Dec. 12. She cross-promotes it with tags to other campaigns - they’re all working together. 29/
As multiple election lawsuits fail, there is also increasing talk about martial law. Russian influencer Anna Khait interviews former Gen. McInerney about the Insurrection Act. Michael Flynn gets a pardon and his brother Lt. Gen Charles Flynn gets a promotion. 30/
The Dec 12 DC rally is a bigger success even than Nov 14. Everyone is there. Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio jets in on a private plane and gets a White House tour. Michael Flynn makes a grand entrance flanked by representatives from many groups who’ll make a mark on Jan 6. 31/
There’s more violence too - 4 stabbed in DC, one shot in WA. In CA Alan Hostetter calls for executing lawmakers. Meanwhile election lawsuits keep failing. The gambit of fraudulent electors fails too, at least for now. On Dec. 14 the electoral college votes for Biden. 32/
At this point there’s a strange pause, 4 days of seeming indecision. Cindy Chafian does ask for another permit, but for Jan 22-23, after Biden’s inauguration. Many push for martial law, and DoD cuts off the Biden team. The Stop-the-Stealers have meetings & press conferences. 33/
The 6th is still heavy on people’s minds. Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller had Tweeted “...All about January 6 when the new Congress tallies up the electoral votes”. An AZ politician says on CSPAN: states decide, it’s “a Republic, not a Democracy.” 34/
Then Dec. 18 and a surreally “deranged” meeting. Jonathan Swan reports: Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne burst into the Oval Office, yell at WH staff, propose martial law. Swan: “It almost became a physical fight.” It goes past midnight. 35/
Whatever happened that night, some decision has been made. The machinery to promote Jan 6 cranks into action. At 1:42 AM, Trump sends the infamous Tweet: “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" At 1:52 AM, Ali’s pal Michael Coudrey amplifies 36/
It’s a late night for many: the MillionMAGAMarch account promotes Jan 6 after 3 AM, and Dan Scavino, Trump’s comms guy, Tweets a warlike video. In the morning: Cindy Chafian requests a permit date change to Jan 6. The next day, the website is created. 37/
Influencers start passing around a Serbian video about overthrowing Milosevic: “Police and military aligned with the people after few hours [sic] of fist-fight…when they see that sea of people..” Within hours it’s quoted by AZ GOP chair Kelli Ward. 38/…
The next week (Dec. 21-27) sees a stealth power grab by Cindy Chafian & Ali Alexander. Cindy changes the WFAF rally permit to her name. Ali’s group snaps up space close to the Capitol, using a fake organization. Fliers appear for “Operation Occupy the Capitol”. 39/
Militias book their travel, with others picking up their costs. QAnon’s Ron Watkins calls for “overwhelming numbers”, says he’s aiming for “max ppl for my budget”. Trump signs 41 pardons, incl. fixers Paul Manafort & Roger Stone and Blackwater contractors convicted of murder. 40/
On Dec. 28, the Kremers of WFAF realize they’ve been double-crossed, and an epic power struggle begins: email from Dec. 28-29 alone takes up 166 pages of the NPS FOIA. When the dust settles, the Kremers have the Ellipse, with Manafort’s support, & Chafian is bumped to Jan 5. 41/
It’s unclear what that struggle means. During it all, militia keep organizing and Proud Boys spread the word: no identifying “colors”, instead “dress like antifa”. DC police, hotels, watchdog groups grow alarmed, try to cancel bookings, shut down events, keep people away. 42/
By Jan 3, the alarm has reached higher: all 10 living former Secretaries of Defense issue a statement: “there’s no role for the US military” in elections. It’s addressed directly to “Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller & his subordinates…” 43/…
Throughout it all the National Park Service works diligently to make events happen, answering emails on weekends, approving last-minute changes: double the size to 30,000! Add an overflow lot with screens! Bump others to grant a location with line-of-sight to the Capitol! 44/
Organizers have to scramble too after Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio is arrested - here's Funes, Couch, & Hughes strategizing. Ex-Marine Charles Donohoe thought he should command instead: “I need to be put in charge of whatever new thing is created…” 45/
On the night of the 4th, MO Senator Josh Hawley again pushes the Antifa theme, falsely claiming "Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC & threatened my wife and newborn daughter.." Charlie Kirk amplifies. But it's really a small polite protest - watch 46/…
On the 5th, Trump has a meeting with staff, asks how to "convince Congress" to "do the right thing tomorrow". He also issues a memo directing the State Department to assess whether “Antifa” should be classified as a terrorist organization, claiming horrific violence. 47/
The first rallies start (new IL Congresswoman Mary Miller: Hitler had some good points!) NPS makes last heroic efforts (same-day permit for tomorrow, sure!) Trump may still think Congress can hand him power, but logistics for an attack are proceeding. 48/
Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio is let out of jail & told to leave DC, but manages a last meeting with other major J6ers. He’s so confident he lets a news crew tag along. No one seems worried. (Rhodes is now charged with seditious conspiracy.) 49/
By the 5th evening, Cindy’s rally is in full swing; Ali Alexander shouts “Victory or Death!” Josh Hawley hammers his theme again: “If the Antifa scumbags can terrorize my family, they can do it to any family in America”. Posobiec warns of DC danger. 50/
Listen to the VIPs and influencers at Cindy Chafian’s rally, chatting about what is to come. Alex Jones says “God will fulfill his destiny and will reward the righteous”. They expected to be rewarded the next day. (Video from “Carterrocks”) 51/
And then the 6th: Joe Biggs, ex-Army, ex-InfoWars, leads over 200 plainclothes Proud Boys to initiate the attack. Total militia members may be 1000 or more. 52/
Over 50 rally VIPs stream onto Capitol grounds too, some in the lead groups. None act surprised. 53/
The story of Jan 6 is for other threads and is partly told already: the radios and signals, the bullhorns directing the crowds, the setback on the W. Plaza, the MPD unit who biked to the Capitol and may have saved democracy. 54/
This #SeditionVIP timeline highlights instead the influence machine that enabled that attack - the months and years of advance work needed to move a crowd to the Capitol. Plans evolved quickly near January 6, but the machine was built in advance. 55/…
More lessons: in the build-up to Jan 6, groups and individuals with different interests worked symbiotically - or thought they were each in charge, cleverly using the others. Jan 6 was planned, but people may not have fully grasped each others’ plans. 56/…
One ‘tell’ is that groups responded differently to setbacks in the physical attack. When things went badly, many “influencer” VIPs bailed quickly, began making excuses. Others dug in for the fight. (See “messages” timeline that shows communications). 57/…
The coalition was needed - it’s startling how small the first rallies were. In summer 2020, listeners barely outnumbered speakers. ProPublica: “To build up the crowds, organizers like Ali Alexander..would collaborate with anyone…no matter how extreme” 58/…
More lessons: the push to Jan 6 involved narrative building: enemies are everywhere, citizens must fight, fear “Antifa”. Posobiec’s book "4D Warfare” (blurb: “a proven master of the information space”) explains the playbook: “how the social media narrative is established" 59/
The Antifa theme was used as early as 2017 (by Posobiec & Biggs), but early “influencing” was mostly about racial divisiveness, Pizzagate/QAnon. Antifa ramped up only later - Trump’s first mention is in summer 2019. Then in 2020, the BLM protests provided a golden opportunity 60/
A year and a half later, the posts & speeches & slick videos have worked. Amanda Moore reports the paranoid atmosphere at the rallies, how “Proud Boys helped convince attendees that they were in constant danger of being attacked by random people who were secretly Antifa.” 61/
Read Moore's account, how once-ordinary people now swear that enemies stalk the streets... The influencers enabled the Capitol attack not just by bringing the crowds, but by changing who they were. And someone wanted that, and made sure it happened. 62/…
The spreadsheet that tells this story represents a year’s work by dozens of #SeditionHunters, especially those groups focusing on public figures. Not just watching footage to find and identify people, but understanding whose presence at the Capitol mattered and why. 63/
The pre-Jan 6 facts in the timeline are mostly already reported. Its value is in assembling them, to see how they relate. The J6 committee obviously knows much more, and the structure will come out in hearings - but it’s important to have context for what we will learn. 64/

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Jul 22
Yesterday's Dem unity is wonderful to see. Fascism may be on its heels. Just realize that the forces against Harris are the same as those against Biden. Here's media from today. The broligarchs won't quit. And Putin's fight is existential now. People must stand up for her. 1/
There's really no daylight between Peter Thiel's crowd and Putin anymore. Elon Musk and David Sacks are spreading direct Russian propaganda. And Putin's only hope of survival is electing Trump/Vance. This set will throw everything against Kamala Harris. 2/
We should be optimistic. But we should also be prepared. What's coming will be ugly: misogyny, racism, lies. And, if the propaganda doesn't work, whatever else Putin can do to hurt the US - whatever divides and demoralizes. Unity and confidence and teamwork is the way to win. 3/
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19
A fascinating trend in those calling for Biden to drop out: they're all in deep blue districts. No experience with swing voters. Their political world is fighting with other Dems in primaries. Here are today's: Huffman, Garcia, Pocan, Veasey. Their last elections: 68-74% D. 1/

Who else called for Biden to drop out? Adam Schiff - last election 73% D. Jamie Raskin - 80% D. These people live in deep blue bubbles. Their calls to drop out include no analysis, just "vibes". Why do we trust their instincts for swing voters in MI, WI, PA, NV, GA? 2/ Image
Jamie Raskin is a good man but his experience with swing voters is zero. And on the J6C he ducked the hard task - his colleagues. Two of Peter Thiel's avatars, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, were key to the attack. Raskin let them slide. Now Thiel controls the GOP candidate for VP. 3/ Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 16
We now know Trump's campaign strategy. With JD Vance for VP, it won't be traditional: Vance, like all Peter Thiel proteges, repels voters. Trump's only path to win is by using vast sums of money to divide the left, slander Biden and Harris, and suppress the vote. Brace for it. 1/
All Thiel's candidates ooze JD's repellent brew of resentment and entitlement. So let's review, to prep: Cruz, Hawley, Masters, Vance. Ted Cruz: his Princeton roommate said "We should be afraid" and "I would rather pick someone out of the phone book". 2/…
Josh Hawley: his hometown newspaper crusades against him. His childhood neighbor said "I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher. I wouldn't inflict that on the dog." Hawley won in MO, but a presidential ticket has to win nationwide. Biden can do it. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Jul 15
Today's horror, but an expected one: Aileen Cannon has dismissed Trump's Mar-a-Lago case, exactly as predicted. No one should pretend to be shocked - no pearl clutching. This was so clearly the plan. Media, if you didn't see it, ask why you missed something so obvious. 1/
Ask how we got to this point, that obvious fuckery goes unchallenged. That media pre-comply instead of speaking truth to power. That editors don't let reporters dig. Authoritarians only succeed when institutions cede them power. We must fight back. 2/
This decision will affect the January 6 case too, everything that Jack Smith touched. Sure, it can be appealed - up to the Supreme Court that just granted Trump immunity. This was the game plan for months. Why was it not called out? Why did no one question Cannon's motives? 3/
Read 5 tweets
Jul 15
An eyewitness report now suggests JD Vance will be Trump's VP pick. If so, reporters must give context: Vance is an avatar of Peter Thiel, who bankrolled his entire career (and spent $15M for his Senate seat). And Thiel wants the presidency. Vance is a way to get there. 1/
If people are unfamiliar with Peter Thiel, he's such a Bond villain that he gets his own theme song. German-born, he can't run for US president himself, but he owns 3 Senators: Vance, Hawley, and Cruz. Vance is now his ticket to a higher seat. 2/
Vance has been financially dependent on Peter Thiel since 2016, when Thiel made him a partner in his Mithril Capital. (Peter names all his companies after Lord of the Rings.) OH journalists covered this part of Vance's career. In 2019, Thiel set him up with Narya Capital. 3/ Image
Read 11 tweets
Jul 12
People are foolishly passing around a Tim Alberta article in which he follows Trump's campaign advisers around and repeats what they say verbatim in The Atlantic: Susie Wiles wants Biden in the race to help Trump! Tim: are you so naive you can't see when you're being used? 1/ Image
How can it be a surprise to reporters that Trump lies, and so do his advisers? If someone gives you days of access, it's because you're useful. You aren't using them. They're using you. This message - "Biden is a gift" - is what Susie Wiles wanted you to print. It's a lie. 2/ Image
Alberta's article is just shockingly naive. He says Trump wants Biden because the Trump campaign has had time to prep, so new attacks are "deliberated" and "poll-tested". Something new is coming when Trump has been attacking Biden and his family for 4 years without success? 2/ Image
Read 6 tweets

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