Science should never rest on its findings nor thwart any other opinions.
We grow by challenging science
Where would we be w/out challenging the scientific status quo🤔
Let's remind ourselves of a few things science believed + #imagine where we would be if left unchallenged.
1. Samuel Cartwright
The "slavery scientist" as they called him insisted on MANY false beliefs to further the "status quo" narrative of slavery, including slaves were #animals and to stop them from running away one should torture them and confuse them constantly.
2. Ice Pick Lobotomies
Dr. Freeman committed 3500+ Lobotomies w/ a 14% fatality rate. Many left crippled or in a vegetative state forever. This was even done to children for hyperactive behavior or low IQ.
Including JFKs little sister Rosemary.
3. The wandering Uterus
It was once believed the female uterus wandered around the body freely, causing irritability, hysteria, even suffocation.
So, the "dildo" was born. Dr.s would see women in their offices and well..."cure" their hysteria.
Imagine that...
4. Thalidomide
In the 50s-60's women were given this drug for morning sickness resulting in 80,000 baby deaths and 20,000 born without limbs.
The #FDA was aware of this and hid the facts to promote pharma profit.
5. Here'a fun one. Dr Ignaz Semmelwers a Hungarian doctor realized babies were dying of "child bed fever" and found doctors were conducting autopsies and then delivering babies without washing their hands. Once implementing a handwashing #Protocol deaths fell from 18% to 2%
5. (Cont)
His colleagues resented his suggestion that THEY were causing the deaths, and targeted him as a pariah. They had him committed where he was beaten and died from the injuries.
Because he went against the status quo and going against the "desired science"