Far fewer patients were coming in with COVID related complaints and only 23 patients in my 8hrs sample got chest X-rays.
That's down from 40 patients/8hrs 2 weeks ago, and 50 patients/8hrs the week prior.
The crowd is thinning out.
Of those patients that did get chest X-rays, 20 showed no evidence of a COVID pneumonia, and only 3 showed mild pneumonias which were not even definitively COVID pneumonias.
There were no moderate or severe pneumonias.
What has changed?
Clearly the most important change is the prevalence of Omicron in the community. Omicron peaked early January in Ontario and has been dropping almost as quickly as it rose.
/4 globalnews.ca/news/8578162/o…
Unfortunately, this isn't the whole story.
Currently at my large urban general hospital we still have days where we are admitting more COVID-19 patients than we are discharging.
This leaves us with a sizable number of COVID patients requiring a high level of care.
There is also a sad reality that while the Omicron wave is quieting down, many inpatients are still battling pneumonias some of which will progress in severity.
Take home messages?
1. The drop in ER visits supports the waste water data showing that the Omicron wave is coming to an end.
2. It will take time to clear out the hospitals.
3. Omicron is still very dangerous, especially to the unvaccinated.
The Trump Tariffs require a united Canadian front, but that doesn't mean falling in line behind Prime Minister Trudeau who recently announced his intention to resign.
What is the World Economic Forum, and why is it relevant to Canadian politics?
Let's take a look beyond the conspiracies and focus on the policies of the WEF and how they have impacted Canadians.🧵
The WEF was established by Klaus Schwab in 1971 to engage global leaders from business, politics, academia, and civil society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.
It is essentially a left leaning think tank creating policy positions that have global impact.
People focus on the over 1,500 private jets flying into Davos every year for the annual WEF conference. But it is the 1,500 private jets flying out that are far more important.
The WEF is masterful at disseminating information across the globe.
"Using language in chants or recordings, on signs, or otherwise that demeans others based on their age, ancestry or race, ethnicity, place of origin, creed or faith... is not permitted."
Holding a protest on October 7th, a day when Jews were slaughtered, violates this rule.
The crowd chants 'long live the Intifada', and then 'resistance is justified'.
Let's explore what Intifada means for Jews in the context of the conflict in the Middle East.
The First Intifada began in 1987 and ended in 1993. Palestinian militants killed 100 Israeli civilians, 60 soldiers, and executed 800 Palestinians accused of collaboration.
3,100 Israelis were injured.
The Second Intifada ran from 2000 to mid-2005 resulted in 1,000 Israelis killed and thousands wounded. It was marked by waves of suicide attacks often targeting civilians on buses.
Other tactics included shooting, stabbing, mortar and rocket fire, kidnapping, and lynching.
This has been making the rounds. It's a guide on how to disrupt the healthcare system.
Disrupting patient care isn't protest, it's illegal, and it's immoral.
It features charming suggestions such as 'bird-dogging', which is essentially harassment.
There's the ever popular walkout, a great way to deny patients life saving care and ratchet up pressure by leveraging their health for your cause.