Based on forthcoming series on #LIC in @newsclickin
Part 1 - on valuation
1 India’s biggest-ever IPO will rest on what is determined to be #LIC’s Embedded value (EV). It promises to be the mother of all privatisation scams.
2 The notion that the EV of an insurance company captures its true worth is being cited as gospel. Nothing could be farther from the truth, for 2 reasons: a) as a measure the EV suffers from serious problems, because of the kind of assumptions/ methodologies it adopts
3 b) the EV ignores the specific characteristics of #LIC as a financial institution, sui generis in the world of finance. Nothing like it exists anywhere in the world. In my forthcoming article I examine how on both counts the valuation exercise would undervalue its real worth.
4 It is important to recognise that the EV is NOT necessarily an objective measure of the worth of an insurance business. It is based on a rigid set of assumptions and the methodologies adopted. The EV calculated by Milliman may not reflect the “real” value of LIC
5 The LIC has NEVER had to undertake valuation of its “real” worth, simply because a conservative assessment of its assets, at book value, gave it protection against uncertainties. Importantly, life insurance are in the nature of long term contracts 20-30 yrs or more
6 For example, LIC is the biggest realtor in India, owning prime properties across India. The mind boggles at the thought that Milliman and its associates would have been able actually estimate the market value of each of these real estate assets during the pandemic.
7 The EV’s recent evolution as a valuation tool aims to narrowly measure shareholders’ benefit from the sale of an insurer. It does NOT include goodwill, brand value and future profits that may accrue from new business. These will deflate the value of #LIC the market leader
8 EV is also affected by the timing of the evaluation, which could potentially affect LIC valuation. LIC’s Value of New Business (for individual policies) had fallen sharply in 2020-21 because of the pandemic.
9 Incorporating this into the valuation would further lower EV. The valuation exercise, undertaken during uncertainties of the pandemic, dampens EV further.
10 In fact, you and I could estimate an EV of the same insurer and come to different results. Valuation thus lies in the eyes of the beholder! And, you and I could have different EVs depending on when you or I choose to compute them!
11 The EV methodology has no place for unique features of the LIC. The fact that LIC was built on the basis of policy holder’s contributions won’t figure in Miliman’s report. Let this be clear: between 1956 and 2011, the government’s contribution was just Rs. 5 crore.
12 The entire growth of LIC was thus propelled by policy holders contributions. LIC was truly unique in that policy holders ranked above the sole shareholder (the govt). 95% of the surplus generated every year was given back to policy holders as bonuses. The govt got only 5%.
13 Nothing like LIC exists anywhere in the world. The question to ask is this: how can the asset base of a company, evaluated by a methodology that systematically excludes those who have built the LIC, be fair?
14 Another questions is this: how can the interests of policy holders who have provided the entire solvency reserve of the LIC, which has backed the vast expansion of its asset base, be deprived of the valuation now?
15 The argument that policy holders would be entitled to a portion of the shares sold through the IPO is positively evil for the simple reason that the universe of policy holders is far bigger than the universe of potential policy holders who may become shareholders after the IPO
16 Remember, LIC has about 400 million policy holders. We are talking about a group of people who constitute about one-fifth of the Indian population.
17 The NaMo Govt will undoubtedly try to use the #LICIPO as a mood elevator in the stock markets. Meanwhile, millions would lose, even as a tiny number turn even more wealthy.
18 (last) Valuation of public enterprises lined up for sale has ALWAYS been controversial. Make no mistake: the LIC stake sale will prove to be most scandalous of them all. Forget Balco, forget Air India, this it.
1 Thought for the day, on a THREAD: Why are we apparently so hopelessly & viciously divided on NaMo’s DeMo? Read my piece where I explain… But there’s more
2 I reckon it is perhaps the Indian elite’s inability to comprehend the lives/livelihoods of ordinary folk and their ties to currency (money). Money in currency form is NOT just about making payments for buying/selling stuff. The elite just don’t get this.
3 People like you and me (on Twitter, for eg.) don’t need money for other things. We have the platforms, credit cards, even loans to get stuff we need. For us money is not important as an ASSET. But everyone is not like us.
1 The data on #GST revenues arrives on the first of every month. And, every month, the Indian media - financial as well as general - hypes the numbers, nodding in agreement with the sarkar that it has touched a new "record". Here is a Thread based on April GST collections
2 There is neither context that anchors the latest numbers to some reference point, which could be either in terms of comparison to the previous year or in relation to the size of the economy (GDP at current prices, for instance).
3 Since GST revenues (all taxes for that matter) are always in current prices, and since we know that prices have been on a wild upswing in the last year, context also requires that revenues be compared to prices. Otherwise, revenues would be exaggerated by a “price effect”.
1Thread illustrating the lackadaisical use of “data” showing an ongoing “surge” in investment in India, notably by the private sector, an issue on which NaMo and FinMin Nirmala Sitharaman have been repeatedly pleading with industry…
2 This news report relies entirely on “announcements” made by companies about their investment in projects, gathered by Projects Today, a pvt priced publication. As we know very well announcements, more often than not, DO NOT translate into inv on the ground
3 The report states that the “surge” has led to investments of Rs. 37 lakh crores in 2022-23, of which 40% happened in the last quarter, and esp in manufacturing.
1 THREAD on the SC’s order today constituting an expert committee to enquire into the #Hindenburg allegations. The supreme irony is that #SEBI gets away scot-free. Crucially, invoking the holy grail of “investor protection” is how #SEBI escapes court criticism/scrutiny
2 It is important to reiterate that crux of the Hindenburg allegations rest on the claim that the ownership of the #Adani Group Cos is concentrated above SEBI-set levels through entities not at arms length from the promoters. The rest of the allegations stem from this central one
3 The overvaluation of group company stocks and therefore of the companies is made possible because of the low “free float” - implying scope for manipulation - which then enables the #Adani Group to leverage even greater volumes of debt
1 THREAD on national income estimates announced today for Q3 of 2022-23. The abiding message is that the statistical illusion created by the collapse of economy since pandemic is still very much in play. Beware of smoke and mirrors!
2 GDP in 2022-23 is expected to grow by 7% in real terms, GVA by 6.6%. This is a slowdown of 2.1 %age points and 2.2 %age points, respectively.
3 The share of capital formation (GFCF), the prime motor of growth in a capitalist economy, is estimated to increase to 34% of GDP, compared to 31.1% two years earlier. But hold the applause!
1 THREAD on LIC and its investments in the Adani Group - why #LIC has been imprudent, reckless and irresponsible in squandering money belonging to its policyholders. Why even now, it may not be too late for it to cut its losses and run from the fire.…
2 LIC has stakes in 5 Adani Group companies of which its earliest substantive acquisition was in Adani Ports in Sept 2000. LIC management has defended itself by saying that the acquisitions in Group cos were made “over a period”. <3 years does not suggest long term!
3 Significantly Adani Port, which has been a major source of revenue, is the only co to have somewhat avoided the free fall in the month after the #Hindenburg revelations. LIC’s stake, thankfully for now, were more in this venture. LIC will do well not to bet on this for long