Let me explain to you the most expected proposal at #Paraswap: The Gas Refund Proposal 🔥
Before we get into the nitty gritty, for those of you who are new, let me give you a reminder of what #Paraswap is 😌
Yes it's never too late to learn! (Or refresh your memory!)
Its job is to find the best price on our trades, even if it means splitting the liquidity between different DEX (#uniswap, #sushiswap, #curve etc) ✨
Unlike its competitors, #Paraswap charges NO fees to its users (yes yes you read that right) and yet provides the best prices!
But by what dark magic?? Let's answer it together 😌⬇️
The special thing about #Paraswap is that in addition to having complex and powerful algorithms, #Paraswap has what we call "ParaSwapPool" 😌
Don't go running off! This is where it gets really interesting!
So like I said, ParaSwapPools allow #Paraswap to offer prices that defy all competition!
How do you do it? Very simple! Behind these ParaSwapPool are professional Market Maker providing OTC deals on chain! 🤯 (Like @wintermute_t or @ResearchKronos )
⚠️ But what is a Market Maker? ⚠️
Well it is a professional who is responsible for maintaining the price of an asset. In order to do so, he must receive a lot of volume!
That's why #Paraswap provides the volume in exchange for great prices to offer you 😉
Pfiuu good this was just the appetizer! I hope I didn't lose anyone!
The current system works great! Without any special marketing, #Paraswap is on par with protocols that have dedicated communication teams because simply put, prices don't lie! 😏
Nevertheless with the appearance of the $PSP token, we can boost the volumes of these market makers 😏🔥
Ladies and Gentlemen, get ready to see an unchallenged domination : The Gas Refund Proposal ⬇️
But first I want to thank here all the active members of the forum, discord and especially @S3B_eth and @mounibec ours giga chad brains! 🥂
The idea is simple! Allow $PSP stakers to get a refund of their gas fees based on the amount stake!
This would include all fees: trade, stake, reverted txs, #NFTs etc...
All $PSP stakers would benefit from this right! But what if this same right could be rented...? 🤔
This would therefore offer the possibility to have gasless trades, all without being exposed to the $PSP token!!!
Think of it as a kind of subscription to be able to trade without worrying about gas 😎
Now a little practice 🧠 :
➡️By staking our $PSP, we would generate Renting Right PSP, $rrPSP
➡️This $rrPSP would be determined by the time spent at stake and the number of $PSP stake
➡️This would therefore be a representation of our % in a "Renting Pool"
➡️ This Renting Pool would thus be filled with $rrPSP where each person wanting to make a gasless trade would come and take $rrPSP, destroying it in the process!
So we are talking about Flash Rent! Borrow the right to repay, make your trade, and destroy the associated $rrPSP, all in one TX!
Why is this so incredible? Because we are opening up a WHOLE new market!
#Paraswap would then introduce #NFTs with different tiered thirds allowing for more or less $rrPSP to be borrowed! 😏
L'arrivée des institutions dans la DeFi ! #Paraswap en danger ? 🏦⬇️🧵
Avec l'avènement d'ethereum et de la DeFi Summer 2020, les protocoles de finance décentralisée ont su montrer leur capacité à produire et capter de la valeur !
Leur rendement allant de 5, 10, voire même 30% a tout bonnement éveillé la curiosité des institutionnels ! 😏 (Oui oui les amis, je sais qu'on peut viser beaucoup plus mais on parle ici de finance de bon père de famille !)
Vous êtes assis sur une mine d'or mais vous ne le savez pas encore : #Paraswap à la conquête d'un marché de 5 trillions de dollars par jour ! 💸⬇️🧵
Tout d'abord définissons ensemble ce marché :
Il s'agit du Forex, l'un des marchés les plus importants et liquides au monde ! Il consiste en l'échange de différentes devises monétaire
Imaginez maintenant que #Paraswap arrive à capturer ne serait-ce que 0.1% de ce marché ? On parlerait donc de 5 milliards de dollars par jour transitant via #Paraswap !
J'ai l'air d'un vendeur de tapis je sais, mais continuons⬇️
Gagner de l'argent en BearMarket c'est impossible ! Impossible me dites vous ?? Mais avez-vous déjà entendu parler de.. #Paraswap ? 💸⬇️🧵
Pour qu'on soit tous d'accord sur comment gagner de l'argent avec #Paraswap, je me dois d'abord de vous rappeler brièvement le business modèle de notre cher agrégateur de DEX :
#Paraswap agrège différents DEX en splitant parfois les liquidités entre plusieurs routes pour vous offrir le meilleur prix possible sur vos swap😌
(oui oui un rappel sur ce qu'est #Paraswap ne fait jamais de mal)