Can’t believe so many give credence to feta leaving the EU. The real story is USA needs a generalized data protection regulation to achieve adequacy and preserve transnational data flows because Max Schrems will blast any dumb treaty that comes next.
Industry think tanks can dream of fanciful new “Schremsproof” treaties all day long because they get paid the big bucks but a GDPR for the USA is the only “durable” solution here. #DataRightsAreHumanRights
Same delusional adtech that brain thinks IAB can fix TCF while not admitting that it’s the underlying RTB that isn’t GDPR-compliant.
*<that>’s a pre-caffeinated typo right there, but yeah, you get my spiel. Until we get real about #DataRights the ongoing dumpster fire in the land of data transfers and localizing will only hasten “splinternet” so we need a GDPR for the USA to save the internet as we know it.
Helpfully referenced by @mikarv & @PrivacyMatters there’s probably a better baseline than GDPR (108+). The point I try to express for general audiences is that transatlantic data situation seems really bad and it could get much much worse. One of many huge issues for @linakhanFTC
As US states go all-in on sports betting, it’s worth taking a peek at the data market for pseudonymous identifiers pulsing behind the screen in Europe and then imagine practices that aren’t worried about national general data protection laws because they don’t really exist here.
(I would guess the GDPR does not provision for such a grotesque abuse of sensitive personal data, but as you can see in the thread, my lawyer @RaviNa1k is often batsignaled when the persistent questions of data protection enforcement arise.)
But my point is the same: the USA needs a GDPR. A generalized data protection regulation that applies nationally and horizontally. We do not need a data privacy law for sports betting. That is beyond pointless but that is what Congress knows how to do (lobby a bill with industry)
A crypto decentralized dao airline will be established. There will be also be delays and you’ll feel nickel and dimed for everything. The class tiering membership and rewards will be even more inscrutable and insufferable with 10x carbon for hopping to your offshore cyptocolony.
At daoAir you pay a gas fee to book a flight, change a flight, mint a boarding NFT, have a premium beverage juicero’d at your seat, and of course the fees to convert to the wifi coin
And pretty much only the first airdrops get lounge access because the prices are steep for the coveted day pass NFTs
So if crypto achieves its intrinsic objective of obsoleting democratic sovereign states and their antiquated trappings of central banks and judiciaries what’s the actual mechanism that deters fraud as a business model à la Theranos?
Reply guys saying but the blockchain is “transparent” isn’t that the whole idea! then tell me about all the recent fraudulent NFT ape transactions that require arcane knowledge to even begin to comprehend let alone conjure any possible remedies for blatant theft
So far the answer is a web2 centralization on top of web3 chaining but we haven’t seen a proof of concept for a fully decentralized platform governance UX because it’s so much more difficult than convincing folks to speculate their excess covid cash on the next big thing
Technically a bad analogy mea culpa because passwords would never pass to logs (gulp) but meant to convey a surplus of meaning; certification of votes and whatnot; gunking the logs as a hack if you open an exploit