Thank you to all the authors for sharing their thoughts and contributing to writing/editing. I learned several tips in our discussion.
These rules are focusing on the technical planning process and should be considered as a companion to other recommendations that are more focusing on policy, ethical, or compliance aspects.
I want to thank the editors, all three reviewers, and the production team from @PLOSCompBiol. The reviewers' comments are very encouraging and helpful for us to craft this final version.
Thanks to @infoecho for mentoring and supporting me to contribute to the scientific community. Lots of experience at @dnanexus including analyzing 200k+ sequencing data from @uk_biobank are very rewarding and helpful in making this article.
Also, thanks to all my previous mentors/mentees, especially @gildor, for building the genome assembly tools and service at DNAnexus. I got my first one million core hour analysis experience from one of the genome assembly works.
Thanks to @biomonika and @pashadag for sharing their experiences in writing their Ten Simple Rules articles and @jdidion for advice in making publication.
Hopefully, you will find it useful for your work. At least for me, I learn most of these rules the hard way. There was my story in grad school about how the large-scale NGS analysis stole my Christmas. It’s hilarious in retrospective, but very frustrating at that time.