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May 22nd 2023
At #ISC23, @intel's Jeff McVeigh going through AI-accelerated #hpc. Either AI helping reduce large problems, or AI hardware being used for reduced precision in HPC ImageImage
If you hadn't seen it, Intel's AI roadmap. Falcon Shores is the output of GPU+AI. Image
GPU Max.

128 Xe Cores
128 GB HBM2e
52 TF FP64
839 TOP BF16 Image
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Apr 5th 2023
We’re thrilled to launch our cutting-edge development environment, designed to revolutionize the world of #ArtificialIntelligence & High-Performance Computing

#AI #CloudComputing 👇…
The Customer Portal provides easy access to our infrastructure and an array of pre-built applications, including #Text2Image, #Blender, @unity Render Streaming, and #AI Upscaling.
The Developer App within the portal is a game-changer for those looking to create and run custom jobs in an #HPC environment.

It offers unmatched flexibility and ease of use, enabling users to develop and deploy their applications on the @DeepSQUAREio infrastructure.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
And @PGelsinger takes the stage and immediately confirms that this is the launch of the fourth-generation #Xeon processor known as #SapphireRapids. He’s also emphasizing the #XeonMax brand!
@PGelsinger immediately turns it over to a video featuring @MichaelDell of @DellTech, then the CEO of @InspurSystems, then @AntonioNeri_HPE of @HPE, then @Lenovo
@PGelsinger Next up is @Cisco, @Supermicro_SMCI, Jensen Huang of @NVIDIA #Xeon
Read 23 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
Something a little different today:
A blog post on the curious case of Alder Lake, the quest for reduced precision on x86, preparing HPC FOSS libraries and documentations, and how a certain vendor made it explicitly harder to support their own hardware.…
This is an abridged recounting of months of works which is still ongoing to this day.

Writing this up stemmed from a tangent with @owainkenway about needing special microcode revisions within custom kernels, and instead of just an email, turned it into a post of sorts.
Some of the content is a little harsh towards certain entities. I want to be clear to those at said entities that I truly do value the amazing work you do and that I still believe in you longer term.

Heck I'm still open to working with you on fixing some of these problems!
Read 7 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
NVIDIA GTC starts today! There are tons of exciting topics and webinars covered. This year again the whole conference is online and free, so go and register if you have not done so already.

Here are a few special highlight sessions:

1/4 Image
GTC 2022 Keynote - September:

How CUDA Programming Works:

Building the Future of Work with AI-powered Digital Humans:

Building Future-Ready Intelligence for Cars:

A Deep Dive into RAPIDS for Accelerated Data Science and Data Engineering:

A Deep Dive into the Latest HPC Software:

Cross-Framework Model Evaluation and Accelerated Training with NVIDIA Merlin:

Read 4 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
The #MI250 is misleadingly marketed as "one chiplet GPU" with 13312C, 90TFLOPs & 128GB @ 3.2TB/s.

But it is not. The 2 GCDs are 2 separate GPUs with 64GB each, like a K80 dual-GPU but in a socket. One #GPU can't directly access the other's memory.
To use both GCDs, the software needs to be multi-GPU capable. For many algorithms this is very difficult and for some it is entirely infeasible. The desire for large unified memory is huge.
The #MI250 promises exactly that with "128GB", but delivers only half.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
I’m so glad to announce that the computational model I developed during my PhD is now a stand-alone software and has recently passed the strict review process of my favorite journal, Journal of #OpenSource Software 🤩…
Let me explain it a bit 👇
BioDeg is an #opensource cross-platform software written in #FreeFEM, C++, and Python for modeling the degradation of metallic #biomaterials and simulating the #biodegradation behavior of medical devices and #implants in #corrosion experiments.
The necessity and the details of the computational model of #biodegradable materials, which does the main simulation behind the scene, are already discussed in this Twitter thread, so make sure to have a look at it if you like to know more 🤓

Read 10 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
We just published the “Ten Simple Rules for Large-scale Data Processing” with @GreeneScientist @seandavis12 @infoecho @localee_compact @datawheeler @jaclyn_taroni based on our experience.…
#Bioinformatics #BigData #CloudComputing
Thank you to all the authors for sharing their thoughts and contributing to writing/editing. I learned several tips in our discussion.
These rules are focusing on the technical planning process and should be considered as a companion to other recommendations that are more focusing on policy, ethical, or compliance aspects.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
Wanna try @nextflowio DSL2?

Our #climbBioinfoskills tutorial is available online! 🧵 Image
#Nextflow is a fantastic language and workflow runtime, which allow us to write clean logic and to separate it to the configuration. The same workflow can transparently run locally, on your #HPC or in the #cloud!

My slides are available on Github:…
And the repository itself shows a simple example of a "de novo" assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes
Read 5 tweets
Dec 27th 2021
#Sähköauto Nissan #Leaf 40kWh matkaa 338km Pohjanmaalle. Pakkasta aamulla Helsingissä -16°C. Matkalla 3 lyhyehköä pikalatausta yht 1h sekä lounaan ajan 3kW AC latausta. Kangasalan kautta ajaessa kokeillaan mahtuuko siskon 2 turvaistuinta ja lastenrattaat tähän tilaihmeeseen.
Auton mittari kertoo -15°C. Kyllä on mukava lähteä lämpimällä autolla ja ikkunat sulana liikkeelle. Akku myös tukevasti pakkasella, mutta varmasti lämpenee ennen ensimmäistä #Chademo pikalatausta, #goldgate nimellä kulkeva kylmän akun hidas lataus ei vaivaa #Leaf’ia.
ABC Tiiriön 50kW 🇪🇸 Efatec #Recharge laturi on erinomaisella paikalla, harmillisesti vain yksinäinen. Oli vapaana mutta 10min latauksen lopulla tuli toinen auto jonottamaan. Latausnopeus odotettu 40kW.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
#SC21 #Top500:

ATIP's More Realistic China Top100?

Better pictures in this thread compared to the photo from Tiffany I tweeted earlier

#HPC #AI via @Cozy57 @glennklockwood
@Cozy57 @glennklockwood 2/

#Exascale in China: 2 EFlops systems today, 3rd delayed

#HPC #AI #SC21 #Top500
@Cozy57 @glennklockwood 3/

#HPC in China: Out of 10 #supercomputing centers planned, 8 are in operation

#AI #SC21
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Nov 16th 2021
#SC21 opening ceremony: General chair Bronis de Spinski takes the stage.

#SC21: The @Supercomputing perennials - some are in STL and some are attending remotely this year

@Supercomputing #SC21: Ken Kennedy award goes to Dr. David Abramson

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Nov 15th 2021
#Top500 -Still waiting for #Exascale: Japan's #Fugaku outperforms all competition once again

@Azure system called Voyager-EUS2 was the only machine to shake up the top spots, claiming #10…

#Top500: Only one change in the Top10 systems - Voyager-EUS2 @Azure using AMD EPYC CPU and Nvidia A100 GPU

Perlmutter @NERSC improved its performance to 70.9 Pflop/s but remained at #5 on the list

#SC21 #HPC

#Fugaku continues to hold the No. 1 position that it first earned in June 2020

It was co-developed by Riken and Fujitsu and is based on Fujitsu’s ARM A64FX processor

It uses Fujitsu’s Tofu D interconnect

#HPC #SC21
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Nov 15th 2021
#SC21: Press briefing starting now

Bronis R. de Supinski @Livermore_Lab mentions SC21 is the first hybrid @Supercomputing conference

@Supercomputing ~3800 in-person attendees, according to Bronis

More than I expected....

#SC21 #HPC
@Supercomputing #SC21: @mark_epcc from @EPCCed covers the finalist papers for the Gordon Bell Prize, which recognizes outstanding achievements in #HPC

Also the finalists for GB for #Covid19
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Nov 15th 2021
#SC21: @HPC_Hyperion #HPC Market briefing (without the breakfast this time 😉 )

Despite Covid, #Fugaku single-handedly saved the HPC revenue numbers for 2020 - a billion dollars makes a difference!
@HPC_Hyperion .@HPE is the top #HPC vendor, followed by @DellTech

@Fujitsu_Global jumped due #3 due to #Fugaku - so this is their 15 minutes of fame :-)

@InspurServer & @lenovo make up the Top 5

@HPC_Hyperion The broader on-prem #HPC market

#HPC #storage remains #2 after compute, which is the biggest item as usual

Read 28 tweets
Nov 15th 2021
Incredibly happy that our @RoboStack paper has been accepted to the @ieeeras Robotics & Automation Magazine 🥳. @RoboStack brings together #ROS @rosorg with @condaforge and @ProjectJupyter. Preprint: Find out some key benefits in this 🧵: 1/n
You can now easily use ROS (both ROS1 #Noetic and ROS2 #Galactic) on a wide range of platforms: @linuxfoundation (not just a specific Ubuntu, any Linux!), @Apple #MacOS and @Microsoft @Windows - even on ARM processors including the new M1 (work still in progress, though). 2/n
Thanks to the tight coupling to @condaforge, this enables you to (very easily) install ROS side-by-side with thousands of scientific libraries, including recent #computervision and #machinelearning ones (think @TensorFlow, @opencvlibrary, @PyTorch and more). 3/n
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Oct 13th 2021
Are you interested in reaction-diffusion systems? Also want to know more about coupling them with moving interface problems? Especially if it’s related to #HighPerformanceComputing and elaborated on it? Then, don't miss our recent publication😉👇…
Reaction-diffusion systems coupled with moving interface problems (in which the boundary of the domain is part of the solution 🙂) have great importance in various real-world scenarios in chemistry and chemical engineering as well as environmental and life sciences.
As an example of such systems, we developed an #InSilico model of the #biomaterials degradation phenomena, in which the loss of material due to #corrosion (#biodegradation) leads to movement of the material-medium interface.
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Jul 22nd 2021
A lot of folks have asked about what we used to build out the infrastructure for the hackathon. 1/22
I'm going to lean on @ollyperksHPC and @CQnib and others who worked really closely to look after both the orchestration of the clusters themselves as well as the "insides" of the clusters (packages, compilers, libraries etc). 2/22
Firstly, we extensively used @awscloud #ParallelCluster, which takes spec files that more or less say - "gimme a cluster with, lemme see ... I think I want Slurm today, and up to 16 compute nodes made from Graviton2, I also want EFA for doing fast MPI stuff, oh, and a… 3/22
Read 23 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
Drum-roll, please: @OllyPerksHPC and I just announced the winners of the @awscloud/@arm Summer Cloud HPC #ahugHackathon hosted by @ArmHPCUserGroup. 1/17
The judges were really impressed by the incredible effort from across the community that saw the participants get 31 codes working on Graviton2-based #HPC clusters that previously only built and ran on other, mostly x86-based, lifeforms. 2/17
This lifts the water level for the whole Arm-HPC community. 3/17
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Jun 25th 2021
#Fugaku made the difference in getting the 2020 #HPC Market for on-prem compute to show minimal growth over 2019

@HPC_Hyperion Market Update at #ISC21
@HPC_Hyperion The folks at @HPC_Hyperion decided to divide the #Supercomputer segment into 3 categories

Leadership/#Exascale class systems are getting the big $$

@HPC_Hyperion Market forecast - 6.8% CAGR till 2024

#Exascale is the major factor for growth

Read 26 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
Interesting read: @jonmasters uses the return of @PGelsinger to @intel as an excuse to talk about how the semiconductor world has changed with a small number of #cloud vendors calling the shots…

@jonmasters 2/
The future has only 6 or 7 customers driving demand

They are both extremely sophisticated AND more than capable of taking matters into their own hands, in-house

They’re larger than any of the component suppliers from which they source their compute needs today

@jonmasters 3/

The “lock in” of the next decade won’t be literally “your software only runs on my #Cloud but more that it “runs better on my cloud”

Because I coupled a “right sized” design with the right accelerators and made it “just work”!
Read 6 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
✨✨ BIG NEWS: We are hiring!! ✨✨
Amazing Research Software Engineer / Research Data Scientist positions within the @turinghut23 group at the @turinginst, at Standard (permanent) and Junior levels 🤩

👇 Here below a thread on who we are and what we do!…
We are a highly diverse and interdisciplinary group of around 30 research software engineers and data scientists 😎💻 👉… #RSEng
We value expertise across many domains - members of our group have backgrounds in psychology, mathematics, digital humanities, biology, astrophysics and many other areas 🧬📖🧪📈🗺️⚕️🪐…
/ @DavidBeavan @LivingwMachines
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Sep 11th 2020
@DukePallCare SUCCESS! Journal Club Time Machine: Speed Dating with the Classics. Format - everyone in attendance (MS2-Attending) teaches a classic article for 4 minutes, it is put in context by someone old for 1-2 min, and we move on. Here's the list! A #HPC thread:
No 1 - SUPPORT Trial: 5 AMCs. Docs don't know pt's CPR preference, many DNRs within 2d of death, lots of ICU time and pain. RN led intervention gives docs data. Centers around communication. NO CHANGE IN KEY METRICS.
No 2 - Prognostication: Docs of pts referred to #hospice asked for assessment of prognosis. Only 20% accurate (+/- 33%) with most over-optimistic. Average miss factor of 5.3! Longer pt/doc relationship = worse prognostication accuracy (#LoveThemTooMuch)
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May 14th 2020
1/ How should we talk about DP FLOPS for A100? A thread. #HPC #AI #Nvidia
2/ Nvidia announced A100 this morning and you can read about it from any number of outlets, e.g.…
3/ Nvidia, as usual, have themselves published a great set of detailed blogs about the architecture and specs, really diving into the approaches they've taken and how they might impact workloads.…
Read 13 tweets

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