As @nytimes latest podcast shows, there was no plot and the media failed to ask basic questions around the letter and its origins.
Lives ruined. Communities slurred. Will newspapers and broadcasters apologise?
As @OborneTweets has argued; “With few exceptions, journalists failed to examine the underlying facts while repeating what turned out to be false allegations.”
The investigation by @samirashackle in @gdnlongread states,“It is hard to imagine these kinds of stories garnering such levels of media attention had they not involved Muslim staff or pupils.”
There were/are many who doubted the narrative of a “plot” or the “Islamisation” of schools under the guise of #trojanhorseaffair.
This is an example of how they were viewed by 'journalists', whilst being subject to "cancel-culture" by others.
Research @cfmmuk shows that from 2014 to 30 May 2017 there were 944 articles on "Trojan Horse and Birmingham." Since @educationgovuk case collapsed there have been 135 mentions with no substantial exploration into why evidence was "deliberately withheld."…
The co-author of a major investigation into the #trojanhorseaffair told @cfmmuk how basic questions such as how a school could actually be “taken over”, were not asked, whilst the community of Alum Rock, #Birmingham was pathologised.
Even when @BBCRadio4 broadcast a 3 episode #corrections programme, it failed to put right “shocking falsehoods” in #trojanhorseaffair. It was enough that someone made a claim about an alleged incident for it to be taken as a fact.
Framing operates as a shorthand. As @cfmmuk report on British Media’s coverage of #Muslims showed, references to the #trojanhorseaffair function within media reports as an index for ‘extremism’ and ‘religious intolerance’.
The media took the #trojanhorseaffair beyond #Birmingham. In 2018, four right-wing British newspapers, were forced to pay damages to two #Muslims who they accused of enacting a “Trojan Horse” plot in a school in #Oldham
So far reviews of the revelations by @BriHReed & @HamzaMSyed have mostly glossed over British Media falsehoods. A damning indictment of how narratives and tropes were perpetuated to feed a story of moral panic.
The @MuslimCouncil are right to call for an inquiry into this #trojanhoax. The role of the British media and its willingness to accept and perpetuate the aims of anti-Muslim actors and officials should also be looked into.
GB News reporting here on local opposition to a Muslim burial site being built in Farnham. The journalist focused the story on 'concerns around Muslim practices of body storage', as reported by "local press". These reports don't exist. Is GB News manufacturing moral outage?
The 1st interviewee, an activist in Farnham, dismissed GB News' line of questioning, referring instead to concerns around congestion and the environment, not body storage.
A 2nd interviewee was then brought on to discuss the "difference between a Muslim burial and a normal Christian one". The interviewee was then asked about "local concerns about [unrefrigerated] bodies" and whether it is "legal in the UK to store an [unrefrigerated] body for 24hr"
During this election, GB News, the Telegraph, Jewish Chronicle & other news outlets have framed Muslims voting in the #GeneralElection2024 as “sectarian”, “extremists”, antisemites and constantly questioned their loyalty to Britain.
Evidence laid out in the thread below 🧵1/25
Concerns and anger over Gaza have been framed as a "Muslim issue" across the media and elections such as Rochdale where @georgegalloway won have been described as as a dark period for British Democracy
The good Muslim/bad Muslim dichotomy was seen on Talk TV when speaking about the Rochdale by-election, where those who voted for @georgegalloway were described as "Hardline Muslims" by Tim Montgomery
Our investigation found this demonisation of mosques was made up
Basic checks would have prevented this dangerous lie being spread
More here👇🏽👇🏽
The caller "Tom" was given almost 17 mins of airtime by @cristo_radio to make allegations including how he was prevented from entering the #Mosque, was threatened with decapitation the streets of #Oldham and that he needed police back up on call-outs to certain addresses
The presenter further curated the call in a direction where the caller was allowed to say parts of Greater Manchester had areas he wouldn't go into and all of the areas had the common feature of being "highly populated by #Muslims ." Where have we heard this before?
Today, as the #Christchurch attacker faces sentencing in New Zealand, CfMM has launched a groundbreaking report, "How The British Media Reports Terrorism."
Reporting of attacks is inconsistent, depending on who the perpetrator is, with white, non-Muslim perpetrators less likely to be referred to as #terrorists.
Words identifying #Muslims or #Islam are more frequently placed alongside “terror”, “terrorist”, “terrorism”, or “terrorist(s)” in comparison with the most frequent identifiers of #farright or #WhiteSupremacist terrorism.
Another win for CfMM and our supporters! @TheSun has changed an incredibly misleading headline and opening paragraph, following complaints from our staff and volunteers. A huge thank you to all who have written in!
The initial headline wrongly implied that half of all imported UK #COVID19 cases were from Pakistan, and noted that 65K people returned to the UK from there since 1 March, implying a huge influx of cases prior to #lockdown.
A clear example of skewed information. In fact, the data (from @PHE_uk) only included cases since 4 June, & total imported cases from Pakistan were only 30.