Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM) Profile picture
MCB's Centre for Media Monitoring: working for unbiased, responsible and accurate reporting on Muslims and Islam.
Dec 10, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/🧵 NEW REPORT: GB News seems to hate Islam and Muslims. Would you agree?

Our 2-year analysis - published today - shows our findings & reveals an obsessive focus on Muslims unlike any other UK broadcaster.

Full report here:
  cfmm.org.uk/gbnews-report-… 2/ 📊 GB News’ obsession with Muslims is staggering:

- 17,000+ mentions of Muslims/Islam
- 50% of ALL mentions across UK news channels
- Double the coverage on "Sharia" of BBC & Sky combined Image
Jul 3, 2024 25 tweets 10 min read
During this election, GB News, the Telegraph, Jewish Chronicle & other news outlets have framed Muslims voting in the #GeneralElection2024 as “sectarian”, “extremists”, antisemites and constantly questioned their loyalty to Britain.

Evidence laid out in the thread below 🧵1/25 Image Concerns and anger over Gaza have been framed as a "Muslim issue" across the media and elections such as Rochdale where @georgegalloway won have been described as as a dark period for British Democracy Image
Feb 11, 2022 12 tweets 11 min read
Do you remember how the British Media covered #TrojanHorseAffair?

As @nytimes latest podcast shows, there was no plot and the media failed to ask basic questions around the letter and its origins.

Lives ruined. Communities slurred. Will newspapers and broadcasters apologise? ImageImageImageImage As @OborneTweets has argued; “With few exceptions, journalists failed to examine the underlying facts while repeating what turned out to be false allegations.”

Mar 31, 2021 8 tweets 8 min read
The @talkRADIO, @dailystar & @Daily_Express reported a gay paramedic was refused entry to a mosque to treat a heart attack patient

Our investigation found this demonisation of mosques was made up

Basic checks would have prevented this dangerous lie being spread

More here👇🏽👇🏽 The caller "Tom" was given almost 17 mins of airtime by @cristo_radio to make allegations including how he was prevented from entering the #Mosque, was threatened with decapitation the streets of #Oldham and that he needed police back up on call-outs to certain addresses
Aug 24, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
Today, as the #Christchurch attacker faces sentencing in New Zealand, CfMM has launched a groundbreaking report, "How The British Media Reports Terrorism."

Here's a thread of some of our key findings.

Full report available on our website: cfmm.org.uk/resources/publ… Reporting of attacks is inconsistent, depending on who the perpetrator is, with white, non-Muslim perpetrators less likely to be referred to as #terrorists.
Jun 30, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Another win for CfMM and our supporters! @TheSun has changed an incredibly misleading headline and opening paragraph, following complaints from our staff and volunteers. A huge thank you to all who have written in! The initial headline wrongly implied that half of all imported UK #COVID19 cases were from Pakistan, and noted that 65K people returned to the UK from there since 1 March, implying a huge influx of cases prior to #lockdown.
Feb 22, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
In 2015, a UNHCR report on the refugee crisis found that, "Britain’s right-wing media was uniquely aggressive in its campaigns against refugees and migrants."

In the past 5 years, not much has changed.

#Refugees #Immigration #MediaBias @Refugees 1/7 Today's example from the Mail Online blames far-right terror attacks in Germany on the so called 'migrant crisis' of 2015, when Angela Merkel opened the borders to migrants crossing the Mediterranean. 2/7
