There's a court injunction against blowing horns still in effect. #cdnpoli#protestconvoy
just fyi I have seen two police officers while I've been walking along this stretch of Wellington on the night @fordnation declared a provincial state of emergency. Have definitely seen more police presence on other nights.
In fairness, more of them as you get closer to Chateau Laurier/ Sussex.
For instance
Basically watching over this dance party at Sussex/Wellington.
A freedom party that, by the way, is in the shadow of the shopping mall that's shut its doors for two weeks, citing health and safety concerns for employees and customers.
Lone officer standing watch.
In case you're wondering the crane across the street from the Prime Minister's Office is yes very much still there.
The screen is a new addition this evening.
Found a few more officers from @DurhamPolice (pictured: 4, saw 8) standing by the Terry Fox statue.
Part or the surreality of downtown Ottawa is you step away from Parliament Hill and it vaguely looks like life as usual (minus y' know police barricades and trucks here and there). #protestconvoy#cdnpoli
I've been quote-tweeted with enough of this hashtag in my career that I can say with some authority they meant to write lamestream because you see mainstream and oh never mind.
Few more pix I took earlier to end the thread. These kinds of signs have been all over the fences in front of West Block/Parliament Hill for a while. Last weekend spotted one absurdly comparing the PM to Hitler. Appeared to be gone now #cdnpoli#protestconvoy
and I wonder how the injunction in Windsor is going oh ok
The Premiers of both BC and Ontario will have made public appearances before the Prime Minister. David Eby held a news conference, and Doug Ford went on CNN earlier this evening.
Quebec Premier François Legault is speaking now--you can tune in here:…
Commissioner Paul Rouleau speaks to media after tabling his #POEC report. We are told he will not take questions. #cdnpoli
Rouleau's report should be online shortly--it found "with reluctance" that government met threshold for invoking #EmergenciesAct , noted policing failures as well provincial Ontario gov't's absence in engagement. #cdnpoli
Waiting on news conference w/ Minister Champagne to ask questions about this following @Rogers outage last week. He says he directed it and other telecomm giants to reach agreements on emergency roaming, mutual assistance + comms protocol. And says @CRTCeng also to investigate.
@FP_Champagne starts with an apology for being late, says for an hour he spoke to heads of Rogers, Telus, Bell, Videotron, Shaw and East Link.
Champagne says he expressed frustration of Canadians, small biz, emergency services. "This was unacceptable, full stop." Says focus of calls was on resilency over networks across Canada.
Interim chief Steve Bell says they've made important progress today.
Bell says they've advised protesters repeatedly about leaving, and backed up warnings with safe tactics. Says "at every step, they've faced a barrage of resistance, shoving and vitriol," of his officers. Says batons and helmets added this morning as a safety measure.
Couldn't quite catch that part on camera, but as these three rigs went down O'Connor Street leaving the Parliamentary Precinct, there were both scattered cheers and a gent using, well, a single finger to say goodbye. #cdnpoli#protestconvoy
I'm just trying to go grocery shopping! But another pickup leaving if you can see the flag there on the pickup. 'Freedom!' the driver chanted to a pedestrian nearby. He replied with another expression that started with the f word. #protestconvoy
Crush of pedestrians moving south on Metcalfe as wind picks up. But also some headed north toward it.
One of the #protestconvoy's main organizers, Tamara Lich, arguably its most famous face, will be in court tomorrow morning Saturday at 9:30 a.m. She was arrested yesterday night and faces a charge of counselling to commit mischief. #cdnpoli
Meanwhile, as reported by colleague @NicoleatCBC earlier, one of the other organizers, Chris Barber, was released under bail. His conditions: he has 24 hours to leave Ottawa....(cont'd)
And must leave the province of Ontario by midnight, Wednesday. He cannot support the convoy in any way other than paying for gas for other members of #ProtestConvoy vacating the city. Barber is back in court March 1st (cont'd)