look at the share a handful of RW billionaires (who don't pay UK taxes on their profits) control
Source: Audit Bureau of Circulations
Ownership of the media is highly concentrated
Top publishers' share of print circulation and web traffic
Top three familiesTop three firms
no wonder tories & their donors want to control The BBC, the chair and CEO are tory stooges, and #GoNads slagging them off mean the tory voting base still believe their biased - tories are forcing the masses to believe The BBC is left wing, when of course we know it isn't
I maintain ministers only listen to their Koch funded Tufton St, so called "think tanks" advocating for supply side policy changes, and to the loony toon #GBD#HART & #UsForThem antivaxx / mask arseholes.......
Be afraid, be VERY afraid. Today's #Expreshit JRM article: Supply Side Reforms
NHS privatisation, remove worker rights, bash unions further, reduce unemployment benefits EVEN FURTHER, deregulate the banks - they've already had a £1 BILLION tax cut, whilst the rest of us suffer..
ELECTIONS BILL: VoterID disenfranchises MILLIONS of Labour voters, MILLIONS, let that sink in