And a *positive* ex.! Audit found racial bias against Black patients in health risk algo, bc it used proxy of health costs (but less $$ is spent on Black patients for ~= health need).
Reformulating to not rely on proxy eliminated bias.
Started as a "short thread", turned into a longer thing. Hope you find it helpful!
There's been some good discussion on effective search as a core primitive for tools for thought, and the limitations of existing tools, such as @RoamResearch wrt search.
A delicious power of a #PKM (or Idea Development Environment): being able to effortlessly create joint attention with a collaborator over idea fragments (look at this graph, this design, this quote).
A picture (or concrete thing to look at) is worth 1000k words.
Also works for creating joint attention to converse with your past self.
Similarly, beautiful thread by [[Michael Nielsen]] on [[[[QUE]] - How can we measure everyday progress in open-ended creative work?]] and [[[[CLM]] - Paths to creative breakthroughs are frequently oblique]]
#ThinkingInPublic - Compound value of notes in networked notebooks accrues from being "forced" (enabled?) to interact with and "process" notes while making new ones. Block-level backlinks further enhance this powerful effect.
Let's consider the following block (what I call an "observation note" from my conceptual/process model for synthesis:…)
The block has context from "below" via 1) a context snippet snapshot of the Table of results, indented under the note, and also hyperlinked into it, 2) methods details that live as blocks (which are themselves contextualized by context snippets via indentation and hyperlinking).