Joel Chan | 🦣: Profile picture
Professing #hci #creativity #toolsforthought #metascience @INFOCollegeUMD & @hcil_umd | building @discoursegraphs 🦣: 🦋: joelchan86
2 subscribers
Oct 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Can #toolsforthought like RoamResearch, Obsidian, and Notion actually help us think better? If so, how?

In our #UIST2024 paper, we distill hypertext patterns from real-world usage that augment sensemaking by addressing temporal + spatial fragmentation of sensemaking I see this work as complementary to the rich practical wisdom many have shared in the #toolsforthought community - I hope that connecting this wisdom with research on hypertext and sensemaking can enrich our understanding of how these tools can help us think better
Sep 3, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
I get wonderful shared delight from hearing others talk abt deep insights that influence/delight them.

I'm also curious what constitutes "depth" (broad implications, surprise, difficulty, etc.).

Would you share a deep insight that influences/delights you + explain why? Thought sparked by this snippet from @Noahpinion's interview w/ @VitalikButerin where they get into the reasoning behind the coming switch of Ethereum from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake: Image
Mar 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#Idea - NLP to do initial clustering/classification of altmetric-aggregated discussion of preprints, to facilitate finding high-signal discussions and critiques of preprints (honestly would want this for any paper!). Preprint servers already hook into @altmetric to expose mentions of a paper in news/blogs + social media (tweets).

But it links to an undifferentiated list of sources (not titles, citation contexts) - good for signaling "attention", missed opportunity to get real context.
Mar 14, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
A striking example of "behind the scenes" of great research: Esther Duflo noted that a crucial enabler of her Nobel-prize-winning work was a masterful synthesis of human resource economics in a handbook chapter. I... think I tracked down the (141-page!!!) handbook chapter?
Feb 18, 2022 40 tweets 52 min read
Some thoughts on search as "table stakes" in #ToolsForThought

Started as a "short thread", turned into a longer thing. Hope you find it helpful! There's been some good discussion on effective search as a core primitive for tools for thought, and the limitations of existing tools, such as @RoamResearch wrt search.

Feb 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read

What are your go-to sources of examples / case studies of tech gone wrong (for teaching ethics)?

Bonus points if the start of the story isn't obviously bad to everyone.

Personal examples also welcome! My starting points:
* @internetofshit
* @AIofShit
* @web3isgreat
Jan 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Is there an analog to physical conditioning / endurance (from elite sports) for boundary-pushing creative knowledge work? my head space is here:
Jan 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A delicious power of a #PKM (or Idea Development Environment): being able to effortlessly create joint attention with a collaborator over idea fragments (look at this graph, this design, this quote).

A picture (or concrete thing to look at) is worth 1000k words. Also works for creating joint attention to converse with your past self.
Oct 10, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Time for weekly #SundaySeedlings ! Cc [[👩‍🏫 HowTo/ProjectManagement]] and [[[[QUE]] - How can we measure everyday progress in open-ended creative work?]]

Aug 13, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
#ThinkingInPublic - Compound value of notes in networked notebooks accrues from being "forced" (enabled?) to interact with and "process" notes while making new ones. Block-level backlinks further enhance this powerful effect. [[@gordonbrander]] calls this "forced interaction" --> "feedback loops" (h/t [[@Mappletons]]):…
Feb 26, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Love this metaphor!

A quick 🧵 to illustrate how much compression and expressivity we can pack into a @RoamResearch block to power synthesis.

cc #roamcult Let's consider the following block (what I call an "observation note" from my conceptual/process model for synthesis:…) Image
Dec 28, 2020 25 tweets 12 min read
So excited to begin to share this system for knowledge synthesis I've been developing (in conversation w/ affordances of @RoamResearch, my own pain points as a researcher, and the scientific literature on tools for thought)!

A 🧵for context 👇 The motivation for this system is to empower as many people as possible to do effective knowledge synthesis
Dec 15, 2020 23 tweets 10 min read
Experimenting with a slow burn, "cold takes" variant of @threadapalooza. I commit to starting now, and eventually getting to 100 findings/papers on #creativity in this thread. No promises on coherence or timeline, but I will aim for posts to be maximally useful. Here goes! 0/100 1/100 Currently thinking about why #interdisciplinary research is hard. One key concept is "scatter": how coherent is the literature for a field? If fairly well-defined and small, then it's low scatter; if not, it's high scatter. See Bates (1996) for an overview ImageImage
Nov 12, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Lifehack with @RoamResearch +

Declare tab bankruptcy (use tabcopy to copy all the URLs to Roam and CLOSE THE TABS), but add SRS so they resurface periodically. Then chip away at it, slowly whittling down the list as you connect them to your idea graph. Image Advantages of this over leaving tabs open:
* Contextualized in time (bc of spot in daily notes time stream)
* Can control its draw on my attention
* Can incrementally formalize
* I'm not staring at 100000000000 tabs
Sep 25, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
I am *very* excited about the potential for augmented collective intelligence as @RoamResearch begins to roll out multiplayer and API. I think balancing context and privacy is going to be one of the most important challenges to solve to realize this potential. A 🧵on why/how 1/N There is an immense amount of value in personal knowledge graphs, whether they are represented in a latent way as a linear notebook, or (as is increasingly the case) as personal wikis or [[networked notebooks]]
Aug 27, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
This whole exchange produced immensely valuable pedagogical exchanges that will probably be useful to others for years/decades to come! Thinking crazy thoughts now about borderless classrooms / MOOCs / learning communities 1/n Whoops, did bad Twitter threading. Resuming thread here: 2/n
Jul 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Excellent summary by @Dereklowe in @ScienceMagazine with some positive news about immunity to #COVID19 - from what I can tell, two things to note: 1/n 1: antibodies may fade quickly (within ~few months to a few years), but T-cells might stick around way longer and still provide some meaningful protection. 2/n Image
Jun 8, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
This is a wonderful contribution to the scientific community! Effective network/citation-based tools for exploring the literature are absolutely vital, particularly in domains (like interdisciplinary areas) that are still growing and not yet well-structured/paradigmatic. The system leverages network-based similarity (co-citation, co-reference) instead of raw citations, and uses these metrics to yield a much more maneageble and explorable set of "leads" for each seed paper.
Apr 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
When you hear that a pandemic virus is mutating, you feel ___ about its impact on humanity i'm curious bc i see lots of discussions of mutations by virologists on twitter, but i don't see any "more afraid" responses. i could be very wrong, but from what i can tell from virology 101, it's not uncommon for viruses mutate towards being less fatal (to optimize for spread).
Mar 18, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
This is a good opportunity for subject matter experts (virologists, epidemiologists, public health policy experts) to team up with #AI and #NLP researchers to figure out the best (not necessarily coolest/flashiest) ways to accelerate synthesis and research. Tagging just a few I know on Twitter to signal boost @JeremyKonyndyk @CT_Bergstrom @EIDGeek @MackayIM @bealelab @trvrb @mlipsitch @HelenBranswell @AdamJKucharski @dylanhmorris
Feb 28, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Inspiring to see new infrastructures for doing science (preprints, social networks, etc.) bearing fruit in response to this urgent problem. Lots of great science being done openly, rapidly, collaboratively. Will add to this THREAD of scientists on Twitter engaging with this. @AdamJKucharski - mathematician, epidemiologist, fresh paper in Lancet on #COVIDー19, expert in contagion dynamics, actively discussing and sharing expertise.

Pls. feel free to add others!