Dr. Cederna received his BS in Biomedical Engineering from the @UMichEngineering and his MD degree from the @umichmedicine, before continuing on to residency in General Surgery and a fellowship in Microsurgery at @IowaMed@UIowa_surgery.
He then returned to Ann Arbor for a fellowship in plastic surgery at @umichmedicine and postdoctoral training in the Muscle Mechanics lab @UMich, where he subsequently joined the faculty.
Dr. Cederna has steadily risen through the ranks at @umichmedicine, serving in many leadership roles including associate chief of staff, associate chairman, and now Chief of the Section of Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Cederna is the Robert O'Neal Professor of Plastic Surgery. He is active in conducting research as well, directing the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory at the @UMich.
Dr. Cederna has received over $29,000,000 in direct research funding, authored over many scientific manuscripts and book chapters, presented his work at many at national and international meetings.
Particularly meaningful to him, he has mentored 65 students, 45 research fellows, and 17 postdoctoral fellows from various backgrounds including biomedical engineering and physiology.
He is also active in leadership nationally, having served as Chairman of @abplasticsurg, Chairman of @PSRC1955, President of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve, President of the Michigan Academy of Plastic Surgeons, and President for @The_PSF.
He was the founding director the @NIDDKgov funded Liver Center at @Yale and the former director f the @NIEHS Center for Membrane Toxicity Studies at the Mt Desert Island Biological Laboratory, where heals served as the chairman of the board of trustees.
Did you catch our latest episode? It features Dr. James Zimring of @UVA_Pathology, who shares his incredible personal and professional story and how it has shaped his approach to science, medicine, and mentorship. Check it out! #sciencebehindthescenesapple.co/2UMehX7