There is a while lot more to the #RebelOffensive than we’ve seen or heard in media. Obviously this offensive was long in the planning, organizing, recruiting, financing and mobilization. The rebel core wasn’t evident at first as it cloaked itself in anti-mandate messages /1
Obviously there was intelligence gathering by authorities prior to the mobilization and occupation but, just as politics interfered w proper application of police and National Guard on Jan6th, some municipalities failed to acknowledge the breadth, depth and weight of the /2
#RebelOffensive then Conservative provincial premiers, following the line of CPC leadership and rank & file, allowed the occupation to grow hoping it would end up around the neck of PM Trudeau. Finally, when public opinion caught up with the size & scope of the offensive 3/
PM Trudeau corralled the premiers to read the riot act. The Coutts event may or may not have spurred EA, nonetheless only Premier Ford supported federal initiative probably because he had most to lose - either electorally or possibly having his daughter arrested and convicted 4/
Regardless, the paucity of police preparedness and numbers across the country was slowly adjusted and coincidentally enough police descended on Ottawa even as the EA was put in place. As foreign finding and interference became widely known public opinion continued to swell 5/
…in favour of PM Trudeau’s actions while CPC shrieked louder against it and some continued to whine about PM Trudeau’s earlier disrespectful comments causing the whole thing. Such naïveté. In any case the core downtown of Ottawa was slowly cleared while #RebelOffensive 6/
participants variously retreated and decamped to locales in and around Ottawa, awaiting refreshed funding, planning and orders. Anyone imagining it’s all over probably needs a more intensive briefing on the internal workings and objectives of this #RebelOffensive because 7/
that’s exactly what it is. The numbers of Useful Idiots hanging out in Occupied Ottawa were folksy window dressing that disguised the #RebelOffensive early on. But when the extent of organization, planning, foreign influence etc of it all became more public, it is now seen 8/
…as earliest stages of a real rebellion that PM Trudeau and the EA will have to squash while ensuring parliament remains on side, provincial premiers cooperate and Canadians are protected, everywhere, all the time. It ain’t over til it’s over never applied more aptly than now 9/