Christians killing Christians in Ukraine is the end point of Christian Jihad which started with Yugoslavia wars in the 1990s.
Serb Church openly genocided, raped and killed Croats, Bosniak Muslims and Albanians in the name of Christ, doing Christian Jihad.
No influential global Christian leader bothered to stop Christian Jihad that serb Church was implementing.
Patriarchate of Constantinople, Catholic Church, Anglican church and all major protestant churches called for Talks and Negotiations, de facto endorsing Christian Jihad
Whereas the Pope, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop of Canterbury etc supported Serb Christian Jihad by silence, some like Archbishop of Greece at the time supported openly genocide, rape and killings that the Patriarch of Serbia was leading in Christ's name
European Elite supported Christian Jihad as Europe itself was created from the disintegration of the Ottoman Emoire as anti Islamic.
The only ones who saved Christianity from Christian Jihad were American Liberals.
American Liberals saved Croats, Muslim Bosniaks and Albanians from genocide in Christ's name by Serb Christian Jihad, whereas the Pope, Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the rest of Christianity supported Christian Jihad in silence.
Trump and Macron victory marked the end of Western Liberalism, which gave space to Christian Jihadists like Putin to have fear no more, Liberalism was dead.
Which comes now to this point that Christianity is in utter total collapse under the triumph of Christian Jihad widely supported in Europe and part of America, Putin goes ahead to invade fellow christians seeing himself as a Saint to regain the Russian holy land, Kiev.
Putin sees himself equal to St. Vladimir the Great now, as a Saint of God sent to liberate the Holy Land Kiev from......the American Invaders.
This is the end point of Christian Jihad supported by the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches.
Analysts cannot even fathom as to how 190 thousand Russians readily accept to go and invade another country and their mothers and families tv and drink vodka uncaring about their sons dying.
Western Elite and analysts think that all Russians are like the ones in downtown Moscow or St. Petersburg, in the same way that they thought that Serbs in 1992 are like Norwegians.
They disregard entirely the Theology of Christian Jihad which is the ideological cause.
Twitter Space dje për Luginën e Preshevës vërtetoi hapur publikisht që ne shqiptarët ende jemi një shoqëri fisnore-klanore e paaftë për vetëqeverisje, gjë që shpjegon gjendjen katastrofale të shqiptarëve.
Të gjithë folësit, që me të vërtetë janë brenda sistemit, folën hapur.
Unë dëgjova 40 minutat e para të bisedës dhe u rifuta 4 herë përsëri nga 5 minuta, dhe të njëjtat gjëra po thuheshin.
Folësit hapur thanë që Tirana dhe Prishtina as nuk duan të dinë fare që shqiptarët e Luginës së Preshevës ekzistojnë apo jo dhe kërkonin që Presheva të bëhet temë primare në bisedimet për Kosovën, gjë që deri tani është refuzuar nga të gjitha palët, shqiptarë apo të huaj.
When I was member of Albanian Orthodox Youth in the 1990s, we used to have Bible Study with a very holy monk from Mount Athos, he was called Father Theologos.
The man was truly a walking saint.
I remember seeing Fr. Theologos very upset only twice.
1) Old Calendarist orthodox christians. He called them: LUNATICS.
Siç ju kam thënë, katolicizmi politik (jo besimi katolik) është anti shqiptar, ortodoksia politike (jo besimi ortodoks) është anti shqiptare, islami politik (jo besimi islam) është anti shqiptar.
Idea që nuk duhet dënuar hapur feja politike (por jo besimi) si anti shqiptare është e çuditshme dhe e papranueshme.
Strukturat fetare ortodokse, myslimane dhe katolike (por jo bektashinjtë) në territoret shqiptare janë POLITIKISHT NEUTRALE.