Y’all ready for a rabbit hole? The most straightforward explanation of Durham’s intentional verbiage of “in the vicinity of the WH” w/ regard to the so-called “yotaphone traffic” is Joffe & the boys were likely fusing GPS geolocation data from a cell network w/ their DNS trove.
Now you get to decide if you’re more concerned about the collection & sharing of that geolocation data or the potential that the traffic represents exfil from an adversary’s emplaced sensors. #hypothetically
And let’s be clear: understanding what “in the vicinity of” really equates to will show how much of a red herring this amounts to.
Significant misunderstanding from #Durham filing being circulated about the "White House Servers" that were used in the Clinton-funded and media & deep state fueled #RussiaHoax operation ultimately used to spy on President Trump 1/
NOTE, this analysis is constrained to the publicly available information about the DNS servers. As I've said before, there is currently no indication anything was "hacked" or "infiltrated". Irresponsible to suggest otherwise IMO 2/
Oversimplified tech primer: DNS is the system the internet uses under the hood to take the website name and convert it to an IP address. Pretty benign, but essential (and powerful if you control it) 3/
I’m vaccinated, as I felt like that was the best course of action based on the available data. But my religiously driven worldview compels me to eschew a government mandate for compulsory injection of anything into me or my child. Why? 1/
If I’m obligated to bend my knee to a governmental authority on an issue as fundamental as medical consent, I’m not an independent and free creation of God, I’m a pawn in a “might makes right” game played by my betters.
Accordingly, bending to the will of the State here would cement my status as a lesser being and deny the uniqueness with which I was created and reject the inalienable rights bestowed upon me as a creation of God. I will do no such thing.
Southwest is gaslighting here — until they accept a NEW contract or a mod/extension of an existing contract they’re not a “covered contractor” under the EO & “Safer Federal Workforce Task Force Guidance” (ex post facto is still a thing) 1/
He correctly points out that he’s obligated to provide accommodations to employees — but the employer has very wide latitude here; indeed it is very likely that prudence will require a company to accept ANY proffered rationale for an exemption or face discrimination lawsuits 2/
Accepting the government’s contract mod will be a poison pill for them: requires they accept ANY new creeping mandates “as amended during the performance of this contract” — a simple update could require them to mandate vaccines for their passengers. The time to stand is now. 3/3
Bexar County resident here… this is remarkable & the impact on Abbott in the primary is the untold story. The idea that he’s liked less than CPS Energy -and- sunk behind LtGov Dan Patrick (!!) here shows his support is in free fall among cross-over independents & Republicans.
For those unfamiliar with TX/Bexar: it’s a Dem stronghold, so seeing the baseline approve/disapprove isn’t surprising. The conservative Patrick is also a lightening rod for criticism among Dems & some R’s, but most R’s will begrudgingly support them both in Nov. But the primary?
Seeing Abbott liked less than Patrick (and the perennially mismanaged CPS Energy) shows a huge evaporation of his core support among R’s. Yikes. And it’s support he won’t likely restore before the primary. Once voters off the bandwagon, they’ll stay off thru the primary.
Contrarian view on the dog situation: While they are clearly splitting hairs on “military working dog” (attacks on command, navigates tunnels, $100’s of thousands of dollars investment) and “contract working dogs” (bomb/drug sniffing, security, etc). 1/
And definitely parse this whole “did not leave any dogs in cages” line carefully (especially as it increasingly appears they let them OUT of the cages instead of leaving them to die in the cages)… clearly deliberate obfuscation.
Whether one sees a qualitative difference to the two classes of dogs or not (and setting aside the fact they’re deliberately obfuscating on this), was this really the US Government’s responsibility??
Increasingly obvious —though rarely acknowledged— that the multiple-missing-laptops disclosure implicates far more than the Biden family’s risk to improper Russian and Chinese influence… no, a careful analysis of the timeline shows *they* knew — THEY knew! 1/
When “50 Former Intelligence Officials” quickly came out with the “hallmarks of Russian disinformation” cover-story, it was because they instinctively believed the stolen laptop/Russian blackmail storyline over other explanations — because THEY KNEW ABOUT IT! 2/
When the “Hunter left his laptop with a blind IT guy from Podunk, DE” story hit, they genuinely thought it was the crack-addled chickens coming home to roost. THEY KNEW HOW SUSCEPTIBLE BIDEN WAS TO FOREIGN INFLUENCE ALL ALLONG!! 3/