1. #TheKashmirFiles is a wrong movie to begin with. It is all kinda wrong. I am telling you. You should just believe things just because I say so. Because I belong to the most oppressed community on the planet. Everything I say is right.
2. Firstly, the movie shows that Hindus were the victims of genocide in India. How is that possible? Aren’t they the majority in India? How can majority be oppressed? They are always the oppressors and never oppressed. That’s a WOKE fact.
3. Secondly, the movie shows that Brahmins were oppressed? I mean, really??? How can Brahmins be oppressed, more so, victims of a genocide? Aren’t they the greatest oppressors on this planet? Aren’t they just born to oppress people?
4. Thirdly, it shows Muslims and Islam as oppressor. How is that possible? How can Islam oppress? It is officially a victim religion! It is always the victim no matter which country we are talking about, from Saudi Arabia to India!
5. Fourthly, Islam is a religion of peace. That is a matter of intersectional reality. The tyranny of facts can’t change it. So what if Brahmanical patriarchs (Agnihotri & Ghosh) interviewed 700 families! All of them are liars! All 700 of them!
6. Do not believe facts! I repeat, do not believe facts! They are misleading. They mis-portray reality. Reality is manufactured by tenured professors & social justice activists guided by WOKist realism. All else is racist, sexist lies.
7. Boycott this movie, a creation of Brahmanical patriarchy. It is a tool of Hindu oppression. Instead focus on the immeasurable plight and grief of those Muslim girls who are prevented by Brahmanical patriarchs from wearing the Hijab.
8. How do I know all this? Because to debunk this creation of Brahmanical patriarchy I removed my burqa and attended one screening of this movie, as an undercover agent of WOKE justice. I am awesome!
1. India is rejoicing the victory of 6 years old R. Praggnanandha over world chess champion, @MagnusCarlsen. It might seem like a victory but from the intersectional point of view, it is a great disaster, which will only increase Brahmanical patriarchy in India. #Praggnanandhaa
2. For starters, see the Vibhuti on his forehead. If that is not the example of Brahmanical patriarchy, I don't know what is. It is a sign of how this victory will legitimize the systemic oppression in a deeply unequal and racist society like India. #Chess
3. The beautiful individual that he has defeated is a Norwegian. Intersectionality does not believe in nationality, except when it is one of the beautiful Scandinavian countries or any Islamic country. Nationality in these nations is a boost to the intersectional universe.
Hijab, as my very existence proves, is the ultimate expression of freedom. It doesn’t need logic as logic is a patriarchal tool to fool rationally marginalized people. Hijab is beyond logic.
2. The enemies of freedom – Brahmins, men, & Hindus in general – are seeing the Hijab controversy in an inverted way. They are using logical props by giving constitutional, secular and democratic arguments. The truth is the other way around.
3. Democracy cannot judge Hijab. Hijab will judge democracy. Hijab is a symbol of freedom if Muslim women use it. It needs no other logic. No toxic rationalization. The very act of Muslim women wearing Hijab proves that Hijab means freedom.
1.Intersectional Perspective on Diwali Crackers. Comrades! We all know how Diwali is a fascist festival associated with the Savarna hegemony of Vaishyas and Brahmins over the Dalits, women, LGBTQIA+ community and other assorted marginalized beautiful individuals.
2.This power hierarchy is also deeply visible in the fire crackers that fascist Hindus burst on this very important day. The power dynamism and resident inequalities of the Hindu society are deeply visible in the fire crackers.
3.Let us start by the shape of these fire crackers. Don’t most of them look like phallic symbols? They are all long and pointy ended, and are the psycho-sexual expression of hidden male hegemony in Hindu society.
1. #NeerajChopra: The Poster Boy of Toxic Masculinity and Brahmanical Patriarchy
Though Indians are celebrating this deplorable development in #TokyoOlympics there is a flip side to India getting gold, especially in Javelin throw. This is how.
2. Firstly, to prize gold above other elements is Elementism. They are all just beautiful elements. To box them in better and worse, shiny and briny is the result of the Brahmanical patriarchy, that is the root of all evil in this world.
3. It is no wonder that India, a country which gave birth to Brahmanical patriarchy is also the country which prizes gold so much. Only the Middle Eastern countries achieve equality with gold as they also use the metal in toilets.