A #covid19nfld 🧵 : Less than 24h from now, The Science™️ apparently changes.
Mar 13th: Proof of 💉 to keep everyone safe. Masks mandated. Lowered capacity. Dance floors “permitted” but you must mask while dancing…
Mar 14th: No restrictions. (but 💉 Req. for work still).
Here’s the same health minister @Johnrockdoc saying in *2018* that the government cannot force people to get vaccinated “Regardless of how beneficial vaccines are to public health,” because of the Charter. Little bit of a flip-flop there, hey?
Here’s a summary of a briefing from February by @PeterCBC, in which our @PremierofNL (who’s also an MD) stated that the vax pass will remain in place if it “alters behaviour and encourages people to get boosted.” To make the “right choice.” Medicine is a one size fits all now.
For context: NL has had 76 covid deaths over the last 2 years. In the 2017 influenza season NL had 39 deaths. “The flu” has always been particularly deadly to elderly and immunocompromised in the past, just as covid is.
Our covid case fatality rate for all ages is: 0.30%…
Deaths/recoveries x 100 for a percent. 76/25,162x100=0.302%.
Now lets do influenza:
39 deaths / 873 recoveries x100=4.47%.
No that’s not a typo. CFR for flu in 2017= 4.47%. More than 10x the covid CFR.
We weren’t testing as much, but the comparative response is alarming.
Another comparison: on June 8, 2021, our total # of covid deaths was 7 for the province. But there was only 1284 recoveries (far fewer cases back then). The CFR for June 8 in NL was 0.55%. I.e- the case fatality rate has dropped, likely due to a milder variant, and high 💉 rates.
What’s my point? Parts of the province were in “alert level 4” because of 3 new cases in a pop. of 540,000 for a virus with a CFR of 0.55%. We’ve been masking children, closing schools, & segregating via 💉 status, when people <40 were NEVER at any significant risk of this virus.
Before anyone gets upset at making a claim like that, consider the fact that the CDC has released graphs showing that children had similar-or LESS- hospitalizations from covid even during the less vaccinated Delta wave than they did during previous bad flu seasons… (yellow line)
More confirmation by @Johnrockdoc about the severity for those under 50-esp. now at 95% vaxxed- so why in the hell are we continuing to mask our children in schools in NL even beyond the “dropping of all restrictions” tomorrow? Did we mask kids for the flu? #nlpoli#covid19nfld
On that note, why in the hell did we ever segregate the unvaxxed from society and jobs, especiallu now with Omicron evading 💉immunity? Given our CFR in this province, was it REALLY necessary to restrict funerals, lockdowns, mandates, constant fear, when we never did for the flu?
Furthermore, the only argument for the necessity of stringent responses to covid in retrospect is to emotionally argue: “Imagine how bad it would’ve been if we didn’t!?”
Which is 1) Not how the scientific method works. 2) NOT the least restrictive public health approach for all
Two bad flu seasons at 39 deaths each year would have totalled more than our provinces current 76 covid deaths. All deaths are tragic, but did we ever respond in any way similar to influenza which has a high CFR for the elderly and immunocompromised as well?
For example: here’s a CBC article about NL’s optimism regarding ordering many more doses of the FLU shot.
Did we segregate the 65-70% unvaccinated for influenza when NL lost 39 lives to the flu? Did we say, “You HAVE to take the flu shot or you lose your job?” #covid19nfld
Did the NL Gov pay money for Ads claiming that in order to safely play cards with others that we should have our flu shot? The guilt tripping and fear promoted from a top-down level has been infuriating to watch. Endorsement of pressured medical decisions violate informed consent
Finally, I’m happy to see a silver lining. But I’m weary moving forward that the Overton window of public health policy has been forever shifted towards lowest common denominators, and NOT finding a happy medium of risk assessment coupled importance of quality of life of all ages
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1/4) Russia invades #Ukraine. What if China invades #Taiwan? We have Trudeau and Biden at the tip of the spear in the West (more of a stick tbh). Trudeau just embarrassed himself on the global stage. You know who ACTUALLY needs an emergencies act right now? Ukraine.
2/4) The West has spent the last several years bickering amongst our own factions, making enemies out of one-another, & “othering” our own citizens. Also heavily weakening our geopolitical positions simply because of one virus. Predators salivate, while we ravage our neighbours.
3/4) Will we ever unite to see the global catastrophe that potentially hangs in the balance? In the hands of compromised globalists? The internal threat of disintegration was not enough to unify, so what about the external threat of occupation or extermination?
1/ #BellLetsTalk Time for another 🌶🧵. Today, this personally cuts deep. 6 weeks of unpaid leave from nursing. Colleagues short-staffed and struggling through outbreaks in fully vaxxed settings, yet I sit at home robbed of my identity. My career. Over one “choice.” BNRN.
2/ #BellLetsTalk The sudden white-knight virtue signalling of those in power that have locked down their citizens and restricted them for two years right now is nauseating. Ex: here’s Doug Ford talking about mental health after closing gyms for a YEAR. All in this together?
3/ #BellLetsTalk about what losing a career or business does to your mental health. Let’s talk about how our covid tunnel vision has led to trickle-down mental damages that will be felt for YEARS to come. Let’s look at some of the academic evidence. 800,000 suicides every year.
1/ Woke up feeling 🌶 today. Time for a long🧵 using government data/stats and credible opinions. First off, here’s our NL government using a guilt trip on children/parents, implying that in order for a child to bake cookies with Grandma, she needs to be vaccinated.
2/ A few points: 1) If the 💉 prevents the 🦠 from spreading to family and friends as they claim, why are we smashing old case records in a province 97.8% (eligible) that have at least 1 💉? 2) Why are we messaging to our kids that they are a danger to others who have been 💉?
3/ Now…the argument you’ll hear online is: “the 💉 was never intended to stop spread (lie, they’re still saying that, see Gov. Ad above), it was intended to reduce severity of illness and it is working to do that.” Okay? BUT that inherently means that mandates are nonsensical.
🧵The continued mandates for a 💉 that was SUPPOSED to confer sterilizing immunity-knowing full well that b/t cases are not rare- and imply that the best course of treatment for ALL is to give this therapeutic indiscriminately to all ages is an egregiously authoritarian misstep.
As a policy maker, if you restrict capacity to fully 💉💉venues where you’ve already attempted to segregate the unvaccinated “dangers,” than you are admitting the failure of the vaccine to STOP the spread. If it makes it “less severe,” than you’re mandating a therapeutic for all?
Why are none of these people held accountable or even asked hard questions as you thrust 🇨🇦 into more restrictions? One of the most 💉💉 places on the planet, Trudeau says. Yet here we go again. Heavily vaxxed yet there’s discussion of a country-wide mandate? Where’s the golden🥕