The epitome of TradFi-turned-degenerate, Compound Finance cut their teeth on Excel Macros but now run a delta neutral/stablecoin fund seeking out cross-chain yields.
I start all of my Mondays with a read-through of Dennis Qian's weekly Twitter thread, Monday Morning DeFi Alpha. He covers all ecosystems without prejudice.
Follow For: Up-to-date info on yields, drama, and fresh alpha.
But with a nasty price drop over the last 36 hours, a missing founder, and inflation fears around the project what's next?
I'm going to assume you already know what Solidly is, more or less.
But the basics are:
$SOLID is an exchange similar to Curve with both stable and volatile swaps.
Value comes via the ability to direct token emissions, incentivize emissions and trading fees earned.
But $SOLID token price has collapsed: I think there are 3 main reasons.
1. Token inflation:
While investors originally thought that rewards would be strong for about a year, it turns out that Andre Cronje coded $SOLID so that emissions drop drastically after just 10 weeks.
VeDAO has been playing 4D chess while the rest of us are just out here playing Solidly checkers.
These guys are the gigabrain hedge fund of the Solidly Wars.
Another $SOLID emergency thread; let me explain:
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If you're unfamiliar with what's going on, just think of Solidly as similar to $CRV and $SEX/$OXD as trying to compete against each other to become $CVX.
So VeDAO managed to secure enough TVL early on to get airdropped $SOLID tokens, starting out with approximately 5.3% of supply.
They locked with Solidex, allowing them to boost rewards, get control over Solidex tokens, get control over emissions, and farm lots of tokens.