Back in August 2012, then-President Obama actually said, “red line,” one of the greatest strategic blunders since President Bush 43 choosing to invade Iraq in 2002-2003.
What I don’t understand is why don’t (female) recipients of such unrequested material just share it publicly?
Sort of like what undoubtedly happened with @azizansari after Grace described her date with him on babe dot net
@jerryteixeira@ChrisTauber11@azizansari Undoubtedly, he’s receiving lots of communications from adult women, fully in control of their own respective destinies, saying, “I love white wine!” with photos and contact information.
Remember, tips are good karma and karma never lies.
Hillary skipped Wisconsin and lost the election.
No surprise.
@bluevirginia@TheDemocrats@HillaryClinton@HumaAbedin Respectfully, if you expect the other side of the aisle to acknowledge election results and look forward to the future, rather than wallowing in past grievances, you need to do the same yourself.
Seriously, the final comment in your tweet diminishes your credibility.