How to recognize disinformation in times when everyone is lying? Having spent years studying algorithmic influence, I have come to the following conclusions: 🧵
1. Most disinformation is of cynical nature. It almost never includes positive alternatives to the current events, but rather tries to find blame elsewhere. If a post is a cynical take on current events, it has a high chance of being disinformation.
2. Whataboutism is one of the most common tactics of disinformation spreaders. If you see people justifying atrocities or evil because "others" or "your side" have done so too, it is almost certainly an act of information warfare.
3. Disinformation spreaders often try to discredit the messenger. If you see comments that mock the author, you should be suspicious. However, you should still look at the past posts of the author. If they are regularly cynical, the person is probably a troll.
4. Extraordinary claims are almost always propaganda or disinformation. During a war, the losses of the enemy are always exaggerated on both sides. Sometimes extraordinary things do happen. You have to think carefully before jumping to conclusions.
5. Extraordinary claims gain more social media spread than regular information, because they elicit a stronger emotional response in us, and the algorithms carry those further. That's why social media is so effective in spreading disinformation.
6. What people do tells you more than what people say. If someone shares a pro-Russia message but lives outside Russia, you already know they don't believe their own words.
7. If your government restricts your freedom of speech, you can be certain that they are trying to manipulate you and lie to you. Banning hate speech is an exception to the rule - it protects minorities.
What should we learn from Russia's criminal invasion of Ukraine?
1. Energy. Europe has learned the hard way that being dependent on imported oil and gas from an evil dictatorship is not a sound energy strategy. Germany imports 32% of its natural gas, 34% of oil, and 53% of coal from Russia.…
Being dependent on a couple of major nuclear plants as a significant source of electricity is probably ok during peacetime but is a major risk during wartime, as we have seen in Ukraine. Only four nuclear sites generate 54% of the electricity in Ukraine.
Ajatuksiani Kaipolasta ja suomalaisen työn tulevaisuudesta. Pitkä ketju, jossa on paljon tärkeää asiaa.
Aloitetaan itse UPM:n Kaipolan paperitehtaasta. Kapitalistit sanovat, että huonoiten kannattava tehdas laskevassa markkinassa, joka sijaitsee lakkoherkässä kalliin logistiikan ja korkean verotuksen maassa menee luonnollisesti ensimmäisenä kiinni.
Vasemmisto sanoo, että tehdasta ei olisi pitänyt sulkea nyt, koska se ei vielä ollut tappiollinen, ja yrityksellä oli vielä keväällä varaa jakaa isot osingot ja maksaa toimitusjohtajalle 7 miljoonaa euroa palkkaa.
Tässä taustaa sille, miksi jaoin tarinani koulukiusaamisesta, ja miten vaikea päätös tämä on itselleni ollut. Ketju.
YLEn @HelenaPuoli7 lähestyi minua pari viikkoa sitten asialla, että hän haluaisi nähdä käytännössä, miten teen algoritmista vaikuttamista sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Hänen mielestään ihmisten olisi tärkeää ymmärtää, kuinka tämä nykyinen algoritmien maailma toimii, ja miten se vaikuttaa elämässämme kaikkeen.