Did you know that nature made a thick cushion for pomelos for a reason?
Pomelo is a heavy fruit growing on trees nearly 30ft tall. These fruits sometimes fall to the ground but suffer zero breakage or damage. One of the reasons is their cushion-like skin.
The other, more important reason is the distribution of pores through the skin of the pomelo—more compact pores near the flesh and the outer surface, and more spaced-out pores in the middle.
This distribution of pores seems to provide the best kind of shock absorption, and even inspired the design of a 3D model foam by Daniel McAdams and his team at Texas A&M University, useful in a range of applications, from packaging to vehicle collision.
🧵Thread: There's eternal confusion on what oil to use for deep frying and the use cases for cold-pressed and refined oils. The following tweets will give you clarity on this matter. #nutrition
1. Choosing the right oil is crucial for deep frying - smoke point, flavour, and cost are key.
At the smoke point, oils begin to break down and produce smoke, releasing harmful compounds and altering flavour.
2. Cold-pressed oils have a lower smoke point than refined, making them less suitable for deep frying at high heat. Plus it makes no sense to throw good money on cold-pressed oil only to heat it to 190-220C.
🧵Here are 5 basic dietary changes that will drastically improve the blood sugar and insulin profile of diabetics and prediabetics. #WorldDiabetesDay
1. Ditch low-fat or fat-free processed versions of foods. Go for full-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, coconut milk etc. Fat prevents sugar spikes and offers satiety.
Nature made it that way for a reason.
2. Choose grains over flour whenever possible. The smaller the particle size of a grain or flour, the faster it gets broken down to release glucose in the bloodstream. The logic is the same as choosing fruit over fruit juice.