@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s You're seriously comparing the decision to not share porn with children with that of trying to get people fired from their jobs, defamed and turned into social outcasts for engaging in political dissent?
Denying that wearing a dress and wanting to be a girl will make a boy into a girl is now considered to be enough to make one a member of the far right, if not a Nazi.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s This position is taken on the very same site on which Jewish, Muslim and non-Caucasian users were routinely dogpiled, slurred and issued death threats by literal neo-Nazis a mere three years ago, with no meaningful support given to them by the community or the company.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s But telling a so-called "transwoman" that he really isn't female is such an outrage in the eyes of this same community, one that openly supported the "right" of bigots to harass genuinely marginalized people into leaving, that the dissenter on this point will be targeted.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s In fact, one doesn't even have to do that. Earlier this year, I referred to somebody who chose to go on using the name "Nora" as Ms. (inset her surname here). Almost immediately, "Nora" complained, saying that she wasn't a Ms.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s I was happy to oblige this crackpot just for the sake of peace, and so I called her Mr. (insert surname here). Let's add that it was a completely Anglo-Saxon sounding surname, so before somebody says "maybe Nora is a man's name in that person's culture," no, that wasn't it.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s I got dogpiled and dragged for days by the mob "Nora" assembled, as I got to discover how very little the rules on Twitter against targeted harassment mean when those breaking them happen to belong to a fashionable "victim" class.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s There were demands that I leave the site and attempts to trump up complaints to get me thrown off of it, coming from people who demanded that I give them my real name. Which I had the good sense to not do, in the middle of an attempted doxxing.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s All because Nora wanted to play cat and mouse games with yet another random stranger who came by. There is, in fact, an entire forum thread devoted to this person who, I understand has made a career out of creating this sort of drama.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s That's what the fight against this so-called "transphobia" is about. That's all that it's about. It has nothing to do with a fight on the part of some truly marginalized group to be left in peace and be allowed to live life on its own terms, at nobody else's expense.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s Something which, one might notice, many in the Twitter community have quite proudly and smugly refused to do for people of Middle Eastern, Indian and African descent in recent years, often without seeing any real pushback from anybody other than the victims and their friends.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s There is no level of compliance with this trollish lunacy that will satisfy the members of this "oppressed" group, which seems to consist primarily of upper class Anglo-Saxons who want to think of themselves as being the real victims in American society.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s The problem with that, of course, is that historically they've been anything but, and that when they started putting on those dresses, hardly anybody cared. So they re-defined the word "bigotry," so that they could qualify as "victims" and be at the top of the new pecking order.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s Much like they would have been at the top of the old pecking order, just with a different rationalization for their privilege, and for their habit of terrorizing those around them who weren't part of their circle.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s In "Nora's" case, we were looking at an Anglo-Saxon-surnamed biological female who is known to be dating a biological male, but still wants to be thought of as being "queer" and a victim of homophobia or some binary analog of the same.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s She / he / it / xe / whatever wanted to be a victim and was going to be, gosh darn it, and nobody was going to get in that attack helicopter's way. Years of drama dropped on unsuspecting innocent bystanders have followed, since.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s In the end, a reasonable, decent person can't help be disgusted by a movement that pretends to be a liberation movement, but really is nothing more than an excuse for trolling, defamation and harassment.
@archiveis@waybackmachine Let us speak plainly, because we will both save a lot of time by doing so. I am aware of the fact that you provide this service for free. If you have found some way to monetize it, I have no idea as to what it would be, so I suppose that you don't really owe us anything.
That's not a sincerely asked question. That's straw manning.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s I think we all know what a "rhetorical question" is. I've expressed myself quite clearly and in detail. What you just did was lie about what I said, and then try to disguise your shady behavior by putting your statement in the form of a rhetorical question.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s This won't fool anybody whose IQ is in excess of room temperature, but there are always plenty of i d i o t s listening in. It is to these people that bad faith responses such as yours are directed. They are designed to rouse the rabble.
@ThirtyOneMKs@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Logic does not lend itself to expression through isolated soundbites, but Twitter is built around the concept of forcing users to limits themselves to those soundbites. Thus the tweetstorm.
Tweets are strung together to get around Jack's limit.
@ThirtyOneMKs@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s But this becomes a problem when dealing with users who, like MK White, are all mouth and no brain. As one takes the time to set up a carefully reasoned argument, they'll be breaking in, demanding an answer to their brain dead spew now now NOW.
@teacake90s "Putin saw it and weaponised the madness."
Good for him. Regardless of what else he has done in life, and I'm sure a lot of it would give me nightmares, he and his administration are not wrong about the "woke dictatorship" in the West, as I believe one of his people put it.
@teacake90s If Putin is able to "weaponize" the truth and get the West held up to scorn in the process, then the West deserves that scorn and should welcome it, for the same reason that the Russians in the Soviet era had cause to welcome the scorn they got.
@teacake90s Because as good as getting praise can feel in the short run, praise isn't always good for us. Without those moments in which we don't feel so good about ourselves, how do we overcome our vices?
@WilliamHBart Bill is telling something less than the whole truth.
The Onion did a humor piece. Bill threatened them with hellfire over it, over an alleged violation of the Ten Commandments. I pointed out that Bill was lying about what those commandments had to say.
@WilliamHBart I also had something to say about the morality of sticking one's words into God's mouth. It all starts here.
who posts on Twitter as @NoraReed. This is the person who you've chosen to have represent your university on the Internet.
@UNM@UNM_Global@NoraReed This person, your representative, went on the attack because I referred to her / him / it / (whatever Nora wants to be called) as "Ms. Reed."
Let us note that Nora, who is a biological female, still chooses to go by the name "Nora" (a woman's name).
@UNM@UNM_Global@NoraReed Most people, on seeing the name "Nora," would think that they were dealing with a woman, with a "she," which biologically was the case. But Nora came absolutely unglued over nothing more than the fact that I made that simple, natural assumption.