That's not a sincerely asked question. That's straw manning.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s I think we all know what a "rhetorical question" is. I've expressed myself quite clearly and in detail. What you just did was lie about what I said, and then try to disguise your shady behavior by putting your statement in the form of a rhetorical question.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s This won't fool anybody whose IQ is in excess of room temperature, but there are always plenty of i d i o t s listening in. It is to these people that bad faith responses such as yours are directed. They are designed to rouse the rabble.
At no point have I ever said or suggest that trans people are not entitled to these.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s But the Trans rights movement has demanded far more than those, and you know it. Let us not pretend otherwise. The demand by a biological male to be thought of as a woman has nothing to do with those basic recognized human rights.
More than a few of them would have to be. The numbers on this site allow for no other conclusion.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s If most of the people on this site supported the Nazis (and most of them did) and most of the people on the site supported the trans movement (as most do), then one can't logically avoid the conclusion that there are people doing both.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s One can't have two mutually exclusive majorities. It's an arithmetical impossibility. So the question is how much overlap is there between the majorities.
Not whether there is overlap. Denying that would be like denying that one and one make two.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s To see how much overlap there is on a site on which so many people have alts and use pen names might seem difficult, but really it isn't, because of one basic truth of human nature: past a certain age, radical changes in personality are fairly rare.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Therefore, if we see two majorities that, when in discussion, seem to have the market cornered on trolling, then for the most part, they'll be the same people.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s There might be a few people who are in one majority but not another, but for the most part, we'll be looking at the same people, even if they try to hide that reality through the use of alts.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Am I going to say that ALL supporters of these so-called "trans rights" are anti-Semites? No, I'd never be so cooperative, because I'm familiar with trollish gameplaying. You'll find a Jewish trans person, reveal him to the world, and declare victory.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s The question of how typical such a person would be could be quickly sidestepped as you did some variation on yelling "bwahahaha!" and declaring the discussion over, before that gotcha-style argument could be examined and seen to be as shaky as it was.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s In at least a few cases, Nazi war criminals were known to have Jewish ancestors. Hardly anybody would go so far as to argue, based on these outlier cases, that the Nazis weren't anti-Semitic.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s A generalization does not have to be unfailingly true to be useful, or to come close enough to being a general truth that to quibble about it is to dive headfirst into pedantry.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Eg. a pond in an oasis is wet, but somebody who, on this basis, denies that deserts are dry is merely being a pain in the a -- and should be blocked.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s In the case of the Jewish trans person who I'm sure you were just dying to bring out, one could well ask just how observant this person is, given the points of Jewish law being broken, and the emphasis in Judaism on orthodoxy instead of orthopraxy.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Time to make people feel a little more uncomfortable by reminding them of things they'd like to have everybody forget, because they don't make for a good look.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s A question that sometimes gets asked is why, if the Jewish community was being given so much grief a few years ago (as if we weren't all around to witness that), then why it didn't ask for help. Was it too proud?
How quickly some of us pretend to forget.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s No, the Jewish community on Twitter was not too proud to ask for help. Rather trustingly, it went to those on the Left, taking its nice words about love and brotherhood at face value. Do you remember how the Left responded?
Or should I say, are you willing to remember this?
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s A typical experience was that had by my best friend who, having just dealt with an attempted doxxing and a threat that he was going to be burned to death, was told by a prominent Antifa member named "Dan" that he was "part of the problem" when he asked for support.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s All he asked for was that some people on the "kind and caring Left" (of which Dan was supposedly a part) speak out against the calls for Hate and mass murder, but Dan declared that this was evil, because that would take attention away from the real issues.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s A few months later, there was a shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue carried out by a former user of Twitter. I guess that Dan decided that publicly dismissing neo-Naziism as an issue was a bad look for Antifa, because he deleted those tweets.
So yes, the Left does tend to be a bit anti-Semitic. Is this really news to anybody on this site?
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s When the Jewish community got support, what Support it got came from the conservatives, libertarians, centrists and moderate leftists on this site - the people Antifa would like to pour milkshakes on, for the most part.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s One might think that the Nazis and the Alt-Right would fall into that category, but lurk for a while and one will realize something, after a while: most of the "Nazis" are nothing more than the sock puppets of Antifa members.
They were trolling.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s A few crazies (like the p s y c h o in Pittsburgh) were inspired to carry out mayhem in the real world, but for the most part, the neo-Nazis and the Left were one and the same.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s So, once sock puppets are equated with their owners, as they should be, one find that anti-Semitism is overwhelmingly a Far Left thing, having been rejected by most of the rest of us, for an excellent reason: it's morally repugnant.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s If we take a look at where the Trans movement finds almost all of its support, again, this will be on the Far Left. Which, again, pretends to not hate Jews, but keeps supporting barely veiled calls for the destruction of Israel.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Given that that the bulk of the world's Jewish community is now found in Israel and the United States, with slightly more in Israel, to say "I don't hate Jews, I just want to see Israel gone" is to beg for incredulity from the listener.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Having stripped away the illusions, then, one should be left with little surprise at the thought that the anti-Semites and the pro-Trans movement crowd would be largely the same people. They're both the Far Left, give or take a relatively few people.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s As for why that would be, the last few years should answer that question. The Far Left consists, primarily, of a group of not terribly bright, hard working or well educated people who, for all of their lack of depth, want to change the world.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s This is why the Left proved to be as authoritarian as all reasonable people were able to see it had become, during the last two years. If people are free to make their own choices, then changing the world is like herding cats - an exercise in futility.
Just by existing and being themselves, the Jewish people (to their credit) become a thorn in the side to those who would remake the world.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s The Left openly scorns "elitism," while the Jewish people have long distinguished themselves (as a group, though of course not always as individuals) in Academia and in the professions.
@bbguyla@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s That being the case, wherever one finds anti-intellectualism in any form (and the Far Left is laced with it), anti-Semitism will almost certainly be found. It might be under the surface, but it will be there.
@archiveis@waybackmachine Let us speak plainly, because we will both save a lot of time by doing so. I am aware of the fact that you provide this service for free. If you have found some way to monetize it, I have no idea as to what it would be, so I suppose that you don't really owe us anything.
@ThirtyOneMKs@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s Logic does not lend itself to expression through isolated soundbites, but Twitter is built around the concept of forcing users to limits themselves to those soundbites. Thus the tweetstorm.
Tweets are strung together to get around Jack's limit.
@ThirtyOneMKs@CandidToAFault@Ponderosa1415@teacake90s But this becomes a problem when dealing with users who, like MK White, are all mouth and no brain. As one takes the time to set up a carefully reasoned argument, they'll be breaking in, demanding an answer to their brain dead spew now now NOW.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s You're seriously comparing the decision to not share porn with children with that of trying to get people fired from their jobs, defamed and turned into social outcasts for engaging in political dissent?
Denying that wearing a dress and wanting to be a girl will make a boy into a girl is now considered to be enough to make one a member of the far right, if not a Nazi.
@jimineedles@DgardsGaming@teacake90s This position is taken on the very same site on which Jewish, Muslim and non-Caucasian users were routinely dogpiled, slurred and issued death threats by literal neo-Nazis a mere three years ago, with no meaningful support given to them by the community or the company.
@teacake90s "Putin saw it and weaponised the madness."
Good for him. Regardless of what else he has done in life, and I'm sure a lot of it would give me nightmares, he and his administration are not wrong about the "woke dictatorship" in the West, as I believe one of his people put it.
@teacake90s If Putin is able to "weaponize" the truth and get the West held up to scorn in the process, then the West deserves that scorn and should welcome it, for the same reason that the Russians in the Soviet era had cause to welcome the scorn they got.
@teacake90s Because as good as getting praise can feel in the short run, praise isn't always good for us. Without those moments in which we don't feel so good about ourselves, how do we overcome our vices?
@WilliamHBart Bill is telling something less than the whole truth.
The Onion did a humor piece. Bill threatened them with hellfire over it, over an alleged violation of the Ten Commandments. I pointed out that Bill was lying about what those commandments had to say.
@WilliamHBart I also had something to say about the morality of sticking one's words into God's mouth. It all starts here.
who posts on Twitter as @NoraReed. This is the person who you've chosen to have represent your university on the Internet.
@UNM@UNM_Global@NoraReed This person, your representative, went on the attack because I referred to her / him / it / (whatever Nora wants to be called) as "Ms. Reed."
Let us note that Nora, who is a biological female, still chooses to go by the name "Nora" (a woman's name).
@UNM@UNM_Global@NoraReed Most people, on seeing the name "Nora," would think that they were dealing with a woman, with a "she," which biologically was the case. But Nora came absolutely unglued over nothing more than the fact that I made that simple, natural assumption.