By all means I’m a Black Texas Democrat so I could literally write the book on national D neglect of not only Texas Democrats but Democrats in EVERY “former” Confederacy, current Jim Crow, “red”/purple state. We don’t take our ball and go home, we don’t boo louder than we #VOTE.
No, this is the thing. If a Black woman descendant of Jim Crow survivors who’s well steeped in the community organizing tricks of the trade that have been passed down since slavery to the most reliable Democratic voting bloc in American history isn’t apathetic, why are y’all?
Not only that, but you don’t even have to be Black in the South to understand the 🆘 and call to action b/c @BetoORourke is out here from dusk to dawn trying to save this godforsaken state from the GOP with almost no help from the White voting majority, alt left or the DNC. 🦾🌊
Ask any diehard Beto supporter (like myself) & they’ll tell you the same. The man got NO love from the allegedly progressive left in the ‘20 primary b/c they were STILL too busy calling us “low info” Confederacy voters. We were/are told that “red” state resistance was/is futile.
Matter of fact we’re STILL told that we don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell & no matter how many times I’ve/we’ve told Y’ALL that your pessimism & apathy are the number 1 & 2 reasons White TX voters (specifically) abide GOP inevitability in this state, Y’ALL KEEP DOING IT.
And guess what else? When you keep catalyzing self-fulfilling prophecies of chronic GOP fucktatorships that last for 26 YEARS & counting, you bake in GOP inevitability to the extent that the DNC diverts resources to greener pastures *elsewhere*. Then the VRA gets dismantled… 😒
But then y’all still have the nerve & unmitigated fucking GALL to spew your bullshit pie in the sky idealism with no real coalition, votes, legislation or progress to back it up when you literally owe the slim Senate D majority & TWO STELLAR SENATORS from GA to BLACK WOMEN. Bye.
So what y’all are basically saying is the reason you won’t reliably join hands in solidarity with Black voters to pragmatically elect Democrats & safeguard our democracy & civil/human rights from the Klan/GOP every single election is b/c y’all think WE have Stockholm Syndrome? 🙃
The issue above all else is y’all continue to conflate the perils of vulture capitalism with the perils of racism/sexism and White supremacy as a social construct that subjugates people based on their cultural identity *regardless* of their income level/tax bracket. You PERSIST.
Ponder the reality that when GOP constituencies splinter into factions, whether it be QAnon, the teabaggers or the Freedom Caucus, ultimately they ALL STILL VOTE GOP ON ELECTION DAY, yet the *mostly White*, privileged far left pretends it wants to join the DEM tent then DOESN’T.
Also take note that even though plenty of traditional R voters have been too ashamed to call themselves Rs since GWB, they STILL RELIABLY VOTE GOP. They don’t do dumb ass 3rd party shit that risks their stranglehold on White POWER. The alt left *aids/abets* them by rejecting Ds.
IOW folk are BIG MAD b/c they (and Russia/Trump/the GOP & alt left Berner brigade) want us to do dumb ass shit with our votes (like they do) but we REFUSE b/c fascism ain’t fun & games for US. Go build your Aryan utopia in Moscow, we’ll save the democracy WE BUILT without Y’ALL.
If there’s anything this never-ending conversation illustrates in living color, it’s that *some folk* vote like they’re at Baskin Robbins or Burger King while marginalized folk vote like we’re in the government cheese line; there aren’t 32 flavors and we don’t always get OUR way.
I love how folk (mostly White) on the left want whole ass gigantic mountains, the heavens & the 🌍 to be moved to expedite the prosecution of Trump’s cabal but when we asked y’all to police your White peeps away from voting for him in the 1st place, y’all couldn’t be bothered. 😒
We’ve literally been warning y’all that this shit was a Klan kleptocracy disaster just waiting to happen for not just years or decades, but CENTURIES. Y’all’s sense of urgency & justice is still hampered by your myopic privilege so you fail to realize that we’re already TOO LATE.
Millions are dead from COVID worldwide and thousands are dying every damn day in this Russia/Ukraine war (that was explicitly promised & ordained as a consequence of Trump in the WH), so y’all still need to disabuse yourselves of the notion that damage control is a glamorous job.
The GOP better damn well hope & pray Clarence Thomas is “just” hiding from his dumpster fire of a wife’s text message treason because the way the actuarial tables and his karma are set up… 🥴
Since we’re on the subject of Republican hypocrisy/misogyny/racism/homophobia/transphobia (and other assorted SCOTUS confirmation bullshit), here’s a throwback to the Keg Stand Kavanaugh tantrums they tolerated without uttering a single objection. 🧾 #KlanBehavior#WeBeenKnew
Black women supporting Kamala Harris’ presidential bid/VP nod, as well as Joe Biden’s early declaration of his commitment to nominating a Black woman to the SCOTUS & a woman as @VP, as well as Jim Clyburn’s 2nd guessed endorsement of Biden above ALL else, tried to tell Y’ALL.
It might be unpopular but it’s also true that the EXACT same nuance is required to understand why the Black American voting majority enthusiastically supported both the “crime bill” in 1994 AND Bill & Hillary Clinton from the 90s until now.
Feels like I’ve mentioned this blindspot umpteen times before, but here it goes again for the nosebleed seats. People need to understand that “defund the police” rhetoric on the far left inevitably catalyzes White fearmongering about Black “lawlessness” on the far right. 🙃
In other words, the folk whose main goal is perpetuating fuckery of the Democratic party’s agenda and its marginalized base want nothing more than to paint BIPOC communities as resistant to law & order while simultaneously aiding & abetting White supremacist domestic terrorism.
The thing that’s always struck me about this (not only as a Black woman but also as a psychiatrist IRL who’s literally tasked with helping people cope with stress, illness and the ups & downs of life) is the Black woman savior complex of it all. It’s subconscious but ubiquitous.
As with many things in America, I also think it’s yet another sociological phenomenon brought to us by slavery. A lot of White family systems fell apart (continue to) without the presence of a Mammy or some form of matriarchal Black help in the home.