1/22 The geopolitical landscape is changing at a fast pace. Along with this transformation, the global monetary framework is adapting. I've been steadfast in support of the stated @Ripple mission & the $XRP digital asset since 2017. Though my support remains there 🧵⬇️
2/22 are concerns that need to be expressed as I feel the window for the success of this mission is closing quickly or may have already closed. Allow me to explain. Brezinski's Grand Chessboard strategy for American dominance was built around a policy of keeping the major ⬇️
3/22 geopolitical players in Eurasia from developing closer multilateral relations which would, in turn, weaken America's influence over the mega continent. Such Eurasian alliances could push America out of Eurasia altogether. If Ukraine falls to Russia so will other Western ⬇️
4/22 European nations, abruptly ending the EU experiment. If Taiwan is reunited with mainland China it makes a Korean reunification inevitable and puts Japan in a precarious position from an economic and geopolitical standpoint. Either of these would dramatically weaken ⬇️
5/22 American dominance over the "The Island of the World". All of the American wars and strategies focused on Eurasia since the end of the Soviet Union followed this roadmap. Before his death in 2017, Zbigniew Brezinski published an article titled Towards a Global Realignment ⬇️
6/22 which countered his assessment from 1997 and suggested that with the rise of China, the re-emergence of Russia as a major power, and the growing alliance between them, it was impractical for America to further attempt to dominate the Eurasian landmass. It was now time for ⬇️
7/22 America to build a multilateral geostrategic relationship with the major players in Eurasia and relinquish its hegemonic desires. Brezinski stated this was the only way for America to maintain a level of economic access to the world's largest continent and its vast ⬇️
8/22 resources and GDP. An America cutoff from Eurasia would be a weak America. It was in this multilateral realignment where @Ripple and $XRP had the best chance to flourish and be adopted on a large global scale. As an American company and technology, Ripple & the $XRP Ledger⬇️
9/22 provided a unique opportunity to truly level the playing field in a multilateral world. Unfortunately, after the 2020 election America doubled down on its attempts to dominate Eurasia (a continuation of the historical foreign policy) and near the end of the year, the @SEC,⬇️
10/22 always a steward of American elitist objectives filed a lawsuit against @Ripple. It is clear there are American establishment interests that do not want a multilateral world and do not want a Ripple providing a service to that multilateral world. As such, Eurasia, lead by⬇️
11/22 China, Russia, & India are increasing the pace of de-dollarization and the development of an alternative to American-led monetary institutions. The BRICS Bank is working on a crypto-based settlement service with little truly known on scope and timeline to implementation.⬇️
12/22 Whether Ukraine remains whole or is partitioned between East & West, this de-dollarization will continue and America's unipolar dominance within the global pedigree will wane. America will remain a major power but there can be no true multilateral framework that does not ⬇️
13/22 include America beside China and Russia and other Eurasian powers. Based on these conclusions, it is unlikely that the @Ripple products and the $XRP Ledger will be widely adopted in their intended purpose on a large global scale. The developing Eurasian Union will be ⬇️
14/22 hesitant and reluctant to use an American technology with an unknown wildcard around the escrow, and the unipolar American interests have made it very clear that Ripple and XRP are not a part of their hegemonic plans. This leaves Ripple and XRP in a strategic vacuum. ⬇️
15/22 The outcome over Ukraine will determine a lot about which direction the major world players will take towards a multilateral framework but it looks like America is pushing on all fronts to maintain the outdated Grand Chessboard strategy which Brezinski knew was no longer ⬇️
16/22 viable. Russia and China are responding as expected. It is the Great War for Eurasia as I wrote about here. highermanas.com/post/the-great… ⬇️
17/22 You can also read more of my in-depth musings on the potential of $XRP here with some heavy Bretton Woods intrigue: highermanas.com/post/the-geopo… ⬇️
19/22 The world is moving fast right now and $XRP will find its place one way or another. The technology is too good. Though there are new blockchains that offer broader possibilities, such as @FlareNetworks and #SongbirdNetwork. But the $XRP Ledger is also evolving. Let's hope⬇️
20/22 politics doesn't kill it first. American hegemonic unilateralism is coming to an end. This cannot be stopped. It's all going to depend on how much damage is done along the way. The Eurasian nations had hedged these outcomes by looking at the $XRP and @Ripple tech ⬇️
21/22 but this does not guarantee mass adoption. The trust between Eastern nations and Western nations is eroding fast. The ruling power base in America is stifling Ripple and XRP. No doubt many things will change in the coming weeks and months but nothing is guaranteed. In my ⬇️
22/22 48 years and across my career, I have learned that incompetence is epidemic. No matter how high the throne or how lofty the enterprise, incompetence can be found. We should not blindly accept that all is planned. It is not. End 🧵
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1/5 For shared awareness - Over the last 24 hours I’ve been on the Stability Pool tool within the #FlareLoans product. I staked $CAND in the pool to earn $SFIN rewards and $SGB liquidation rewards. The $SFIN rewards are quite good but you have to claim them quickly, as over
2/5 the 24 hours my pool completely dumped its $CAND six times. During that dump the $CAND is replaced with $SGB for withdrawal. But each time my pool positioned dumped its $CAND the offset liquidation reward in $SGB was always worth just a little less. If $SFIN wasn’t withdrawn
3/5 before the pool dumped they would just vanish. Not sure if this is how the platform is meant to work or if it’s something that is still being tweaked. So I would withdraw the $SGB and exchange it back into $CAND and deposit it again back into the stability pool. At times my
There's always a lot of talk about an economic and financial crash. While there are a few who think everything will keep going up, I think we are going to see a mix of both. Allow me to explain. It appears #Crypto is heading towards a market cycle top with a full fib extension.
This is likely to happen sometime between now & spring. There is also a lot of analysis that supports full fib extensions and market cycle tops for the #NASDAQ and the #DowJones at the same time. This is based on a fib cycle start for the NASDAQ in March of 2000 with the #Dotcom
bubble burst and for the #DowJones in Oct of 2007 with the financial crisis. I agree with the cycle start for the #NASDAQ but see the fib cycle start for the DowJones beginning a month before the #Dotcom bubble burst in Feb of 2000 and extending to the #COVID19 crash in March of
We do not live in a world of facts. We live in a world of narratives. Narratives are designed to engage us on an emotional level. These narratives are also almost always built around two opposing dialectics. The world is both directly & indirectly/intentionally & unintentionally
managed through opposing narratives of varying contexts, be they political, religious, cultural, socioeconomic, anthropological, scientific, etc. The human mind opposes itself & as such externalizes endless emotional narrative dialectics. It's woven into our very existence. So
the next time you find yourself emotionally engaged against an opposing concept or idea, ultimately being a narrative, calm your mind, step back, and see through the illusion of the mind. Breath and see that you can simply observe without being emotionally engaged. Truth is not a
There's a lot of speculation around me stepping back from supporting @CasinoCoin. Everyone needs to keep in mind that I did not work for CasinoCoin and there could be a lot of different reasons for stepping back. Whether there was something bad or not, I would not say so because
it's not my place to communicate such things and I'm not interested in crypto drama. The truth is I'm extremely busy with my regular career and if my own priorities and timelines don't align with a project's priorities and timelines, then I will step back. @QuadJacksCSC was kind
enough to ask me to write blogs for the project. Jack and I shared a marketing vision so it made sense. @daniel_wwf supported this and I declined to be paid for any of it. With Jack moving on it was best for me to take the opportunity to step back. For me, crypto is first and
1/8 Someone needs to hear this right now. Especially if you’re new to crypto. No one knows what this market will do. Least of all anonymous online personalities. Crypto is a new asset class and is going through dramatic birth pains. There will be more. But understand that there
2/8 are varying levels of crypto. Some are designed for institutional use, while others are for pure speculation and fun. All want to be taken serious. Not all will be. And there is everything in between. We are moving through the total speculation phase of the market and into a
3/8 utility based consumer and institutional based market. This will change the market. Dramatically. The Wild West days of crypto will come to an end. So position yourself wisely for the future. But have some fun along the way. After all, it is crypto. But temper the get rich
1/9 Why did the German mark in the Weimar Republic hyper-inflate? Why hasn’t the USD hyper-inflated? The obvious reason is the USD is used globally. The mark wasn’t. But it’s not that simple and those seemingly opposing facts tell us something very important about the developing
2/9 relationship between fiat currency and cryptocurrency. A money supply can grow and it will have an organic supply and demand influence on the value of that currency. But value compared to what? Herein lays the answer. The German mark didn’t hyper-inflate because so much was
3/9 printed. Though that seems like the logical outcome. It hyper-inflated because the exchange peg arrangements with foreign currency were adjusted to accommodate that printing. This change meant it costed more for Germany to import goods and their exports collected less.