"Advice that was sought prior to a review being undertaken—how that could conceivably impinge upon people's privacy just seems like an odd argument to make, doesn't it?"
I know about this, as it was my FOI being discussed.
First a recap.
Morrison was asked a Q about backgrounding by his media team in #QT last year (25 March 2021).
His response was to get his Chief of Staff, John Kunkel, to do a review...taking account of Dept of Finance advice.
Kunkel, made great play of Finance's advice (see extract) in his "report" - a 4 page letter to Morrison.
Kunkel's review concluded that he was "not in a position not to make a finding that the alleged activity took place". That alleged activity being backgrounding by the PMO media team.
Given the reliance of Finance's advice as setting the ground rules for the review I decided to FOI that advice.
Finance knocked back my request.
But they did reveal what contact they had with the PMO.
Finance's letter of refusal knocking back my was 7 pages long.
Finance's written advice to the PMO was a single email.
Plus 3 phone conversations - they may have been short chats...or lengthy...who knows.....certainly the when and nature of discussions are being kept secret and away from the prying eyes of an FOI request .
Finance's grounds for refusal are couched in terms of it being a "deliberative process" Section 47C.
It would also impact "certain operations of the agency Section 47E.
The following extracts provides Finance's reasoning.
It also would infer that advice was being provided by Finance to PMO, not just on the terms of the review, but to PMO staff themselves (Personal Privacy Section 47F).
I can accept if that advice is around specific individuals the relevant parts should be redacted.
Of course, Finance attributed minimal weight to any public interest considerations in favour of disclosure of some or all of the documents.
Naturally, I sought an internal review.
Naturally, it came back as another refusal.
Naturally, it was almost word-for-word the same as the first knock back letter I received from Finance.....oh it was a page longer, as they had to include my grounds for a review in this letter.
In summary. According to the players involved.
Kunkel ran a ridgy-didge inquiry.
Finance provided ridgy-didge advice to the PMO (an email and 3 phone calls).
Yet, the subject of backgrounding, Mr Sharaz, wasn't even interviewed by Kunkel.
Finance's advice remains hush hush
"My chief of staff found in the negative" - Scott Morrison
A US Foreign Agents Registration Act filing shows our Morrison engaged the services of fmr US Navy Sec, Don Winter, to lay the groundwork for the 18 month #AUKUS study.
Winter seems to have been engaged by Morrison via Burdeshaw Assocs.
A thread that deals with the FOI process and Scott Morrison’s sacking from Tourism Australia [TA].
Warning: long thread, contains (attempted) humour & music & some new information as well!
You have to be pretty shitty at your job to get sacked as the head of an Aust fed govt agency.
It’s a very small and select field.
So come on down Scott Morrison, the only person who managed it and went on to become PM.
Yet his time at TA (late 2004 to July 2006) is shrouded in mystery.
The public record shows Morrison was sacked by the TA board in July 2006 - his appointment as MD formally terminated on 31 July, but announced a few days later.
Twiggy's Minderoo Fdn during the pandemic bought $29m of PPE equipment + $170m of testing equipment, all via a new subsidiary - First Sourcing and Logistics Pty Ltd.
Rev from sale of testing equipment ($170m) + only $5m from PPE equipment.
The Govt paid $189m (assume GST accounts for the difference).
Oh - First Sourcing and Logistics Pty Ltd was only registered as a company with ASIC on 3 April 2020....only a couple of days after Twiggy had arranged the first plane-load of supplies from China.
Hey Senator Bragg, I've noticed you've recently got a few gifts/donations from Churchill Advisory Pty Ltd - a registered lobbyist at Fed govt/NSW govt levels.
What's the go?
I couldn't help but notice that Churchill Advsiory has a number of financial and technology clients.
I couldn't help but notice that Senator Bragg chairs the Senate Select C'tee on Fin Tech and Regulatory Tech.
I couldn't help but notice that Raiz Invest Ltd is a client of Churchill Advisory.
I couldn't help but notice that Raiz Invest was one of the first companies invited to appear before the Ctee that Sen Bragg chairs.
Dr Gogna seems adapt at developing relevant Covid19 protocols, according Bahamas Petroleum, it's the reason he was brought onboard. This comment from Simon Cotter the CEO of Bahamas Petroleum.
Before becoming chief Home Affairs/ABF medico Dr Gogna was from 2014 medical superintendent at Capricorn Coast Hospital, Yeppoon.