🧵 on Gloria #LadsonBillings, the primary source for bringing #CRT into the field of education. You know, #CriticalRaceTheory that so many super honest & super smart people have repeatedly liked to claim doesn’t even exist outside of Law Schools. 1/19
GLB injected her “critical(Marxist)” socio-historical racial lens of #CRT into the education system in 1995, with her paper written alongside William Tate, & titled “Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education” & followed that up in 1998 with…2/
“Just What is Critical Race Theory, and What’s It Doing in a Nice Field Like Education?”Two works that “extend the intellectual contributions of legal scholars; Derrick Bell, Cheryl Harris, Lani Guinier, Kimberle Crenshaw, Patricia Williams, Linda Greene, Mari Matsuda…3/
Charles Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and; sociological scholars Carter G. Woodson and W. E. B. Du Bois.”, who are some of the most prominent #CRT “scholars”. “Derrick Bell was deeply influential to Ladson-Billings.” 4/
Drawing on the work of Kimberle Creshaw(Intersectionality) and Cheryl Harris(Whiteness as property). In a challenge to “White supremacy”GLB makes the assertion “that to understand school inequities, one must begin with a premise on race, property, and their intersections” 5/
Tenet #3 proposed in GLB’s “Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education”, says “the intersection of race and property creates an analytic tool through which we can understand social (and, consequently, school) inequity.” 6/
this tool is used in “challenging claims of neutrality, objectivity, colorblindness, and meritocracy” This #CRT lens sees “the inherent function of education and schooling in the U.S.; that the education system was created to perpetuate and maintain white racial domination.”7/
“CRT in education implores educators to question race first and then create ‘radically new paradigms that ensure Justice’”& thinks the school curriculum of the education system in the US is “a culturally specific artifact designed to maintain a White supremacist master script”8/
Borrowing from David Bell who felt,“desegregation has most been successful in advantaging Whites”(This is a contributor to why we see a comeback of racial segregation, often times in the form of “affinity groups”) GLB thinks “CRT becomes an important intellectual… 9/
…and social tool for deconstruction, reconstruction, and construction: deconstruction of oppressive structures and discourses, reconstruction of human agency, and construction of equitable and socially just relations of power” & society owes both an “economic & moral debt”10/
So what is the goal of #CRT in education? Is it to help quell any existing racial animosity that might still exist and dampen those problems? Nope, it’s to use race and other identities to create more strife & societal division, as #CRT is actually a Marxist political project 11/
A“critical call to action”“to empower students intellectually, socially, emotionally,and politically using cultural referents to impart knowledge, skills,and attitudes”for the main goal of “incorporating socio-political consciousness”commonly called a #CriticalConsciousness 12/
Tenet #3 of #CulturallyRelevantPedagogy is “incorporating socio-political(Critical) consciousness in the school curricula in order to challenge the social order” & “disrupt the ways whiteness erases and problematizes people of color.” 14/
The evolution of CRP which focused on primarily race, to CSP which follows the lead of Kimberle Crenshaw, taking CRT’s #RaceMarxism & evolving it into the #IndentityMarxism concept of #Intersectionality 15/
“Culturally relevant pedagogy has also influenced scholarship in teacher education to challenge neoliberal education policies, individualism, competition, and mainstream pedagogy. The workings of culturally relevant pedagogy have evolved to advance theories such…16/
… as culturally sustaining pedagogy, which adopted the tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy but also examined identities that are not limited to race and ethnicity.” “Ladson-Billings published several well-acclaimed books that are widely used in the teacher education field”17/
Books & “scholarlship” that execute “the tenets of critical race theory”. In other words, #CulturallyResponsivePedagogy & #CultuallySustainingPedagogy are two of many areas where #CRT is put into “praxis(practice)”. It’s isn’t generally studied in K-12, but it’s widely used. 18/
Some resources on “Kill Haole Day”, but of course this all must be made up, as #CRT teaches us that one can’t be racist against “Haoles” en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_Haol…
A thread on wide access to knowledge & how that hurts the “expert”, “elite”, “stakeholder” class etc & a very brief look at two socialist utopians, Bellamy & Marx,& their impacts. The internet is powerful, too powerful,that’s why attempts to censor & regulate the internet 1/21
are so frequent. Knowledge in general is the same way, in the ideal society of the “experts”, they seek to once again control who is allowed access to knowledge. A return of The Philosopher King as Plato would have called it. Today this line of thinking is seen most within…2/
collectivist & technocratic Utopian types, your world builders & shapers. Currently, one popular & probably the most influential representation of this, is the World Economic Forum, but they are far from alone…3/
A glimpse into the psychosis of Critical Whiteness Studies. A 🧵 on Zeus Leonardo’s, Pale/Ontology. Some highlights,“Kill The White, Save The Human”-“key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race .. 1/ @ConceptualJames@wokal_distance@TVPUAC@e2hd7a
so long as the white race exists, all movements against racism are doomed to fail” - “whiteness is not only false and oppressive, it is nothing but false and oppressive- Roediger “dismantling of whiteness becomes a racial means to a Marxist end”- Alcoff 2/
“abolishing whiteness sees no redeeming aspects of it and as long as White people think they are White, Baldwin once opined that there is no hope for them.” “It seems that a Marxist intervention has failed to galvanize a genuine class struggle because of racial divisions.” 3/