⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: W/the impending repeal of #RoevWade and the GOP licking their chops at the thought of criminalizing abortion, possibly preventing pregnant women from crossing state lines & w/out exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother, it's time once again...
...to go down memory lane with 50 actual statements/actions by Republican elected officials & high-profile GOP members on opining on the topics of rape & abortion.
Last week @CMSGov issued new reports putting total *direct* #ACA healthcare coverage at "over 35 million." I noted that it was actually over 36 million if you used the most recent data.
In fact, it turns out that it's actually well over *37 million* as of today.
Besides the Medicaid expansion numbers cited in the CMS report being 6 months out of date, they didn't even include two states at all (Idaho and Virginia)!
Adding those, along w/updating over a dozen other states, brings total Medicaid expansion up to at least 22.5M people.
FWIW, I’ve switched from weekly to monthly updates on these graphs because a) they take a ton of time to compile and b) I think I’ve driven the point home about as clearly as possible by now.
⚠️ Meanwhile, the red/blue county vaccination rate gap CONTINUES to inch upwards every week and is now at its steepest slope and highest correlation since the vaccines first become available. acasignups.net/22/04/25/month…
In some states rapists get parental rights, so if a guy wants to have a kid he’ll now be able to pick a woman, rape & impregnate her, she’ll be forced to give birth and he gets to have custody. Alternately, if she aborts his brother can sue her for $10,000 & split it with him.
In fact the ONLY potential downside for the rapist in this horrific scenario is that there’s a SMALL chance they MIGHT be convicted of the rape. But that’s a really, REALLY tiny chance, especially in some jurisdictions.
🚨🚨🚨 OK, we have ONE CHANCE to TRY to mitigate the damage: Make goddamned sure that you and EVERYONE you know votes Dem UP AND DOWN the ballot this fall, and do EVERYTHING in your power to make sure Dems win at EVERY level, federal, state and local. 🧵 1/
1. HOLD THE HOUSE with enough Dems willing to CODIFY abortion rights into law. Here's swing districts in Alabama - Minnesota: secure.actblue.com/donate/housebl…
1. HOLD THE HOUSE with enough Dems willing to CODIFY abortion rights into law. Here's swing districts in Mississippi - Wyoming: secure.actblue.com/donate/housebl…
President Biden is likely screwed no matter what he does or doesn't do re. student debt at this point.
If he does nothing, he pisses off millions.
If he cancels all of it for everyone, he pisses off millions.
If he cancels some of it for some people, he pisses off millions.
No matter how he slices & dices it (means tested; not means tested; if he pairs it with interest/fee reform or if he doesn't; if he makes it retroactive or doesn't; etc.), he's going to infuriate tens of millions of Americans, and I'm not just talking about Republicans.
I realize this sort of thing kind of comes with the job, it's just a reminder of why I would never want to be President of the United States and I honestly can't understand why anyone else would either. It's a pretty depressing job if you think about it.