The Bear stood in the river with Coffee, I wasn’t fast enough for her because I chose my 3 grand babies & helping the world wake up over her.
She got pissed off at me for that, so I started falling in love with someone who truly cares—Bear moves off to the side …
The Middles
Story was being told through music, Wrestling & movies to the world this whole time …
Everyone judged the MIDDLE, judged A book by its cover.. Even when the MIDDLE was SHOWING all that Bob the Builder has done for him in time, all his family/ROOTS has done for him in time &
Everything else that was built up in the world specifically because MANY knew the middle was going to be born & WAKE THE WORLD UP.
THOSE 13 + who they told secretly, MANY had to play chess with evil, moves & Counter moves working day & night to save 1 life. Those MANY who knew
All along also knew how many would spit on him, judge him, try to be him MISLEADING all those who chose to follow the infiltrators they did ..
Choosing fake over #REAL, Choosing pot stirrers over #REAL, Choosing idols over #REAL & all along #REAL chose his people over those that
Closest to him.
I regret nothing & did all I could for those closest to me, I can not alter timelines by choosing their paths for them that’s best, I refuse to take away FREE WILL to choose for themselves . .
I don’t do it for step sons & I don’t do it for anyone else.
The choices ALL OF YOU in the world make, are made with your own FREE WILL ..
In those moments where you have to choose left or right when the path you’re on splits, The choice is YOURS & YOURS alone.
I Know, but it’s up to YOU to drink when Lead to water in the 🌵 Desert.
Song #3/ Left = doG 🤡
Bird/Bear In A Cage = RIGHT 🃏
When does A Bird Sing?
When in A Birdhouse?
Man Down from throwing A massive Mantrum because I started falling in love with someone else? 1 Marriage would have never worked out, it would have ended badly.
The many within the movement cared more about arguing if someone was woman or man rather than trying to help save as many lives as possible who were SCREAMING out for help !
When DJT said A long time ago, “we’ll save as many as we can”—he was letting someone
1 Man walking down the highway, WAS NOT having A bad day ..
He knew exactly what he needed to do to save the lives very few cared about,
Lives MOST didn’t care if they lived or died.
He Refused to throw the ones that loved him
& did everything they did for him to be free under the bus …
He chose to Never cut them down or let anyone hurt them ..
He chose to put the children first & wake up A world early enough so lives that weren’t going to be saved were saved, EVERYONE within that knew him,
Watching A couple friends host A “Fake Skate” Skatebo[A]rd Event ATM . .
If I don’t respond right away to your comms, I Will eventually get there today, promise. .
I wish more would have chosen to be on the same page YEARS ago instead of kicking the ones down who have been crying out for help. .
It’s going to be A buzzer beater game winning shot, #BANK shot #STATEMENT …
Go on, ‘Feed the [NEED]’ to continue feeding into all the false idols, worthless noises, empty shells, hate, pot stirrers, Government, money & whatever else that prolongs everyone from getting exactly what they want …
Who everyone NEEDS will continue helping those that NEED.
Want to know why Hanks always wore carharTT, in his movies & IRL? …
He knew all along I knew exactly who he was …
All those subliminal messages, the RIDDLES & cries for help, 1 person chose to help while most made everything worse by pacing their judgments.
He was trying
To do good.
He was trying to warn McAfee & others, they saw it but couldn’t help. None of those on the inside could help & no one on the outside chose with their own FREE WILL to RISE above it all, except for 1 …
McAfee just brought up Osiris, how many cards to connect all of
While so many others have been eating, Others have been starving—Having Patients, Waiting patiently for the right moment,THINKing about others who are also starving …
Look how so many act towards this nonsense, getting all worked up for things that aren’t real. Only being done as it is to SHOW everyone who God is & WHAT ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN ABOUT ..
1 Life, saving Private Ryan ..
.@DanScavino, why won’t they wake up?
Why are they so