For the next three months, I plan to post a slide-a-day from the @MSFTResearch#NewFutureofWork report, calling out interesting tidbits and providing links to learn more. Find the complete report at:
An amazing amount of work went into producing the #NewFutureofWork report. I created a list so that you can follow all of the report authors on Twitter:…
#Slide64: Of all the misconceptions about hybrid, the biggest may be: "Where you work is a personal decision." Network effects make it shared. Hybird's also shown us *when* you work isn't personal. Teams must coordinate location AND hours.
#Slide13: Factors like noise, temperature - even air quality - impact productivity and are closely controlled in the office. At home I like being able to keep my workspace a little warmer, but miss being protected from construction noise.
#Slide37: I <3 in-meeting chat - it's my favorite COVID-induced change to meetings. Chat has pros and cons (see:…), but I particularly like being able to contribute to a conversation without fully taking the floor.
#Slide34: Giving an #ICASSP2022 keynote today re: Teams' great AI-based noise suppression! But noise suppression can create the #LeafBlowerProblem, with one side distracted & not the other. Shared context makes for effective conversation.
#Slide89: What would you like to see considered as organizations explore new work models? Note: trying something != scientifically valid experimentation. That's why the #NewFutureofWork initiative's so useful: it provides much needed scientific context.
#Slide30: A tip for staying creative while remote: Try #brainwriting. Write some ideas down on your own, swap them with others, then write more. Video meetings inhibit idea production but are good for selecting which idea to pursue.
#Slide58: Research from the Microsoft Africa Research Institute ( highlights the importance of social relationships for SMBs post-covid. Tech adoption was guided by #SocioTecture, with social engagement at the fore.
#Slide15: Developers can be a fussy bunch, but the practice of gratitude is correlated with an increase in satisfaction and wellbeing. It may be hard right now, but what are you grateful for? The sunshine? Your team? A meeting-free Friday?
#Slide19: Has remote work been good or bad for your wellbeing? Research suggests the answer is mixed. Remote work can improve job satisfaction and positive emotion, but also contribute to guilt, isolation, and concerns about career growth.
#Slide47: A concern re: remote work is its impact on creativity. Hybrid work can help address if we use in-office time for brainstorming, but new technologies may also enable new forms of real-time - but remote - collaborative creativity.
We've published a lot on #microproductivity (see:…). But while I keep meaning to extract the practical tips from our findings, I never seem to get around to it. Time to microtask the process! Pls help me out by sharing your own micro-writing tips. @iqbal_st
#microwriting tip: Make it easy to get started writing or editing by not expecting too much of yourself. Commit to doing just one simple thing. E.g.: Creating a doc and writing down one idea. Responding to just one comment. Often actually opening up the doc is half the battle!
#microwriting tip: Before taking a break, figure out what the first thing you'll do when you return. Set a trigger in your break (e.g., "before I leave Twitter to go browse another site") and revisit that thing when you hit the trigger. Repeat if you want a longer break.