There is little excuse for this ignorance in light of the #CassReview. I can only assume they're complicit.
And when the true horror is revealed, we will hold these people accountable.
More politicians not doing their job. Let's be clear, they're advocating AGAINST taking the time to get this right. They've fallen for word-games. They're refusing to look at the evidence, lest it jolts them from their belief.
They haven't read the #CassReview.
These politicians are advocating AGAINST the possibility of following a path where a possible outcome is bodily acceptance. We know that 87% of people can desist if left alone. To live their lives in the comfort of their whole bodies. Unmedicated.
Either entrenched in their ideological position, or cowed into hostage photos, these politicians have closed their ears and eyes to the evidence.
These politicians are happy for gay young people to undergo real conversion therapy. Fixing their bodies, so they can be straight instead. How do they sleep at night?
Heaven forbid that therapists explore the issues that might be causing vulnerable people to declare that they're 'born wrong'. Maybe unpick the comorbidites. These people would like THAT banned, thanks.
These politicians are keen to ensure that the gender mincing machine continues at full speed. That unhappy, autistic & gay teenagers continue to be thrown in. That healthy bodies part are removed, endocrine systems are disrupted & that the real causes of distress are unexplored.
Who needs sexual function anyway, eh, smiling politicians? Who needs to have the potential to have kids; the capacity for intimacy?
These politicians are happy for vulnerable people to be mined for profit by unscrupulous surgeons and pharmaceutical companies.
They are complicit.
Scene being set... Huge challenges with sexual harassment in schools as per @EstynHMI report and @WelshGovernment's RSE code fails to tackle these.
Stephanie Davies Arai @cwknews speaking first.
Children being exposed to porn and gender identity ideology online and in life.
Link being made between toxic messages girls receiving and deciding to opt-out of becoming women.
Change of language has happened. GIRES presenting gender identity as innate.
Now looking at resources for teens eg. Gender Identity Workbook for Teens, 'Gender Quest' Workbook, all encouraging kids to interpret their lives through gender lens (likes, hobbies etc).
Good grief.
Merched Cymru/LGB Alliance Cymru's webinar has just started. Chair, Sarah Tanburn says this week has proven that 'no debate is over' but we're still being ignored in Wales and GC voices not included @fmwales #CanThePlan #SexNotGender #DimDiolch
Laoise from the Countess Didn't Fight For This talking about the picture from Ireland where #SelfID brought in in 2015 without consultation. Huge campaign of awareness raising of impacts undertaken. #CanThePlan#DimDiolch