@CQualtro Dear@CQualtro If i did my math right..
Since 2013 minimum wage has increased $5.25 hr in Ontario.
Based on 40 hrs week odsp went up .48 CENTS!
$10,920 a year.
Thats why disability rates need to be more than doubled then add on the extra cost of disability &
@CQualtro The present soaring cost of living increases that r especially impacting food, rent , meds etc.THis is why its an emergency. This us why u need to get emergency checks out to disabled now! & then get Can. Disability Benefit implemented fast! #PWD #notdeadyet @HonDavidOnley
@CQualtro@HonDavidOnley Minimum wage ( govt must think its the min 2 syrvive) went from $10.25 (in 2013) to $ 15.50=from $21,320to $32,240
And odsp went from $1086 mth or $13,032 yr to $14025yr or 1169mth
So min wage went up $10, 920 year.
While odsp went from $6.27 hr $13,032 to $6.75 hr or $14,028 a
@CQualtro@HonDavidOnley Difference of only $83 mth or $ 996 a year.
Disabled need at least the equivalent if min. Wage plus disability expenses and present soaring inflation. In 2013 median mthly rent was $885 in 2020 its $1104. Odsp housing allowance is $497 for rent, heat, hydro, insurance, & laundry
@CQualtro@HonDavidOnley So @CQualtro see the problem yet. Your emoyment programs will not work because they are based on an ideal country not the malnourished disabled in Canada. See pic where it says ideal not REALITY. IMPLEMENT THE cdb now, get emergency checks out now!
Dear@CQualtro If i did my math right..
Since 2013 minimum wage has increased $5.25 hr in Ontario.
Based on 40 hrs week odsp went up .48 CENTS!
$10,920 a year.
Thats why disability rates need to be more than doubled then add on the extra cost of disability &
The present soaring cost of living increases that r especially impacting food, rent , meds etc.THis is why its an emergency. This us why u need to get emergency checks out to disabled now! & then get Can. Disability Benefit implemented fast! #PWD #notdeadyet @HonDavidOnley
I just watched this and i have to say to @CQualtro
Are you kidding me?
What the ....
This does not represents what the disabled community has been telling you ! #pwd
Nothing Without Us: Disability Inclusion and the Pandemic Recovery - COSP14 Side Event media.un.org/en/asset/k1q/k…
feel they were offered suicide as a pandemic plan.
Experience high level of poverty.
Died while govt handed out billions in aid 2 the ables
Were subjected to extreme bigotry in hospital triage plans that the fed govt did nothing 2 stop!
How dare you smile and act like Canada is kind to its disabled. And now as prices soar on food and gas you did not include the Canada Disability Benefit in the budget. How dare you!
Start cutting checks now if u want to save the disabled if Canada. CDB now !
90days to recieve Maid, 6 mth wait to get a Psw to help shower, 14 mth wait for 1x pandemic aid, 3 years plus to get Canada Disability Program " researched ". Pwd understand the govts message. And its disgusting. Genocide #pwd @CQualtro @CanadianPM @City_tv @HonDavidOnley
40 plus years 2 not implement disabled Charter rights,12 years & counting 2 wait 4 United Nations CRPD, aprx 3yrs to not get around to Hon. D. Onleys report 2 implement accessibility law created in 2005 to b implemented in 2025.Wait time 4 Maid 90 days. Pwd get the picture #PWD