4/ Finally, in severe cases you can get a meningoencephalitis. This can cause edema/T2 signal in the deep gray structures, cortex, and white matter. There can also be leptomeningeal enhancement. Lumbar puncture with CSF analysis can help in diagnosis.
1/Does trying to figure out cochlear anatomy cause your head to spiral?
Hungry for some help?
Here’s a thread to help you untwist cochlear CT anatomy w/food analogies!
2/On axial temporal bone CT, you cannot see the whole cochlea at once. So let’s start at the bottom.
The first thing you come to is the basal turn of the cochlea (makes sense, basal=bottom). On axial images, it looks like a banana. I remember both Basal and Banana start w/B.
3/As you move up to the next slice, you start to see the upper turns of the cochlea coming in above the basal turn. They look like a stack of pancakes.
Pancakes are the heart of any breakfast, so they are at the heart or middle of the cochlea on imaging.