War of words broke out between the Centre and States regarding the #exciseduty cut on #petrol & #diesel @nsitharaman said the cuts were made in cess not shared by States so loss borne by Centre @ptrmadurai said whichever component you cut from, the State will lose some money
@nsitharaman is right in saying the cut came from cess which is not sharable with States
> Non-sharable parts (last three rows) is increasing
> Sharable part (first row) is decreasing and is just Rs 1.4/ltr. So a reduction of Rs 8 not possible from just sharable part
>So, by increasing the non-sharable components of excise duties, States were already losing out
>The other issue is, if an amount is collected as a cess, it should be used for the ear-marked purposes, which the CAG found in 2020 that the Centre was not doing.
Back to the issue. So, because the Centre deducted Rs 8 from the cess, it wont decrease States' taxe collections? This question is important as Centre is exhorting States to reduce tax rates.
> Fact: If Centre reduces excise duty, States' revenue will drop too
As seen from above table, as Delhi's sales taxe rate of 19.4% is applied on the sum of base price, excise duty and dealer commission, if the excise duty drops, the State's collections will reduce. In this case Delhi's tax collections came down by Rs 0.83 per litre.
Important note: The reduction in Delhi's tax collections could have been more than Rs 5 had the base price of petrol remained the same. As the crude price increased between April 1 and May 23, the base price went up. If not, had it remained same, the impact would have been higher
Similar to Delhi, each State has a % component on their sales tax. So similar to Delhi their sales revenue will also be hit if the Centre's excise duty is reduced.
The fact that the reduction was not from the sharable component of excise duty only minimised the impact a bit.
State of women in Tamil Nadu. A thread based on data from NFHS surveys
"TN has the tag of a ‘progressive State’ because of its achievements in various development indicators. However, NFHS have revealed some deepseated contradictions that necessitate collective soulsearching"
NFHS-5 (2019-20): 80% TN women said their husbands are justified in hitting them for reasons like refusing sex, arguing, refusing to cook etc.
Third highest in India. Generally the share is higher among southern States
NFHS-5 (2019-20): Notably only 50% men (still very high compared to other States) in TN think it is okay to hit their wives. Such drastic difference of opinion in this issue, between men and women, was not found in other States
It compared India's testing data as on March 9 - the lowest in the world. It also said S.Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong's successes and U.S. U.K's failures were linked to the testing rate
We kept checking, India was behind most nations for a month
Now that we know #Nizamuddin is a large cluster.. What next?
A look at How Singapore and South Korea handled such clusters, will help us.
1. Dont panic. No blame game. The Hindu, Muslim fight can wait.
2. Immediate action will be to find those who attended, trace, test, isolate and treat them.
Issue advertisements in all State papers/TV/radio and ask attendees to reach nearest hospital, ask the Tablighi Jamaat preachers for the phone numbers of all those attended. 2/n
Most of those who were present will not show symptoms now. In The singapore Safra Jurong dinner cluster which affected 47 ppl, many did not show symptoms for days after infection.
So, isolate all of them and monitor even if asymptomatic. 3/n