Ce jeudi 2 juin, comme nombre de mes collègues, je ferai grève contre la suppression du corps diplomatique. Réflexe corporatiste? Non. Un fil pour expliquer la réalité de notre métier. #diplo2metier
1/ Les diplomates ne forment pas une caste où règne l’entre-soi. Notre ministère est composé d’hommes et de femmes de tous horizons, aux expériences uniques et aux compétences plurielles.
Dans mon ancienne sous-direction (affaires stratégiques et cyber sécurité), se côtoyaient des collègues parlant arabe, russe, chinois ou turc et venant du secteur privé, de l’armée de terre, du ministère de l'économie ou du monde universitaire.
2/ Le Quai d’Orsay n’est pas une maison enfermée sur elle-même. Notre action est pluridisciplinaire par essence. Tous les services de l’Etat sont représentées dans nos ambassades. À Paris, nous travaillons au quotidien avec toutes les autres banches de l’Etat.
Nos grands succès diplomatiques, à l’image de l’accord de Paris sur le climat, sont le fruit d’une action inter-ministérielle efficace pilotée et orchestrée par nos diplomates.
Les diplomates n’hésitent pas à sortir du ministère pour enrichir leurs compétences mais aussi apporter leur expertise à l’extérieur. Je suis moi-même détaché auprès d'un think tank basé à Washington (CSIS).
3/ Être diplomate ne s’improvise pas. C'est un métier qui se construit au fil des expériences à Paris et à l’étranger. Négocier, gérer une crise, apporter assistance à nos compatriotes, analyser la politique d’un pays sont autant de compétences qui s’acquièrent sur le temps long.
La diplomatie ce sont aussi des contacts que nous tissons, au fil des postes, avec nos homologues étrangers, eux mêmes diplomates professionnels. Ces liens interpersonnels décuplent notre influence et notre capacité à comprendre nos partenaires ou compétiteurs.
4/ La réforme vise donc à répondre à un faux problème, le supposé manque de diversité dans notre ministère, tout en créant de nouveaux: effacement des compétences, nominations potentiellement arbitraires, crise des vocations, affaiblissement de notre influence.
A l'heure où les crises internationales se multiplient et où notre diplomatie est sur tous les fronts, notre ministère doit être réformé (plus grande mobilité interne) et renforcé (effectifs divisés par 2 en 30 ans), non dilué et fragilisé. #diplo2metier lemonde.fr/idees/article/…
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[Thread] There has been a lot of debates, and distorsions, about France’s position on #Ukraine and #Russia lately. While concerns are legitimate given the gravity of the situation, many arguments I’ve heard are off-base. A thread to debunk some misconceptions:
1/ "France is pushing Ukraine to compromise": this controversy started from an interview given by President Zelensky to the Italian press. A quote from the 🇺🇦 leader was misleadingly reported, giving the false impression that President Macron urged him to cede territory.
This is entirely false. The transcript of the itw clearly shows that Pres Zelensky was not explicitly speaking of the 🇫🇷 President. More importantly, Pres Macron has always been cristal clear that it is up to the 🇺🇦 to decide the terms of their negotiations with the 🇷🇺.
1/ Introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, the "mutual assistance clause" of article 42(7) of the Treaty on EU states that if a member state is the victim of “armed aggression on its territory” other states have an “obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power.”
The clause does "not prejudice the specific character of the security and defense policy of certain Member States" (neutral countries), and is "consistent with commitments under NATO, which remains [for its members] the foundation of their collective defense."
[Thread] New 🧵 on the #StrategicCompass. Let’s explore another measure of the Compass: EU-backed coalitions of the willing (under article 44 TEU).
1/ What the #StrategicCompass says: "By 2023, we will decide on practical modalities for implementing Article 44 of the Treaty on EU to allow a group of willing and able Member States to plan and conduct a mission/operation within the EU framework".
So, the basic idea is to better use the flexibility offered by the EU treaties (article 44) to quickly launch 🇪🇺 operations undertaken by a group of willing and able European countries.
"The war goes on. There have been many statements from the Russian authorities. I will only believe in tangible actions. For the moment, they are not there. I note that Kyiv was bombed last night" underlined French foreign minister Le Drian in an interview tonight. A 🧵:
"It is possible that this period of negotiations could actually be used by #Russia to reconstitute its forces."
"What is needed today is the announcement of a cease-fire, a lifting of the siege, the delivery of humanitarian aid and the free movement of people in #Marioupol to avoid a carnage. But this depends above all on a political decision by President Putin."
[Thread] Very informative video reportage on the 🇫🇷 aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle currently deployed in the Med Sea. A 🧵 with some interesting facts: francetvinfo.fr/replay-magazin…
1/ Presence of the 🇷🇺 navy: there would be twice as many 🇷🇺 ships in the Med Sea as usual. The helicopter transporting the journalists even had to circumvent some 🇷🇺 ships. "They're always following us, so it's a bit of a cat-and-mouse game", explains the pilot.
2/ Assessment of the commander of the 🇫🇷 Carrier Strike Group, Contre-amiral Christophe Cluzel: "For me, the main risk today is misunderstanding: attributing hostile intentions to a movement that is considered suspicious when it is not."
[Thread] Now that the #StrategicCompass has been adopted by EU leaders, let’s have a deep dive into some of the concrete actions agreed in this 🇪🇺 document.
Today, the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity.
First, if you’re wondering what the #StrategicCompass is, here is a quick presentation:
So, the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity is easily the measure of the #StrategicCompass which triggered the most comments/questions. It has been wrongly presented either as a new Europe "force"/"army", or as a simple rebranding of the EU battlegroups. reuters.com/world/europe/g…