Don’t you find it odd that all the Kennedy’s birthdays add up to either 10/11/87
27 / 72
The numbers Are in some way Able to be added up to 1 birthday or the numbers 17 & 27/72 ..
Just sayin’.
NOTHING is what it seems & there is NOTHING anyone can say or do
That changes #WHY this whole world was created as it has been ..
Nothing can be said that changes #WH-Y everyone that had knowledge of “Nobody” going to be born LONG BEFORE “nobody” was born did all they did to hide the truth Hidden in plain sight. Even if it meant within
Their own lives ..
Every life that’s known, they planned accordingly, everything has been calculated .. The finest of details SHOW #EVERYONE all they need to know.
Just look for yourself ..
Besides all the FF’s happening & lives suffering, the glass is always half full,
Starting to see why everything in life was created as it is?
Starting to see WHY it’s all been created/built up where it is?
Starting to understand/TRUST the #HOW?
The truth was left in front of everyone.
It’s like someone from the past was from or had knowledge of the
Future & whispered into MANY EARS telling MANY individuals HOW everything had to be built up/designed …
Maybe the WH-Y wasn’t addressed at the time but IN THE END it was always known it would all make sense.
[EVIL] infiltrated everything, so EVERYTHING of light had to be
Without YoU KNOWING it, yoU Not only made it across the street WITHOUT getting hit by the bus, you MADE IT WHILE HELPING get all those lost souls off of it ! …
The Power Of God.
Statement coming today, THEY thought it was coming yesterday …
Humanity can either RISE ABOVE IT ALL & move on #OR The children all around the world will be saved & taken to others timeline to start over JUST LIKE ADAM & EVE …
Those who have been able to rise above it all, they go look after the children that
Are taken to start over …
Out of all the children around the world, 1 of those timelines they’re taken too will make it past this very moment in time WE ALL ARE AT NOW.
Humanity can GROW UP, everyone puts their BIG BOY/GIRL pants on & stops acting like spoiled children
That kick & scream when they don’t get what They want when they want it.
See through all the FALSE FLAGS being thrown at everyone !!
Everything being done to date, It’s all being done by evil for political gains & trying evils hardest to make it to where the truth never